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Posts posted by Shockpoint

  1. Hi there.

    We have indeed confirmed that you were to receive a token for that round, but for some reason, it was not placed. I also do remember you and I talking about a token that you did have at one point, that appears to have gone up in smoke. You have received a new one in place of it.

    Also, like we discussed, it is generally restricted to traitor/changeling/vampire, and always up to admin discretion as to whether you may redeem it and how. If you're lucky, this just might happen. (I think it'd be a pretty great round to see, myself)

    Moving to Resolved.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi there. Since I was the admin involved, I will not be handling this, but I will be providing my input.

    You, as a non-antagonist, acquired all access from an antagonist HoP. While that is fine for him to give it to you, what you do with it afterwards becomes your issue, and ours. You proceeded to imitate a Central Command officer that had taken a vacation to the Cyberiad on their way back to the Trurl. You also then had command and security communications that you should not have had, but proceeded to use. The incident had then happened, and when contacted about it, you denied all allegations, which was lying to me about the situation. You clearly said that you were from Central, which you were not, and proceeded to throw this taken-for-granted authority around. While yes, the other players should not have done so, this should not have happened to start with. As you had lied to me in PMs, I had decided to place the ban and allow you to appeal it later.

  3. 16 hours ago, Mach said:

    As for the second part, totally incorrect. I never kept anyone from retrieving the body and cloning or attempting a revival, in fact I never even moved the cultist from the tile that they had died on.

    That effectively means they never got to play the rest of their round, which was the cause of the report of the issue. Hence my looking into it and coming to the conclusion that resulted in this AC.

    16 hours ago, Mach said:

    I disagree with this first statement entirely, the cultist met their fate through their own actions entirely. This was not a one sides situation but as Neca pointed out an escalation. The cultist had the chance to get away but had turned around and decided to engage my armored Ripley with cult magic and melee, all I did was simply respond with attacks of my own which happened to be much more effective, had he not chosen to do that or simply dropped the miner and fled none of this would've happened as my goal was just to save my coworker, full stop.

    The cultist never should have had to deal with an armoured Ripley to start with, really. It effectively is the same issue as greytide following antags in maint. They never should have to deal with that.

    16 hours ago, Mach said:

    When the situation was unfolding the exchange shown in the attached image was a big reason I made this complaint; it felt to me as if you were insinuating that I had willingly and knowingly broken the rules, however I still don't believe I have violated any of the rules applicable and in writing to this server. I have already explained my actions and laid out a clear and concise table of events and my reasoning behind them which I believe should exonerate me entirely. As for this being a mistake if, with the advantage of hindsight and knowing how all this would play out, I was given a chance to do this all over again I would make the same choice. I am not a validhunter, nor will I ever be, and I have done nothing wrong.

    That is why I said it was a mistake, rather than an intentional thing. If the way I've said it has come across incorrectly, then I apologize for that, and hope you see that was not my intention. However, if that was intentional of you, that's rather unfortunate as that's really not okay to do to someone else as non-security.

    In any case, this will be handled when a headmin has time to review it.

  4. Sorry about no side from me. Between the new responsibilities and life, I've been a bit busy.

    From my own point of view, even if one player is attempting to defend another from, in this case, a cultist, it's not acceptable to take that cultist out of the round. Not a word was said to Security, nor were they permitted to be brought back to life afterwards, which was a breach of Space Law under Murder (preventing the revival of a crew member facilitates to Murder instead of Manslaughter). Henceforth I had made the warning as this is very unfair to the cultist in question, as well as the cult in general, not to mention that normal players should not be taking such matters so far into their own hands as doing so leads to self-antagging/validhunting which is strictly against our rules. 

    I don't believe I was in the wrong by placing the warning, nor do I feel that any harm is done here. This can honestly just be a simple mistake as a player that I don't believe will happen again whatsoever. @Mach has a brilliant lack of warnings for their time here, and while I do think it shouldn't impact them, it should still be there as it did happen. It doesn't mean it will be held against them forever, however, as, like I said, they have a brilliant lack of warnings for their time.

    Mistakes happen and that's what I believe happened here.

  5. There is a reason we utilize permabans over tempbans, as per this link. 

    As for the other bits, it's all up to you. Where do you feel most at home? Where do you feel like you have the most fun? Do you have friends on whatever server? The list goes on, but only you can really answer those questions, as other players will have differing experiences than one another, and likely, you will as well. For all you know, you might hate /tg/ and come back to Paradise. 

    For me, it's the atmosphere. I enjoy the atmosphere we have here, and I really couldn't connect anywhere else like I could here. I like the people here and how most of them act, ICly and OOCly. I don't feel that way on other servers because of how they operate, and that's fine; other people like those sorts of places so all the more power to them.

    Like Pokebro said, just bounce between servers and see what catches your attention.

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