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Posts posted by PPI

  1. Admin(s) Key: Coolrune206
    Your ckey (Byond username): ppi
    Your Discord name (if applicable): ppi

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 2023/12/09

    ROUND ID: 38362

    Nature of complaint: Abuse of power/misconduct
    (Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements):

    Keeps abusing buildmode tipping

    Full description of events:

    Often when they are online alone, they either spawn the cursed slot machines that kills you if you lose, or spams tipping so much so that you can tell its them just by it happening. Now this round is what caused it to be too much. Vendor rampage, and they decided to flip a vendor and spam flip it, which means you cant put it down, cause it can still flip, you cant break it, cause it still flips. and seeing this happen over multiple rounds, like there was a period of time where he spawned those slot machines in every head office and several other places and kept on trying to trick people into using them, if ya break them, he spawns in another, if you try to break the one he is near, he will go build mode and tip it, or possess it and run away.

  2. While the the detonate all button, comes off as highly frustrating, its only a win, if that is everything the antagonist bet on, be it a traitor rd or roboticist, or a traitor ai, it does server as a necessary counterbalance, more so with multiple cyborgs present "just emp, just flash" this comes down to the issue where you cant disarm a cyborg, or beat it up without weapons, as you would for most other antags. Plus the only time it deletes a cyborgs brain, is if it is emagged to begin with, and thats both a design and balance issue. And while locking them works, but anyone with tools can unlock them. And it has been an issue where locked down borgs are never retrieved or really dealt with, one way or another, so it takes away player agency as both crew and antag, and generally speaking, detonating all the borgs without a good reason can get you bwoinked, and it ensures player agency both for crew and antagonists alike, more so incase it is an antag blowing them up, which usually means there are MMIs without radios, who can be ignored for quite a while, which again, is not an issue with detonation, its an issue with mmi's. Additionally, incase of malf ai detonating the station nuke, they usually have the cyborgs defending the satelite, and if they have been emagged by the ai, they will cause a fairly dangerous explosion to the AI, so that is another level of player agency.

    While I understand your frustration with the feature, your primary gripe is that it can permanently remove subverted cyborgs from the round.  

    As for your scenario, it does not pass through 100%, imagine if every crew member had a gib implant, that could only be detonated via a special console, and detonating all, would kill all crew members, making it a fantastic button for nukeops or wizard. Using your hypothetical scenario as a way to only target antags, when that is patently false for cyborgs only comes of as kinda disingenuous to me.


    Really, the best option would be to remove emagged cyborgs being round ended, add radios to all mmis, and have it toggled on by default, as well as giving emagged cyborgs the convertion antag treatment, i.e on deconversion they remember nothing about what happened when they where converted.

    This removes the issues you, and many others have with cyborgs being detonated, as well as removing the possible issue of deconverted borgs snitching, so destroying their brain on explode seems reasonable.

  3. The idea behind this, came when turbine was used to heat the plasma for the hot loop, but cause it went through space, it got very cooled, so the next round, we walled it up.

    Now a funny quirk we noticed is that the hot loop output has really cold gas, which was used for the cold loop, making the hot loop cool the cold loop, and as you can see, it peaked at 40million watts, even if the hot loop for SOME reason was not even hot enough to boil water, a warm drink would be considered lukewarm at best at that temp.



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  4. well, in most cases the item could just respawn with a note of destruction at the fax of the corresponding owner, however, hand teleporter, functional ai, secret documents, sm sliver, and plutonium core, where the hand teleporters can just be teleported back to its original spawn location, ai would be gone, documents would respawn, and sliver and core would just be destroyed, unless only one can be stolen per round.

  5. Clone removal has been a commonly discussed topic for the past 5 years on Discord, the problem has always been a lack of alternative systems, or at least a polish of said systems, and there are a few issues that remains to be fixed before a solid clone removal can be viable done.

