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Posts posted by Nayser


    1 hour ago, Dinarzad said:

    Hells no and I say this as someone who plays an IPC a lot.
    Resistant enough to not be 1-shot but critically wounded? That I'd but open to discuss.

    Everything else though, I don;t think they need, they're not cyborgs. They can get implants like every other crew

    But they are robots. While other crew are getting cool powers from genetics. IPc's could be getting their cool upgrades from robotics to make things more fair. Besides it would make IPc's feel more like actual robots.

    Being invulnerable to EMP constantly would be a big problem, you'd have to foresee if some one is after you and he will use EMP so you get a safe chem. So if traitor is sneaky he can still easily kill IPc with EMP. At the end if not full invulnerability from EMP, it could at least turn EMP into stun with some damage instead of insta-kill. IPc's are just so much more inferior to organics currently. :( You could say they don't breath - organics have oxygen tanks. They can't get diseases - organics can cure them. They don't feel pain - they also break easily.

  2. Actually kill objectives can be removed safely. Just replace it with (my favorite) "Prevent from escaping". At the end of the day killing is an option to prevent some one from escaping, isn't it?

    So whoever likes killing will kill, others will kidnap and do whatever.

    • Like 3
  3. 1. I suggest to add 2 chems for IPc's that would be as easy to make as salline-glucose and would have no OD. 

    Ion repulser - For as long as it's in IPc it makes them and their equipment invulnerable to EMP. With that SMART IPc's would no longer be as easy as one click to kill.

    That chem is a must have for machine sec. officers yet it doesn't exist, yet!

    Energy amplifier - Makes machine people regen stamina very fast and recover from stuns a bit faster but also drains energy. (IPc officers are now doom of swarmers!)

    2. Roboticists should be able to make upgrades to IPc's! Genetics for organics, robotics for IPc's. Here are some ideas.

    Improved hull - Slightly more ressistant to all damage than organics.

    Impact ressistant hull - Ressistant to melee attacks and thrown items.

    Lightweight material hull - Makes machine people move faster without any other changes.

    Improved energy battery - Simply more energy.

    Experimental energy battery - Much less energy meaning constant APC charging but immunity to EMP.

    Extinguisher module - Works just like recharging wire. Except it's extinguisher and needs to be refilled with water. (Or something nasty)

    Storage module - Works just like storage implant but it can be emptied simmiliar to stripping (click drag menu) and holds a bit more. 

    Magnetic feet - Magnetic boots.

    Legal for security only upgrades:

    Space ressistant hull - Ressistant to extreme temperatures and immune to space.

    Heavily fortified hull - Turns machine people into slow as dionas heavily ressistant to all damage tanks. They can no longer be pushed down by hand or pressure. The hull will replace uniform since you're too big to wear it now, you can still hold ID and belt as if you had uniform. (can still be disarmed or tased).

    The Anti-Fall - Makes IPc immovable and unstunnable, requires ground to use. Takes about a second to attach your self to the ground. If moved process stops.

    Energy gun hand - Energy gun with disabler and kill modes. Replaces hand. It uses IPc's energy to shoot. (Thus useless on organics)

    ZGPS (Zero Gravity Propulsion System) - Works just like a jetpack but it's thrusters on arms and legs, can be turned on or off, uses IPc's energy. 

    (There would be slots for hull, battery and feet. Rest can be installed freely. Common sense.)


    If examining IPc, a message saying which upgrade IPc has appears. If non, it just says standart hull.

    If a criminal has the upgrades, RnD can print "Reverter" so security can use it to strip an IPc off of it's upgrades.

    All can be balanced with required materials and research level.

    Difficulty in coding varies depending on what would be implemented, if all then ofcourse very difficult.

    Sprite work wouldn't be necessary but it would make it much better (mostly for hulls).


    Whew, thats a lot, hopefully just at least one thing gets implemented, because i really like IPc's, but they are so vulnerable that it's painful.


    • Like 1
  4. I highly suggest to add sounds when bones are broken, when bleeding occurs and when limbs are severed.

    Since there is not much time to look at combat logs when you're in a fight it would be informative to help decide next steps and it would make combat feel more violent and brutal.

    I imagine bone breaking would sound something like crowbar hitting flesh from half-life 2 and for bleeding a quiet blood dripping sound would fit both gun and blade wounds.

    Please don't think i'm a maniac, but i feel this would make game more immersive. x)

    • Like 1
  5. Seeing that some other jobs like roboticists get an objective, i figured why can't miner have it too? Because having a goal is more interesting.

    I suggest miners have objectives like: Gain 8000 - 12000 mining points; Break 80 tiles with ore in it;

    I'm not a coder really but i don't think it should be hard to implement.

    More difficult to code objectives would be: Gather and process in ore machine 5-10 diamond ore; Gather and process in ore machine 40-80 plasma ore.

    Other jobs could get simmiliar thing, but i mainly speak about miner.

    For instance janitor could have objective like: Clean 100 dirty tiles (aka blood, some one's throw ups and etc)

    Or engineer: Build 10 cameras around the station.

