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Posts posted by R1f73r

  1. 3 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    On the topic of cadets. I've recruited a few cadets as HOS. Its really fun for me. I actually enjoy the process of bringing them into my office and talking to them about the job. I actually like hiring from the crew in general as long as whoever I'm hiring puts some effort into applying. Send me a PDA at round start saying "Can I join sec?" Denied. Fill out an application and request to talk to me personally in the lobby? Come to my office n lets talk.

    I don't even care if I accidentally hire an antag to sec. It happens. It can make things more interesting. Interesting is good.

    On that note, echoing what a few others have said, if you are driven by the need to "win or lose", security isn't the right department for you. You will die often. You will "lose" often. Sometimes unfairly. If you cannot accept this without it bothering you, work a different dept. Dying and losing isn't the end of the world. You are guaranteed a new round will start within 2 hours. Either chat with ghosts (which can be plenty of fun frequently) or go do something else till the next round starts. It ain't that hard.

    The best times I have ever had were when I was “drafted” by the hos or captain into sec. I won’t get into details but it is certainly my favorite way to sec, less scrutiny on what you do because you’re just a civilian with extra privileges like auxiliary police.

  2. one idea to make things less stressful is give non-antags objectives to work towards, for "greentext" something simple like "have x amount of mechs made" or "have x mining points on your card by the end of the shift" or "have station have less than x blood on tiles" just stuff that encourages people to do their job!

  3. 1 minute ago, SlamMcBam said:

    I currently switch between playing science and security, and while I play science a lot more than security, I feel like I get a good picture of both. Functionally, security is set up to be a chore, processing everyone is nearly impossible with the current set up in an emergency situation, and you often hear the HOS, if they’re alive at this point, tell the security team to ignore crimes in favor of focusing on whatever is going on a rampage. This is a major stress point for sec players, especially when the server is at a high population. Perhaps an actual martial law section could be added, for emergency situations, to cut down on people being annoying could help?

    Martial law is Red Alert, you can give the baton to people for being out of their departments on red legally for workplace hazard.

  4. 48 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    God I'd hate to see the potential behavior this could lead to but, arm sec better? Better guns? Better equipment? Give them more leeway when using lethals when there is a dangerous threat on the station? Lower the threshold required for gamma? Make it more fun for people who just wanna kill stuff.

    I don’t like the war of attrition this will cause (or maybe I’m thinking of an arms race) but one idea is to reward some antag to take it easy, get more tc for being stealthy and getting it revoked when going loud? 


    17 minutes ago, McRamon said:

    maybe more strict rules for antags? 

    cult member with stunprod and cuffs will kill any lone officer in maint without any problems becouse he can attack without warning and officer cant just tase random people without warning. 

    anyway it is only interesting and fun to play as sec when antags are not 1) powergaming prokillers 2) scientists

    maybe people from science (at least RD) should be implanted from roundstart, or having sci items should be considered valid reason to detain without warning?

    maybe sci department should be rewarding to play not only for antags?

    in conclusion, two main problems are SOP and sci department IMHO

    Science while being strong shouldn’t be mindshielded, and I completely disagree with the idea of that plus the statement “should be rewarding to play not only for antags,” I have seen plenty of people enjoy playing it to counter antags by helping sec or in general just enjoy helping provide qol items for the station!

  5. 4 minutes ago, MestreToquijha said:

    No like, they could be more rampage.Like, do more riots, invade more places, do more shit.When you enter the station and you get a briefing, when you enter as a civilian it should be:

    "Destroy shit, do riots, make security worth it."

    instead of making the security officer's job more stressful and civillian's more rewarding. Why not have a reward system for officers in place? Even if it's CC moderated at first there should be a way to reward officers during the shift, like maybe money for however long they can go without dying, or per arrests, extrinsic motivation combined with the intrinsic desire for rewards can go a long way for making more people play sec. I understand the backlash this can have, such as getting the WRONG attitude into sec, but it's just an idea and there's no harm in putting ideas out there!

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