    • Stasis pods: What the label says, puts someone in stasis, we used to have one-time use stasis bag in the code ages ago, and at the time instead of taking brute, fire, toxins or oxy damage, you took clone damage instead, stasis pods would be mostly used to prevent death, to require less use of defib, especially in cases where you got someone who is very hurt, and requires a lengthy time in surgery to fix.
    • Anti-coagulants: This comes along with stasis pod, as it won't help if you just straight up bleed out faster then you can be transfused with blood, currently, in my personal opinion, bleeding can be really strong, and you can bleed out everything really fast, an anti-coagulant that could fix, or improve on IB would be a huge QoL, as corpses without blood tends to be cloned rather then defibbed.
    • Increase/remove or change defib timer: Currently we got a 5 minute defib timer I don't really agree with, but considering how fast 5 minutes can pass between you dying, being found, dragged to medbay, and healed up beyond the defib treshhold is quite easy, which means you have to rely on the crutch that is SR, so changing it away from a timer into a decay based system instead would be a huge improvement, that way with surgery and patience, you could get anyone back on their legs.
    • De-husk surgery/chem: Currently we can only dehusk those husked by fire, while cling husks have no active way outside of cloning to fix, and having a way to fix that via either surgery or chemistry, will make it possible to still revive husked cling victims if found within a reasonable amount of time.
    • Improved surgery to fix decayed or dead organs: At one point, you removed the organ, and washed it in the sink to fix it, those days are long over, and it is now remove the organ, splash with mito, and put back inside, and the organ removal is a super clunky way to do it.
    • Remove or change most forms of ingame gib/dust/devour: Most people wanna play as the character they spawn in as, they care about their own character, and their persona, gib/dust/devour are all things that destroys that, and prevents that outright, unless you got prescanned.
    • Make SR harder to make: SR is a huge crutch, it's one of the chems that makes being fast and efficient irrelevant.
    • Make Rezadone Easier to make: Rezadone is the chem thats been buffed a few times, and works like a super cryoxadone, rezadone could be one of the chems that fixes cling dehusking.
    • Make Formaldehyde important: Formaldehyde purpose is to prevent rot, if defibing becomes reliant on organ decay, then formaldehyde becomes mort important.
    • Chemical Purging: Currently the only way to purge a corpse of reagents is via the sleeper, which is less then optimal, having a surgery that could do this would be a far better approach.
    • Pre-scanning: Hands down, this is some hot garbage that is just makes all death irrelevant, killing a powered vampire after chasing them for 90 minutes? Bam cloned, they click one button and got a new face as well. It also makes murder harder then it is, as just hidding a body in a locker is usually enough to 'perma' kill most people, but bam, they are back and you don't know, so both as an antag and otherwise it's trash, infact the only good use is for miners, and thats mostly due to the many ways they can easily die on lavaland

    Cloning is bad, that we can all agree on, if any non-vox or non-slime comes into medbay dead, you can just clone them, heck, you can just wait for them to die, and with a couple of button presses you can fully heal them without having to put in an iota of time, infact you probably just drag the body into cloning and let someone else deal with it. Cloning removal will make ungabunga plays rarer, it will make security be more carefull about running in blind or alone, cause there is no easy way back to life if they die, ontop of that everyone else will have a certain fear of death, there is not guaranteed get-outta-jail-free card, and this alone can create even hostage rp.
    As a medical doctor/nurse/cmo/surgeon, your job is to fix people, heal them up, and kick em outta medbay when at 100%, thats their job, that is the job you choose to do in this rp game.

    • Like 6
  6. Any map edit should be legal, that is it is possible to do it ingame.

    Reinforced walls are for secure areas, space is not a secure area.

    Secure areas can also use shocked grills, but is not needed if the windows are exposed to space

    Grills should be for shocking.

    Do not use a full set of quartertile windows.

    Avoid running pipes, disposals and wires under walls, and mainly under doors, unless it's to avoid illegal builds.

    Avoid building loops, a single pipe should be enough to cut of an area from atmospherics.

    Crew Areas that have windows exposed directly to space, i.e HoS office, should have some grills infront as meteor protection, it can also be a broken grill.

    Floors should not have a direction

    It's better to code the items ingame, then to var edit them on the map, that way the item or object can be reused easily across multiple maps.

