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Posts posted by Jountax

  1. I would make both tajarans and vulpkanins less likely to put themselves out when resisting while on fire.

    The colorblindness affecting wiring (and tars/vulps all being colorblind) seems like another flavorful nerf for them (assuming the greyscale effect is removed/made optional). Same with their eyes glowing in the dark.

  2. 2 hours ago, BottomQuark said:

    Another round, as paramedic I found medical doc SSD for 20 minutes with equiped health HUD and some aid kits, PMed admins if I can leave his stuff at storage, got response "Sorry ,but you will have just to take him to cryo".

    So, are admins told to say "yes" or "no", or do you just tell what you think is best? Just wanna know so I don't bother you if you gonna tell "no" every time.

    You were asking for common, easy to mass produce items. The ahelp to loot thing is really more for one of a kind items that can't be recreated, but there may be cases where an admin would let you loot gear in an actual ingame emergency. I haven't heard of many such cases though.

  3. There does need to be some sort of cooldown for the booping, and said booping does still need to be possible. An antag may need to kill off someone's pAI if they get a chance to, for example to prevent said pAI from screaming for help while they assassinate the pAI's master.

    However, I feel we may need to clarify how the rules apply to violence against pAIs. Is a random tider booping a pAI on par with beating someone into crit, or is it on par with killing a mouse, or somewhere in between? If they then proceed to wipe the pAI is that something that goes over the line if the booping hadn't?

  4. I've had staff members refuse to comply with a demotion before, and I'm not sure what you'd do in a situation like that other than call security to remove the person who is now a trespasser. Of course, by the time security arrived the person in question had absconded into maintenance with mutant powers and I don't think we saw him again for the rest of the shift except for when he raided his old lab with his still working ID card.

    Would an actual space law have made a difference in that case and similar ones? I'm not inclined to think it would have.

  5. I've said it before, but maybe it would make sense to give NT Rep and Magistrate joint supervision over IAAs, similar to how genetics is both medical and science to reflect both halves of their job.

    That way the IAAs have an expert on general SOP to take issues to if the relevant head is ignoring it, and an expert on space law to alert if they see security abusing their authority or the like.

  6. Have to echo the sentiment that this feels like too much of a reskinned nukies with an extra step added just because, but there is potential to the concept. Maybe we could take a page from 40k, and have a disease god and a cult who worships him in return for his "blessings." Sort of like cult but with no runes, no conversions, biological themed super powers, and the goal to infect a certain percentage of the (non IPC) crew with a special disease.

    But I may have gotten a tad off topic here.

  7. A decent way to get around the stats getting debuffed and affecting toxic filter and compensation is to make three viruses, one with just TC + buffs, TF + buffs, and then one with all your "utility" symptoms on it.

    When I used to play virologist a lot, what I tended to do the rest of the round after making my super viruses was actually passing them out. This was before making big piles of pills in the medbay lobby and then just announcing to the crew to come get it was the meta, though.

  8. Only semi related, but I feel the HoP could actually use a second 'subhead' under him that manages (or tries to manage) service. That job nominally falls to the HoP, but no HoP I've ever seen has even tried to do it, or were too busy to in the first place. Someone who can yell at the barber for giving people random dye jobs, or tell the chef to actually cook something damn it, and crack down on drug dealing botanists, etc.

    Call it the Manager or something like that.

  9. I stand by my comment that they seem more like nurse bots than riot bots, and think it would make more sense to refit them more towards that purpose than to make them a jack of all trades (which the standard model should be). To that end I would keep everything but the harm alarm and the dizzy juice, so that they can feed patients, hug patients, and tranquilize unruly patients who are refusing treatment for some reason. Maybe add some low impact drugs that treat rare conditions like corazone, insulin, potassium iodide and diphenhydramine. Might be some issues with people trying to farm the diphenhydramine with the sleepers though, so I'm iffy on that one.

    • Like 1
  10. Aside from like, two races, you do in fact need preparation in order to escape perma. Either getting out of the doors is just impossible or going through space will kill you if you don't smuggle in some tools or a space suit (which I've done before).

