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Posts posted by Brobotnick

  1. 8 minutes ago, BottomQuark said:

    I dunno why, but that name seems familiar. REALY familiar. What servers have you been playing before?

    I played for a short time on Yogstation maybe a year and a half ago, got frustrated and blew up on an admin. Found this community shortly after and really like it. Lurked the forums for some time.

  2. A few days before this posting, there was an uh-oh...

    It was a standard shift, I was a mechanic in the sci-maints looking for some materials to salvage because Mining was either brain-dead or literally dead. (nobody grabs an SBR, really now...) I was feeling creative that shift and was looking around for bits and bobs on a code Blue when I encounter a shady individual doing something destructive to an interior bulkhead. I gave a shout and took up pursuit to discourage such vandalizing of my beautiful station. They ran to the area leading into the ante-room near Toxins Research, and I am almost on the miscreant when he opens the airlock to Hell.

    A sudden, harder-than-plasteel-hard blast hit us both, my quarry's fate remained unknown as I am thrown backwards hundreds of feet and straight through the reinforced double-pane windows facing the toxins bomb test range. The heat sears me as I impact the port-side wall of the bomb range; a shower of glass peppers my vitals, their relative velocity increased by my rebound. This dramatic scene is recreated scores of times all around the station. A dozen crew members fly screaming into the Void. In a single cataclysmic, eerily quiet shock, death came swiftly to nearly everyone, biological or synthetic. Everything has a melting point.

    See Attached. I was told this was the effect of a freak experiment result in Science creating an Atmos error.

    I'm not a physicist, I can't even claim to be good at math. But as far I can surmise through some research and and thought, this can safely be called a bad time on Cosmic scales.

    My thanks and most credit to the one that got this screenshot while I gaped in silent shock. I'd love to see this analyzed by someone more knowledgeable in Astrophysics than me.

    "You're all fi-" ~Nanotresen Board of Trustees

    Station Project - Pressurize Space.png

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  3. Hello!

    Joe Major here, I've been playing for a while now. Happy to meet ya!

    You'll generally find me in the Engineering Department putting up Lusty Xeno posters and teaching Atmos.

    Lately I've turned off my antagonist roles, so for the foreseeable future you can (mostly) expect me to be a friendly. (ICK OCK?) Though that may change in the future. I prefer to main my one character and generally roleplay as helpful, friendly, and a bit of a stickler for rank and protocol, but willing to bend the rules just a bit in cases of good RP. I karma often and with brevity. Still learning some of the particulars but I'm fairly knowledgeable about some of the basics and am always willing to help a newbie.

    My character is an outlandish pervert with a penchant for flirtation. You'll find out.

    A sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.

    See you around the station! *distant boom* Excuse me...

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