    Also mentioning something about fastdmm

    I know some of these are already mentioned, but these are the

  7. When vox got introduced, they had spaceproof, and spawned with insulated gloves and no slowdown magboots, got vox leap, after a while the gloves got removed, then the boots got removed, vox leap was changed, then they became immune to being absorbed by clings, and could not be a cling, and could not really be vampires as drinking blood required removing their mask, vox leap got changed again into a throw yourself at someone, and could be cling, and eaten by cling, vox leap got removed, they could drink blood without having to remove their mask, they gained and a brain that could be damaged by emp, and then got 20% extra brute damage, before they lost spaceproof and lost emp weakness.

    So vox have be heavily balanced for both good, bad, and silly.

    The problem really with vox atm, is as a species they have nothing good speaking for them, they die easily are harder to fix.

    and the second problem is the toxic vox clique that formed during the past couple of years.

    and that second problem is what makes it hard to nerf or buff vox.

    However the main problem is that vox has lost much of their identity, which is true for nearly every species

    Here is what vox code looked like, 8 years ago

    	name = "Vox"
    	icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_vox.dmi'
    	deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_def_vox.dmi'
    	path = /mob/living/carbon/human/vox
    	language = "Vox-pidgin"
    	unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws	//I dont think it will hurt to give vox claws too.
    	warning_low_pressure = 50
    	hazard_low_pressure = 0
    	cold_level_1 = 80
    	cold_level_2 = 50
    	cold_level_3 = 0
    	eyes = "vox_eyes_s"
    	breath_type = "nitrogen"
    	poison_type = "oxygen"
    	flesh_color = "#808D11"
    	reagent_tag = IS_VOX

    Compared to what we have today

    	name = "Vox"
    	name_plural = "Vox"
    	icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/vox/r_vox.dmi'
    	dangerous_existence = TRUE
    	language = "Vox-pidgin"
    	tail = "voxtail"
    	speech_sounds = list('sound/voice/shriek1.ogg')
    	speech_chance = 20
    	unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws	//I dont think it will hurt to give vox claws too.
    	blurb = "The Vox are the broken remnants of a once-proud race, now reduced to little more than \
    	scavenging vermin who prey on isolated stations, ships or planets to keep their own ancient arkships \
    	alive. They are four to five feet tall, reptillian, beaked, tailed and quilled; human crews often \
    	refer to them as 'shitbirds' for their violent and offensive nature, as well as their horrible \
    	smell.<br/><br/>Most humans will never meet a Vox raider, instead learning of this insular species through \
    	dealing with their traders and merchants; those that do rarely enjoy the experience."
    	brute_mod = 1.2 //20% more brute damage. Fragile bird bones.
    	breathid = "n2"
    	eyes = "vox_eyes_s"
    	inherent_traits = list(TRAIT_NOGERMS, TRAIT_NODECAY)
    	clothing_flags = HAS_UNDERWEAR | HAS_UNDERSHIRT | HAS_SOCKS //Species-fitted 'em all.
    	dietflags = DIET_OMNI
    	blood_color = "#2299FC"
    	flesh_color = "#808D11"
    	//Default styles for created mobs.
    	default_hair = "Short Vox Quills"
    	has_gender = FALSE
    	default_hair_colour = "#614f19" //R: 97, G: 79, B: 25
    	butt_sprite = "vox"
    	reagent_tag = PROCESS_ORG | PROCESS_SYN
    	scream_verb = "shrieks"

    So overall there isnt as much change as youd think there would be in 8 years, and most of the changes goes more into looks and whatnot, for a long time vox names were random every round.

    ATM, you can't balance vox, not without rebalancing all the species, or equal them out, and as mentioned earlier, tajarans have litterally nothing, they are basically humans with tails and cat ears,  slightly more resistant to low temperatures and slight more affected by high temperatures.

    tl;dr vox needs some tlc along with a couple of other species, but due to community bias, touching vox is a painfull process 

  8. Since this is a configuration setting to disable, im making a topic for it here.

    Nightshift lighting is nice from an rp standpoint, but for an overall game experience, it's preferable to be disabled.

    One of the reasons is that a diona can actually die in that light, and that there are performance issues around enabling and disabling it. 

