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Grey Tider

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  1. Hi, the other day I ran onto an issue and although it didn't bother me too much, people encouraged me to post in here, so here goes: It was a thunderdome round. One team with green e-swords, and the other with red ones. I get the Luke vs Vader reference, and while normally the game is well defined enough that colorblindness doesn't play a big factor in my experience (Or so I think), in this round it was really difficult for me to distinguish good and bad guys. Now, there are a few types of colorblindness, but the predominant is the green-red one. Maybe you could change the colors of the swords to red and blue, since in the spectrum, blue light is further away from red than green (And we all know that 'The Empire strikes back' is the superior movie). Alternatively, you could just give people visibly different uniforms... There are a few options that could work. I know it's a very minor thing, and even then, it probably affects a minimal portion of the population, but it can affect other special events, and I feel it's a small quality of life thing that should be easy to implement.
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