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Posts posted by dapocalypse

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tayswift said:

    One issue with vampires is that once they get their hands on a bowman and sechud, the stun war becomes tilted heavily in the vampire's favor. With their glare, they can easily outstun sec. Trying to approach a vampire who has already kidnapped/killed their first officer is a death sentence. Flashbangs, the most useful tool available to sec, become useless against vampires. And this vampire probs now has a stun baton and taser as well, and has many second chances to get out of any stuns you manage to land on it through rejuv or jaunting.

    I think an interesting adjustment that could be made is that, after enough blood, the vampire glare's stun duration lowers to a mini stun. It can be used to disarm opponents but it can't be used to cuff them and instantly take them out of the fight.

    Why not give sec an adrenal implant at round start.

  2. 44 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    On the topic of cadets. I've recruited a few cadets as HOS. Its really fun for me. I actually enjoy the process of bringing them into my office and talking to them about the job. I actually like hiring from the crew in general as long as whoever I'm hiring puts some effort into applying. Send me a PDA at round start saying "Can I join sec?" Denied. Fill out an application and request to talk to me personally in the lobby? Come to my office n lets talk.

    I don't even care if I accidentally hire an antag to sec. It happens. It can make things more interesting. Interesting is good.

    On that note, echoing what a few others have said, if you are driven by the need to "win or lose", security isn't the right department for you. You will die often. You will "lose" often. Sometimes unfairly. If you cannot accept this without it bothering you, work a different dept. Dying and losing isn't the end of the world. You are guaranteed a new round will start within 2 hours. Either chat with ghosts (which can be plenty of fun frequently) or go do something else till the next round starts. It ain't that hard.

    I agree to this to a certain extent. "Loseing" is mostly the fault of incompetant security officers wandering maint on their own. My main problem is the reputation given for legitamate arrests and the general greytide diverted to security for just being security.

  3. Honeestly the main problem I think is securities own actions making them think that its unfair. When in reality its their own fault fir wandering into maintainance on their own. The only other problem I see is greytiding and cries for s***curity whenever they are just being realy rude and real d***s to security when they are only trying to do their job by enforcing the law and Standared Operating Procedure. The main problem is the general hate towards security when they decide to do their job.

  4. Honestly I think that people shouldn't be allowed to mess with them. I get realy anoyed when people iligitably scream shitcurity and things of the like. In addition no one follows sop and when I enforce it they scream shitcurity. Like when on red people must stay inside their department and I am legaly allowed to brig them for creating a workplace hazard. I warn them to go to said area and they basically refuse. I arrest them and screams of shitcurity are heard. In addition greytiding could be restricted by alot. In the end general following of deep knowledge of space law and sop by the general crew would help out alot as they know everything they can and cannot do at all times.

  5. 1 minute ago, Tayswift said:

    That's...k/d ratio. Brutus killed people for their politics. Stalin killed a bunch of people for opposing him. So did Hitler. But Hitler is the ONLY one out of all of them whose entire existence was based on wiping out everyone who wasn't in the master race. Does that make sense? I feel like a broken record here.

    All you'd accomplish is proving yourself a teenage edgelord.

    I am saying without ANY REFERENCE OF NAZIS would the "minor techicalitjes" matter to them. Take your answer and apply it to the Indian immigrant.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Tayswift said:

    Social Darwinism is bad.

    The rest of your arguments are minor technicalities. It's really easy to tell who's using the swastika in a religious way and who's doing it in a Nazi way. Like I said, there's a ban on Nazi symbolism in Europe, and it's not causing buddhists to be thrown in prison.

    Also if I were to join as chaplain tomorrow, put my religion as Jainism and draw a swastika in the chapel the admins wouldn't go off at me.

  7. 1 minute ago, Tayswift said:

    Social Darwinism is bad.

    The rest of your arguments are minor technicalities. It's really easy to tell who's using the swastika in a religious way and who's doing it in a Nazi way. Like I said, there's a ban on Nazi symbolism in Europe, and it's not causing buddhists to be thrown in prison.

    Explain how poor people are poor of their own falt is bad. Expecially because its true. You wont become poor because your a hardworking person. You become poo because your lazy and cant get a job.

  8. Another issue that arises is people wrongfully associating social Darwinism and natural selection with Nazi ideology. There is nothing natural about killing people through inhalation of toxic gasses through artificial means. What's stopping people from wrongfully acussing social Darwinist and those who believe in natural selection of being a Nazi. In addition the swastika was and still is in China and India, considered a religeos symbol in India and by Buddhist long before Hitler slandered its image. What is stoping immigrants comming from India who are unaware of the stigma against it and procede to use the symbol. They will be arrested for practicing their non Nazi religion.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Tayswift said:

    This isn't just an "offensive joke", this is a dude training his dog to do the Nazi salute and respond to Sieg Heil or whatever, and then posted on Youtube. There's no need to cry "but what about the Nazis?!" over this. Nazis are uniquely terrible and punishing them has nothing to do with the rest of us. You shouldn't be allowed to be Nazi without consequences, and the US is making a mistake by allowing Nazis to parade around in public and talk at schools.

    Keep in mind while there aren't legal consequence there are social consequences. Which is completely fine.

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  10. Recently, I have starting casinos with the minimum bet for blackjack being a ten and the maximum being their souls. If someone bets their soul I'd love to be able to collect. I came up with an idea being so. A willing gambler should gather five people while the house collects another five. The ten will serve as witnesses. The gambler should pray "I bet my soul to [house]" following the thing that they are using to gamble, blackjack, poker, roulette. The witnesses shall pray "With the case of [gambler] the [gambler/house] wins" this process is to be automated by the code. The gambler if he looses must be hung on a cross and burned. This will spawn a soulstone belonging to the house. Ideas are apreciated following the winning of the house.

  11. It would be cool if we could change up the map. What I was thinking was have a second story up down on the asteriod and put some stuff on it. Think of servers like aurora or bay or even vore(PURLEY FOR THEIR MAP DONT GO THERE AND EAT PEOPLE) 

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