    As for chemical implants, there are a lot of chemnerds on the station who can mix up a lethal dose of something for any given species, as well as a catch all nonlethal. Personal favorites for nonlethal are capulettium, large amounts of ether, and (untested) Sulfonol is mostly nonlethal... I think. The only time I've ever had an implant used on me, though, it was because I was given parole, and I just activated it myself with a bunch of chem purging chems in my system to survive it. And I think they loaded it with something I was immune to anyway.

    Also, since someone mentioned the suit sensors on the prison jump suit, you do know you can just take those off, right? Can even replace it with a jumpsuit made from the biogenerator.

    Long story short, escaping perma, or just hanging out in it chatting to sec and anyone who will listen over comms, is actually one of my favorite things to do as an antag. I'd never intentionally get caught, unless I thought for some reason it would actually help my plans, but I certainly won't suicide if security catches me and throws me in perma. As such, I know the ins and outs of it fairly well, and have spent a lot of time thinking of ways to escape it, as well as things to do in it if I can't escape.

  11. On 12/5/2017 at 7:18 AM, TrainTN said:

    You're not wrong, but the game still colors it as overeating, and the nutrition meter still goes up to the "Fat" gray. So it doesn't feel like "I can eat everything I want!" The real important thing is that if people don't need to eat, they won't; and if people won't eat, whoever is playing the chef will have nothing to do because no one likes to RP with them like they do the bartender. Possibly because the chef always has limited ingredients unlike the bartender, so you can't always go up and ask for specific foods

    It colors it as overeating because it is overeating, but if how I udnerstand the symptom is correct, it will swiftly counteract said overeating just like it counteracts undereating.

  12. As some one who tries their best to escape when captured by a sling/thrall, and screams until the text makes it no longer make sense for me to do so if I can't, I for one would find getting booted out of my body entirely unnecessary. I also feel intentionally feeding yourself to the slings should be far easier to prove than intentionally getting emagged as a drone, i.e: If you run into maint without any lights or weapons, that is highly suspicious.

    Somewhat off topic though, but in the PR someone mentioned here would be the better place to put dissent for such an idea.

  13. Kennard Rose. Actually gives me a reason to care about details when I'm antag and he's detective. Great for some intrigue and tense interrogations when I forget something that can't directly be linked back to me.

    Gloria Leois is a pretty cool blueshield/botanist lady. Always fun when I roll botanist and she does too, because we both know the other knows what they're doing, and have even traded tips in the past.

    Ivan Ooze is pretty cool too. Learned a lot about the new RnD from him.

    There's probably a lot I'm forgetting.

    • explodyparrot 1
  14. If it has any tech level at 7 it would make getting to 8 in that level possible, if it has 8 in any it will make skipping to 8 possible, and getting to 9 theoretically possible. The former can only be done otherwise via anomalies, and the latter is outright impossible currently.

    And yes, there are things that require an 8 in certain tech levels to create. So if it has high enough levels, it most certainly would not be a waste of time to get tech levels using it.

  15. I feel SMESes might make them too restricted. To my knowledge, the only SMESes on station are the bank that collects energy from the engine, one that powers containment (which could go VERY wrong if completely drained), and one for each solar array which are not even guaranteed to be set up.

    If someone who knows more about engineering comes by to tell me I'm stupid and wrong, I fully acknowledge that I don't know all the intricacies of the power grid.


    Draining from APCs spread out where the thing can attack, and allows them to indirectly mess with the operations of a department, while draining from power cells allows them to more directly interfere. I'm sure the chemists would be out for this thing's electrical blood if it ate all their chem dispenser charges!

    Though, APCs are in fact an item that has a power cell in them, so if they drained from cells they could hit APCs, Chem dispensers, Borgs, ExoSuits, Space Pods, and the bar dispensers. I'm probably forgetting some stuff too.

  16. Named after an artificer character I made in Morrowind, used a breton name generator for it. Full name is Jountax Virmlaine.

    I sometimes use it in space/sci fi related things now, and SS13 is the only game I ever intended to play on BYOND.

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