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  9. Admin(s) Key: Fraility
    Your ckey (Byond username):
    Your Discord name (if applicable):

    Round ID: 26510

    Nature of complaint: Abuse of powers
    (Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements):

    Admin spawns in shoots a penetrator round at multiple vox standing at bridge and then exits by dusting at arrivals.

    Full description of events:

    Spawned it at some point as Kaiden Lowe, shoot several vox at bridge with a sniper penetrator round, hid in arrivals for a minute, got caught by security and dusted on the spot.
    Later on Mara Akhan spawned in as a syndicate officer with a special objective to a Charlie Taylor with a syndicate penetrator sniper rifle.


    After he got caught and dusted,  a new one was sent in, this one with an emag and ebow


    Who then emagged a secborg who helped with finding vox to murder


    Next came


    Ontop of emag and ebow had adrenals, and shot a sec officer, the blueshield, and a doctor and finnally managed to shoot four vox before dusting away



    Attacking every crewmember because of what species they play like this is a really shitty thing to do.



  10. See, the way both cult and sling win, is by queuing up in a line, and walking in one at a time with a minute between, this is an player issue we can't resolve.

    There is also the fact that sling is a rare gamemode, and if you have a security who is less bald then the slings, which is also an player issue we can't resolve.

    in the past 12? days, there have been 7 rounds of shadowling, which means there is a 5% chance of sling, and looking at the stats two of those rounds might have been sling victory, and both was during low pop, this is also an issue we can't fix.

    Now, what can slings do.

    They got a ranged 10 second stun and silence, which is plenty of time to cuff and remover their headset, at a 30 second cooldown

    They got a 15 second aoe 5 tile range light removal, which does not put a handfull of lightsources.

    They got a 30 second phase shift, that allows them to move from one side of the station to the other, as well as extinguishing them, disabling stuns and weakens.

    They got a 25 second aoe 5 tile frostoil, body temp reducing, minor burn and two second stun, this slows them down, and are easy to stun for a longer time.

    They got a thrall that takes 21 seconds

    They got a 4 second blinding smoke grenade with a 60 second cooldown, that can blind, and has a 25% chance of a 3 second stun, that also works as a small heal for sling and thrall.

    They got a 30 second aoe 7 tile stun that confuses humans for 10 seconds, and stuns borgs for 6, allowing them to safely destroy borgs.

    They got the the ability to empty an apc of power every 60 seconds

    They got the ability to revive or empower thralls every 60 seconds, turning thralls into lesser shadowlings, which gives the thrall the ranged 10 second stun/silence and 30 second phase shift.

    And lastly they can use a non-thrall to delay a called shuttle by 10 more minutes.

    They don't take pressure damage, don't slip, are shock immune, got thermals, and 25% melee armor.

    Further more, to take whats commented in the code

    Shadowling strengths:
    	- The dark
    	- Hard vacuum (They are not affected by it)
    	- Their thralls who are not harmed by the light
    	- Stealth
    Shadowling weaknesses:
    	- The light
    	- Fire
    	- Enemy numbers
    	- Lasers (Lasers are concentrated light and do more damage)
    	- Flashbangs (High stun and high burn damage; if the light stuns humans, you bet your ass it'll hurt the shadowling very much!)

    Like many has said, it takes only one to have seen a sling, but thats on the player for not being stealthy enough, sling is intended to be a stealth antag, this is why thralls are so hard to check, as you need to stand next to them while they wear no masks.

    Slings got it's strength, that are countered by some fairly hefty weaknesses, they can slow down de-thralling brutally by robbing surgery of some of it's tools, and get remove the mindshields and thrall any role, they can thrall anyone if they lose their mind shield implant.

    Slings respecting mindshields is healthy for the game, but the primary issue seems to be a player issue, many people in maint, making hatching hard, or finding someone to thrall hard, and being unable to thrall security who seems to be the primary people in maints after the maint loot goblins had their run, after that, maint is mostly used as a shortcut to some places, maybe to look for some gear you are missing, so less people in maint, with security being the primary people there, and slings being unable to check if people are implanted or not, they can't just ungabunga.

