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Beanbag Ninja

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Everything posted by Beanbag Ninja

  1. I'm very interested in engineering, so it would be good to start there. I'm reading the Wiki to brush up on the game, but can I just join the server any time and try to play along? I don't want to be a nuisance to other players. Why it was my charming personality and loyalty, of course (and perhaps the fact that the Captain had been drinking rum all shift). I like to think he saw Command potential in me, but in reality I think I was just the closest employee to him a the time.
  2. Hello I tried the game for about 5 minutes a couple of years ago, and immediately wrote it off as old-fashioned, clunky and boring. However, I recently re-discovered it, and played my first game last night, which was quite fun, if a little confusing. I'm interested in the role-playing side, and so I hope I can fit in on your server. Unfortunately I still don't know what I'm doing - how the jobs work, the chain of command, etc (I'll check the wiki). What can a newbie do on your server? Can I shadow someone experienced to learn a job? I quickly wrote up my experience from last night, so you can see the sort of gameplay I enjoy:
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