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Posts posted by uliks


    It is not about job, it is about people, with some people easy things become hard, with some people nothing is impossible.


    Some people are so irritating with question, what are you doing, why are you doing, is it dangerous, that's why I am mostly alone.. hehe, unless i found someone crazy as me, then it is extra fun.



    This kind of game is not wise to play like super hero, just running for problems, telling people how to behave, you will get pretty tired very soon, it does happen to everyone often, you need some rest, some observation. That's why you can see plenty of people at start of round just observing and enjoying the chaos. Everyone need rest. You can't struggle forever.




  3. It happened, I think she played Security Officer for way to long, play bartender or chaplain instead, for relaxation and pleasant chat. Also I like IA job when there is full of bad security to give some hope to poor prisoners, with my lawyer acting conversations.

  4. Well i noticed one day how each time when you are passing in to deep maintenance area that the items are always randomly different, witch brings me the idea "Why not make Random maintenance and encounters, because everything in deep maintenance is some how messy and mostly destroyed, useless, it does not have electricity or anything complex, so I ment if is possible to make random items spawn each time, then you could make also random walls and windows, but walls and windows near space tiles should not be changed because of air leek, and also you put some small 3x4 random empty walled room generated with carpet or wood or metal tile, and some zombie or lizard in side for random encounter. And there you have it , for every small explorer wish come true.

  5. Some times you dont have: Secuirty, HoS, Captain, IAA, or admins to hear your needs, thats why this game needs in my opinion " Judge with a small curt" And not yust becouse it will help stop people beaing rage against shitcurity, IT is becouse it is fun thing to have in this game.


    Captain is very important role and some times we got bad captain, and all station go to hell, and still captain dont cost no Karma, and nobody cares about becouse there is still way that everybody agree and rumuve the captain from that game ( and i am not talking about CC/Admins) and that problem can still be fixed and games countine to be fun.


    BUT...some time we have bad secuirty who arrest random civilans for random crimes, and do as they please... like i told you in privous exsamples...and then i must call ADMIN and that is for me disgrace for role play.



    but lets say you where in same situation like i was.


    One time i burned Pun-pun with syring and bartender took Pun-pun to medbey, Pun-pun survived. He reported me to HoS i was arrest and gone permabrig, later i asked admin why i was in perma and he told me that HoS heard i was planing to atack bartender. I was in permabrig with no good reason i could not even make meet up with IA.


    Second time, i was attacking with syringe one guy and bruning him, he was dressed full like syndicate, and mask and with no ID, unknown and he was runing around the maintance dragin a body. And also i was arrested and perma briged.


    Some times you can be in perma brig with no good reason and you can not even exsplain anybody what happend and there is no vaild IA who can make something happend, and if it does, it takes prety long time for you. My brig timer runs out before he find a way to get me out, what realy sucks.


    I saw few rounds with a Magistrate going Judge in Holodec door and calling lavyer and vitnes, it is posible to make room yust like that, and it was realy nice. I would realy wish that happend more often, and i would realy like to see that every round for every criminal.



    Magistrate should be very important job and allways be there in every round, game is yust feeling empty if you can not talk and exsplain your actions with someone, talking with NT and then talking with admins, is so boring and slow and it ruining the role play of all this community. Trust me! I mean it is not the same. But things in the curt are much more fun.


    Please make curt and judge and lawyers that every ciminal should enyoy this game.




  9. I am not sure who would ever read rules today, when all rules in games are kind the same: no hack, no greef, no acc abuses ,etc.But if you think about, how many games today have special rules? Not very much. The more rules you have in game the more game feels fragile, incomplite and abusive, and you don't give very nice picture of the game. I was reading rules one time when i was so bored and wanted to show guy how wrong he is. That was one time

  10. i was thinking that you can't see your self, or around your self and you can't move or do anything, just adjust how much tile you wish to see straight in front of you.

  11. I think it would be very useful in caution situation to have vision in front of and not get involved into nasty situation in long hallways, for HoS or Captain, leater someone could come up with sniper idea.


    What this game realy makes rich, it is tons off possibility to play different strategies each time.


    If people realy wish, why not give them, but make it hell expensive



    -They would need some kind of circuit (which would need very high research lvls)

    -And Mechs controlled by AI drains lott more power, so culd not use it to often.


    Camon people, lets suggest more ideas.


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