    Overall this is a playerbase problem, both as a sling, a thrall and a non-antag.

  11. Think you can ask kyet for data on win rate.

    This just shows you how big of a win condition being able to convert security round start was.

    Thing is, sling wins the same way security wins, by gathering up, and taking people down one by one, if you do go loud, you will more often then not get stomped by sec, this is true for all antags, be it traitor, vampire, changeling.

    This had the same issues as paper cult often had, they got discovered before they got close to their win condition, and was unable to win.

    I am actually interested in the sling winrate after what 1.5 months since it was merged


    Honestly, this feels far too complicated, and should be more generalized, like this.


    Medical SOP:

    Medical is in charge of healing people of any and all ailments, be they dead or alive.

    Medical is in charge of bagging, tagging and putting corpses in morgue.

    Chemistry is in charge of providing medical, with medical reagents for medical use.

    Chemistry may supply the rest of the station with any reagents they might require.

    Genetics is in charge of documenting all genetic powers and disabilities, they may not give this to normal crew unless the RD, CMO or Captain have permitted it.

    Paramedic is in charge of bringing people or bodies to medical for treatment.

    Surgeons is in charge of making sure the Surgery Rooms are supplied with the tools required to perform surgeries with.

    Surgeons are also in charge of keeping such a hygiene standard, where the risk of infection is minimal.

    Only those in medical with access to surgery are allowed to permit surgery, in lack of aforementioned, surgery may be done by anyone who is capable of such.

    Coroner is in charge to document the cause of death of death of bodies in morgue, and has as a main responsibility to see that all corpses are processed properly.

    Virologist is in charge of making viruses, they may not release a virus without it being approved by either the CMO or Captain, spreading of virus should only happen to those who want the virus.

    Virologist is in charge of making cures in an effective and fast manner, monkies humanized or not are recommended to make the cure for, in cases where there is no time for such, the virologist is allowed to make the cure in the affected person.

    Psychiatrist is in charge of ascertaining the mental health of whoever requests such.

    CMO is in charge of keeping medical running in all manners of things in Medbay to be functional, this mainly being that chemistry is producing chemicals needed to allow medbay to function, to make sure cloning is functional, and the cryotubes can be used, they are to make sure that medical get any external supplies when needed.

    CMO is in charge of locking down medical when needed.

    During a medical outbreak, medical is to turn their effort towards halting it's process and removing it, both by isolating sick crewmembers, preventing healthy crew from being infected when others require medical treatment, keep corpses in body bags, and to keep the floors and walls of medbay sparkly clean to prevent a spread of outbreak.


    To put in comparison, this simplifies it from 1781 words, too 408, and instead of a reading time of roughly 7 minutes, this makes it two.

    This is a better base to work from, then that short-novella that is introduced here.


    It does not need to be super specific, because much of it is already implied here, so please take this into consideration.



    Wow, no 'thralls are innocent' and not cultists? Honestly its better to kill the thralls since surgery is so damn hard to do to begin with. lets just take the tools from medbay, and bam, useless. Vox Raiders? Validhunt them.


    Best option is literally to remove the law, it is bad. Shadowling Thralls, Shadowling, Wizards, Vampires and Changeling got magical abilities that can't be removed easy. This will not solve the issue of 'cheesing' for protection, just remove the law.



    Is this a joke??

    Cause it looks like one, this is far to over the top, it looks like one that is not meant to follow, because there is so much.

    This needs to be simplified, especially considering the low-rp of the station, something like this could, be fine on high rp, but even then.

    RP in medical is an if else thing, if it's calm, and nobody gonna die horrendusly, then yeah, lots of rp is fine, when when loads of people are dying, or hurt, then you skip rp, cause your job as medical is to get other players into play again.

    Lets list up whats good.


    1-4. Super silly, since harmfull is subjective, i.e viruses are harmfull because higher temperature, so some things are lethal to certain species, but not others. The rest is kinda irrelevant.

    5. Should make sure clonable corpses are cloned, as the CMO it's not always you got a full medbay team, or that you even got the time to check who is dying, your job is basically maintain medbay.

    6. kinda silly, cause carrying a harmfull chemical weapon is illegal, irrelevant of who you are.

