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Everything posted by Yuliy

  1. This has been discussed with "Three point fourteen" in Discord, specifically the part of the "Virology" idea - So, about the idea of the [Werewolf]... Typically it happen in the mid-round, randomly chosen like a virus outbreak or Tspider/Xeno outbreak chance level. It randomly choose a character in general crews, which is also includes the mindshielded members - As it's not a Traitor or Changeling stuffs, but more of an Infection. Mind though, it's not spreading out in any forms like a Virus (Blood-contact/Direct contact/Airborne). Obviously it's quite annoying if the captain suddenly turns into random stuff often, so lowering the chance of the head of staffs would be good. Or just leaving the chance and making it more interesting situation can be made - Like a captain blob. As the system once chooses a random character, it'll send out a pre-warning message about aproximate 1~2 minutes, like "My ears are itchy./My heart is suddenly thobbing rapidly./etc" And in the same time, the command will receive a specifical pre-warning message about it through the communications console. Preferably, only through communication console like a sentient animal warning or including with the Virus outbreak - Code 7. In preparation time for the choosen one, they'll need to hide or head to the most populated area. Or maybe, ask for help to detain themselves up like in the room behind the walls. Reason will be soon explained. Meanwhile to the command or/and security, will get on alert on the situation. After specific time passes, they'll turn into a Werewolf. They'll receive a very limited time (Maybe aprox 5~10 min) to going back to normal and getting a specific objective - Getting a blood/Devour the heart from the living ones/Eat specific amount of fresh meat from living ones/etc. And while they're transformed, they'll drop all the gears where they've transformed so obviously they need to be transformed in a personal areas - Such as maints, Virology lab, Psych office, Captain's bedroom and so-on. And of course peoples won't recognize them when they're transformed - Unless they saw them transforming. Few buffs and abilities will be added - Such as for active - Leap [Like a Xenomorph], Howl [Like a Vampire's screech]/ Passive - Increased health, melee damage, increased speed, etc. To prevent the so-called, "Friendly wolf" and in a same time, giving more reason to the security to hunt them down with full force, if they (The werewolf) fail to get the objective done in time, Hostile AI will force-take control automatically for couple of minutes (Aprox 1~2 min) and randomly attack the peoples around till the time is done. Hence why calling help can be done like above - Asking peoples to build a metal wall around you to prevent the last phase. After the time is done, the "werewolf" will be completely disabled and won't able to turn back into werewolf If they failed their objective in time. If they did the objective in time however, turning into a werewolf back can be done even after the time passed and hostile AI will not force take control of them anymore. They can now transforming into werewolf with their will and in full under control and will be their reward of getting the objective(s) done in time (Similar to "Lycan", maybe). Now for the part - laws and SoP While in the first change, the security is authorized to use the full force, KoS as it randomly attacks the crews and unable to contain. After turning back into normal, as the crew wasn't on the control of their previous form, release/Parole can be applied - Unless if the crew has been transformed into a werewolf around 3+@ crewmembers. This may can be applied of immediate treatment. KoS is also an option but only when they aren't cooperating with the security. However attacking someone in a werewolf form after a first change (On their second or more transformed form) will have a reinforced SoP - Such as, directly into murder attempt instead of Battery/Assault. The crew can keep the werewolf form, but is suggested to treating it. Forced treatment is not allowed unless they are one of the EoC (Such as Vampire, Traitor, etc.) or in higher than code blue situation. (It'll be sad to see if someone finally does their objective within time but soon looses away because of SoP and stuff, yada-yada.) + Congratulations to the Chaplain, they'll have to run around a bit more if giving more damage to the Werewolf from the chaplain's null rod is also applies for fun. Also personal thoughts - as this antag will going to attack the peoples randomly, only one werewolf per event seems enough. Virology ideas : Make the virus curable by virology. werewolf blood must be extracted and injected into a monkey (or the clown) to get the "Dormant lycanthrophy virus", which has symptoms and eventually cures itself without providing antibodies if not cured by reagent (can be reinjected to infect again for further tests) Its curing reagent is random and invisible to machinery, so it requires testing of random reagents until the dormant virus is cured. This provides the test subject with the antibodies to create a vaccine that can then be given to the werewolf. Possible reagents to cure the virus are any of the reagents used to cure viro viruses except salt and sugar. Curing the virus with antibodies symptoms will not provide antibodies for the vaccine The transformation into a werewolf can be delayed by using spaceaccilin (delays a little), injecting ground silver (delays quite more), or injecting the curing reagent (delays a lot)
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