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Posts posted by Shina

  1. I had the experience that a CE often enough was willing to let me into engineering as a "Rookie Engineer" when I asked at the HoP desk. Same with medical. So in my opinion that is a good way to learn a job and people will know not to expect you to be a top-notch engineer/surgeon with a "rookie ID".

    Security is a bit of a different matter, of course, so the best would be to join into security from the start and ask another officer to show you the ropes and let you tag along. People are mostly helpful and a lot like to teach.

    Well, and as Ty said, using mentorhelp is welcome, too.


  2. My suggestion:

    - Allow joining as friendly (standard) entities from the starting screen, aka Ian, E-N, Poly, also Diona Nymphs, excluding antag entities like Borers;

    - Allow joining into activated Posibrains from the starting screen;

    - Maybe also allow registering a pAI in the starting screen.

    My reasoning:

    Sometimes I really love playing as a non-crew friendly entity. But I don't like giving up the chance to join as crew role just to realize that the entity I would have wanted to play as is either taken, dead or does not exist (in the case of Dionae). In that case I would like to still have the chance to normally join as a second option.

    In the case of cyborgs, I more often than not had the experience that ghosting before joining as borg took away from my round experience, because in almost every case the round type and even an antag identity is revealed to me, thus giving me information I would have liked not to have. Same with pAI, but to a lesser and less relevant degree.

    A point speaking against this would maybe be that it possibly takes away roles from people that are dead/not revivable. Another point against it might be that it gives away minor IC knowledge.

    There might be a lot of pros and cons to this that I have not considered before. And probably not enough people are interested in this option to make the work someone would have to put into the implementation worthwhile. Please feel free to comment.



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  3. I like the idea of additional non-antag objectives (more so if you can switch them on or off in preferences). Not only for bored assistants, instead also for any other job. Greentexting would be fun sometimes as someone who just does not antag for whatever reason. Sure, you can give yourself any challange with a bit of creativity, but there is a different thrill in having the game challenge you, as well.

  4. I approve of OOC staying off during the round (various good reasons have already been stated). Though it is also a sound idea to give it around two minutes into the next round before it turning off.

    Some argue that anyone who just does not like OOC could just switch it off completely. But alas, I really like the OOC in-between rounds. It is a neat little reflection on the previous round, I like how people can just shout out their excitement there, have the round wind down there, somewhat. If there were a button for "Disable OOC during round" I'd gladly use it, but I just cannot be bothered to activate and deactivate it manually after every single round.

    Another good reason for not having OOC during rounds: I have come to learn to fear my O button.

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