    7. This should be a general medbay rule.


    1. already in SOP

    2. Running of with defibs is bad, carrying them while in medbay, taking care of incoming dead people is fine, it's not like defibs are a finite resource either.

    3. This is the janitors job

    4. Marking body bads and morgue trays should not be something you must do, body bagging a dead body seems obvious, thus silly.

    5. This sounds like a many chefs in the kitchen make a huge mess, if you are in medical and see a lack of mass, then you get more, not something that should be forced, since defibs are a thing.

    6. What?????? Clean SE after cloning if there is a need, cryo if there is a need, or for hyper cloning

    7. This is dumb, because "MEDICAL TO CARGO" oh no he left medbay, ding dong fire his ass, this will happen, thus lets make sure it can't.

    8. again, obvious, and not needed, i mean this is more a what is your job procedure at this point.


    1-2. What? Chemist makes medical stuff, chemical researchers make toxins and explosives and other fun stuff.

    3. Again silly, because in generall it is the HoS who is asking for it, or the warden, and honestly, there is no reason to get permission for such.

    4. see 1-2.

    5. see 4.

    6. Again this is something science should provide, especially to robotics.

    7. No, this was pretty good untill the 20 minute part, just no. No. No.

    8. Why should he leave at all when he has yet to do his job?


    1. Should wear it whenever in virology, irrelevant of anything.

    2. Trying to hard to describe em, they are monkies, irrelevant of species, even then they often needs to be humanized. Other then that, its fine.

    3. Considering most of the waste is vials and such with blood, this seems like a silly idea to throw way vials, or even beakers with blood, destroy the samples instead.

    4. Again obvious, so he knows what it even is.

    5. This is fine, not sure about the antibodies, since if the virus got longevity, antibodies would be a 'harmfull' substance. Making a cure is generally good because diona.

    6. Seems fairly obvious, but is fine.

    7. Do your job?

    8. bad, timers are bad.


    1. should not need to unless emergency

    2. should not need to, no access.

    3. why do they need a permit?

    4. Or make sure the patient just, does not die before coming to medbay???

    5. Not the job of the paramedic, bring bodies to medbay, bam.

    6. Or just leave it for the doctors.

    7. Do your job?


    1. Wear gloves to prevent infection, cause infection means more work for you.

    2. Clean room or not does nothing for infections.

    3. not needed, wash between patients, and don't waste time.

    4. when it's bloody wash it, if it's bloody at all, you did your job wrong.

    5. This is fine as it, but a bit long winded.

    6. remove if asked to, its not your job to play security, if you dont do it, they will probably ghetto ssurgery it, and thus end up back at your table because infections.

    7. Very good.


    Making it to specific is bad, also breaking SOP is not a crime at all.



    Make it simple and less repeating, short and easy to remember, this is supposed to be a GAME, remember.

    Describe general responsibilties, and things you should not do, like running of with important medical stuff.



    One of the bigger problems is, as Belario mentioned, Shittyness breeds shittyness. This is so true it hurts, I find it rare to actually meet an good officer, but another problem is that security, and command in general, are never punished for breaking space law, unless they are actual antagonists.

    Good laws would be the following:

    Excessive use of force in detainment - basically harming someone who can't do anything but run around.

    Sparking a manhunt - Basically causing multiple officers to chase you down.

    Abuse of confiscated equipment - Using anything they confiscate is verbooten, i've seen several times, officers confiscated insualted gloves, and then taking em for them selves.

    Illegal Detention, Arrest or Holding - Basically arresting someone 4noraisin.

    Neglect of Duty - Not doing your assigned job, or even doing it badly can and should cause demotions.

    Escape from brig - Should be an actual law, and not, lol reset timer, but a medium crime.

    Exeeding Offical Powers - Extremely important, HoP, Captain, NT-Rep, and so on should not be playing security, unless it's to defend them selves, not to speak about doing things they should not do.

    Organising an Breakout - Should just be a medium crime outright.

    Mistreatment of Prisoners - Essentially don't be a dick, don't take their headset, don't remove their impotant internals, don't strip them down entierly, and so on.

    Kidnapping or Hostage taking - Basically restraining someone against their will, either by trapping them, permaslipping them, or just outright kidnapping them.

    Repeat Offender - Double the original time, and only once.



    To explain eloquently, due to the player base and the low rp that is on the server, security officers have no reason to follow any of the security rules, regarding Refusal to Coroperate, the procedure of security should be like this.


    [*]Take the prisoner to the brig and inform the Warden/HoS of their crimes so their Security Record may be updated.

    [*]Take the prisoner to a brig cell, set the time and activate the timer.

    [*]Enter the cell with the prisoner in tow, open the cell locker and hold the prisoner over it.

    [*]Empty their pockets and remove their gloves, backpacks, tool belt, and any flash resistant equipment such as Sunglasses, Welding Masks/Goggles, Space Helmets, etc. If they are a Vox, do NOT remove their internals! This will kill them! The same goes for plasma men.

    [*]Buckle the prisoner to the bed.

    [*]Search the items removed, be sure to check the internals box in their backpack.

    [*]Confiscate any Contraband and/or stolen items.


    These are to be placed in evidence, not left on the brig floor or your personal use, until they can be returned to their rightful owners.


    [*]Close the locker and lock it.

    [*]Flash the prisoner, remove their cuffs, pick up the cuffs then leave the cell.

    [*]Modify their brig sentence for additional offences or good behaviour, if applicable.


    Now, recently, I was arrested, and the HoS was a player who has been very active, and played for a long time, and he claimed combat gloves were contraband, and this is normally a good player, who knows the inns and outs of the game fairly well. Often security arrests for no reason, do full searches on green alert, does not even inform the person of the crime, and irrelevant if they committed it or not, they will be put into 'processing' often for 5-10 minutes.

    Often they do not know what contraband is, or if an item is stolen, and then it's only when it's an unique item.


    More often then not, the prisoner is stripped to nothing, and dressed in orange jumpsuit and shoes.


    The second law EoN is a law that encourages validhunting, since antags essentially got no protection against such. In general, they should be punished by what actual crimes they did, not to talk about how much is forced in this law, I mean carrying a suspicious toolbox, is technically contraband. Even so, with red alert, security needs little justification to kill, not to forget that the Captain and Magistrate can still order it if the crime is capital.


    The last law is the hardest to find something redeemable about it, in one way, it's written in a way to make it easier to swallow, as a way to 'balance' it, this being "minimum three times". The worst part is that the crime can increase in level.


    As I said before, it would be best to remove EoN, and not add any of them.



    Oh god, this is horrible in literally every way.


    Situation: Refusal to Cooperate


    Description: When already detained inside the Brig, either in Processing or Temporary Detainment and pending a sentence, refusing to cooperate with Security and instead attempting to break free from their cuffs and/or buckling in such a way that the attending Officers must spend more time preventing their escape than they do actually processing the prisoner.


    Modification: +25% to original sentence. Can bring sentences up to Permanent Imprisonment if the 60 minute threshold is crossed because of it.


    Here is the problem, average processing takes 10 minutes anyway, and there is a major issue of a part of security being especially terrible. I've havent been arrested a single time, without suffering some damage one way or another. This will force shitcurity to become more shit, and that again will cause everyone arrested to become even more shit to counteract the shit of the shitcurity. We already got a law that covers this, which is resisting arrest, nothing good will come outta that.


    There is also the fact that security almost never actually follow the rules for security either.


    Crime Name: Enemy of Nanotrasen


    Crime Severity: Capital


    Punishment: Permabrig/Execution/Borgification


    Description: To be legally proven to either be working for a known hostile corporation (ie: Syndicate), or to be working to undermine Nanotrasen's operations. In order to apply for this crime, enough forensic/legal evidence must be provided that the criminal has actually committed a Medium/Major/Capital Crime. Should the suspect be found to have been contracted by an Enemy of Nanotrasen, but to not actually have done anything, they are to be stripped of their rank, have all items confiscated, and be given a tracking implant. Executions done under this law without proper legal/forensic justification are to be considered murder.


    Again, this is stupid, and honestly, this law should not even exist in the first place, I mean as it is now, there is nothing that actually stops security from checking cultists for being cultist, and then throw them in the chair, this is okay by space law. Cause they would be an EON. Honestly, unless their a creature like Vampire, Shadowling, Changeling, or Wizard, there is honestly no reason to kill them, and in this case, it's cause all of them don't need weapons to kill you.


    And the all items confiscated and given a tracking implant? What is even the point of making it the law, it forces too much.


    Situation: Repeat Offender


    Description: To be repeatedly brigged for the same offense multiple times in a single shift (minimum of three times. Applies on the third brigging). Much like crime stacking, these offenses cannot occur during the same incident. Does not apply to Resisting Arrest.


    Modification: For each successive Repeated Incidence, an extra five minutes is added to the sentence. If the added time exceeds the original sentence, the crime should be considered one Level above (ie, Medium Crimes become Major Crimes), and the sentence adjusted. Major Crimes with 15 extra minutes added via this modifier should be considered Capital Crimes, but not punishable by Execution or forced Cyborgization.


    This law is stupid, to explain, by destroying 6 lightbulbs, you can be thrown in perma. To clarify, destroying a light bulb counts as vandalism, and is 5 minutes, serve it, and repeat 5 more times, and bam 60 minutes = permabrig.



    check out the corporate regulations of baystaiton, http://wiki.baystation12.net/Corporate_Regulations

    many laws there that we should have.


    also a TL;DR


    Law 1: Will be bad because of playerbase.

    Law 2: Will be bad because of playerbase.

    Law 3: Will be bad because drawing graffity can get you permabrigged.


    Of those removing number 2 outright would be the best option, either that or enforce medium RP rules, and actually make some. Do not forget, that if antags could go wild, irrelevant of objective, rounds would be much more different.



    This will never be added, even if you get someone to do it, cause this is unbalanced, i mean, why not just give slimes godmode.


    I mean, yes, I would love for bones to be removed from slimes, BUT bones is basically 80% of the damage system, and only way to fix it, is remove broken bones as a thing, most of the other stuff is basically turning slime into unkillable machines as long as they got food.


    Vent crawl was removed for a reason, and the only things i could ever see in slime, is 1. Make slime blood something that can be replaced. 2. Make em not slip on wet floors. 3. Move core to chest. and going on a stretch 4. making em clonable.



    Admin Key: HereticChurch, TullyBBurnalot



    During a nukeops round, after 4 of the ops where killed, the shuttle was called, and inexplicably recalled, it was called again, on Captains orders in both cases, both due to the danger, and due to the damage caused so far, after the second time, centcom said they recalled it, and that there was no reason to call it, even when it was valid in this round, as it has been in the thousands of previous rounds, and thousands of next rounds. Irregardless of what Command felt was needed, they forced the round to continue, when it was decided to end it, even when a nuke op is still alive, and is still a threat during the round. Claiming it was not an emergency, thus they decided that the Command Staff does not have the right to call the shuttle if they want too. At the same time as this was happening, Tully was going about as Comms Officer Jenkins , and Heretic as the ERT leader Sarah Bell.

    Anyway, while this was happening, swarmers managed to spawn, and gained a foothold, crew could do nothing, ert was called, shuttle was called, and then they decided to re-call the shuttle because ERT was on it's way, before waiting another 5 minutes, when they noticed only one ert guy showed up, and he went ssd, captain resigned cause they would not let him call the shuttle, people where dying left and right, before the shuttle was FINALLY called, which started a multisword event, and people where being killed left and right, and people exploding for who knows what reason.


    Now, the problem is they where extending a round that was supposed to be over, when nukeops are confirmed ya call the shuttle, and there is NO reason to recall it at that point, and honestly that should not happen, as it takes away any player choice.



    msay, asay, and ahelps can be censored, in the program used, and if it's not, it can be.


    Regarding metagrudging, well that is bannable just like anything else, and not having something that overall will be more helpfull then not is a wrong way to hink of things.


    Also, regarding coders finding it locally, well they find it if they know it is actually runtiming.


    All that will be there is essentially admin actions and and chat.


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