  6. I'm sick and tired of randomness of disarm in this game and RNG in general... Not even shields will protect me from first-try-disarm-knockdown and i can chase some one disarming him 15 times and they will keep going. Pain.

    I suggest we add a thing i call "balance meter". It could be invisible or visible in status.

    This is how it would work:

    Each player has 100 balance, balance recharges each tick.

    When player has 30 or less balance he will drop things in hand, when it hits 0 player will be knocked down and when he gets up balance is restored to 100.

    Certain things like armor, shields and some melee weapons will decrease damage to balance.

    A disarm intent will damage the balance for 30 and other weapons with chance to stun will have equal in power balance damage but they will be able to make some one drop his weapon only if you aim at hand that has something in it.


    Basicly this system i came up with means you have to disarm more than once quickly to make it work. What seems unbalanced can be fixed by changing numbers AKA how much balance regened per tick and so on.

    The current disarming discourages from using melee weapons as it is never  guaranteed you won't get knocked on your ass in one click to be helplessly butchered by your own weapon.

    *flashbacks from tf2 and it's high crit chance melee weapons*

    • Like 2
  7. On 28.03.2017 at 0:49 AM, EldritchSigma said:

    You just helped me discover new band that i like.


    Here's the perfect soundtrack for playing mime. 

    I dare you to find a more fitting soundtrack for mime i swear i'll hit my self if you succeed, but you won't. :) 

    3:05 for pissed off security.:D

    Though usually i play with this.

    HLD ost when things are calm:


    Furi ost when things get spicy:




  8. 2 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    Actually since we have a Patreon and pull a respectable playerbase, and because BYOND features ads on the loading screen, we can get in major trouble for using copyrighted assets.

    Due to BYOND ads and Patreon, Paradise is considered a taxable and commercial enterprise in most legal jurisdictions.

    So no, not "so what". It's "let's damn well make sure we only use assets that have licensing to allow us to do so".

    Then it's more understandable, the general idea of voices for nukies is still there. HECU soldiers from half-life 1 have some fitting voices for nukies. Other servers commonly use scientist scream from half-life 1, they seem fine.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    References are not copy paste.

    You're literally advocating for taking copyrighted assets and inserting them into the game, which is a big no-no.

    PayDay also has legitimately nothing to do with a science fiction setting, which is where SS13 draws 99% of its references from.

    Alright, then space station is full of copy-pastes. And the only reason Space Station draws the most from sci-fi is only because Space Station it self is set in sci-fi world so obviously whats from sci-fi is more likely to fit in sci-fi, would some of the picked cloaker phrases fit nukies? Yes! And if it's copyrighted assets, so what? Space Station is a non-commercial game, unless i missed something?

    Besides it doesn't have to be exclusively something from payday, just something that would generally fit the mood of nuke operatives.

  10. 2 hours ago, FlattestGuitar said:

    Please no.

    We have enough artwork ripped from other places as it is.

    I'm sorry for being harsh, but there's a difference between a subtle reference that gives you a giggle and a blatant copypaste.

    Are you seriously upset over the sole fact that it's not something that was created originally? Thats like saying xenos should be removed because they are a blatant copypaste from movies and games about xenos. Space Station it self is a collection of references and ideas from other movies and games and thats the part of what makes the space station so great. You put on engineering hardsuit - you remember Dead Space! You see Ripley you remember movie Alien. Changeling on station - The thing. Security stunstick - Half-Life 2. And so on and on. 

  11. Description: A very useful piece of equipment for when you don't have time to politely taunt someone as they die.

    "Now go to the forums and cry like a little bitch you are."

    It'd be hell of a lot of fun if nuke operatives masks could have some of the voice lines of cloakers from payday 2 as they proceed to slice the life out of you with energy sword.

    "Whats left if you beat the shit out of a piece of shit?"

    I'm suggesting to add a few most fitting voice lines from cloakers in payday 2 to nukie masks.

    "We gotta do this more often."

    Imagine how everyone will shite themselves if they hear this voice as nukies go full loud and proud.

    "Some times wishes do come true."

    "Stop hitting your self, stop hitting your self!" 

    PS: I have no idea how to resize videos :(

  12. I think the only reason people disagree about the whole non-murderous antag idea is because they think non-murderous antag is about steal objectives exclusively.

    There is plenty of non-murderous objectives that can cause trouble and things also may not go as "the peaceful antag" wanted to go and he will have to kill in order to succeed.

    I once completed all objectives without killing anyone then proceeded to help other traitor steal AI in result pod pilot found us out and i had to kill him to free other traitor and not get caught my self.

    There could also be funny and odd objectives like stealing some one's body part, litteraly just any body part, that'd be funny.

    I'd also like to remind that i'm suggesting an option to get higher chance on getting murderless/non-crazy objectives and lower chance on murderous/crazy objectives. Not just completely turn off all murder objectives. Another reminder is that most of players like to go HAM when they get a chance, so stop worrying that there will be no action due to pacifist antags will ya?

  13. Not sure if others have this. But oddly enough server doesn't show up in my BYOND browser some times, however i used to just click replay and there was no trouble about it ...until i missclicked on different server when Paradise stoped showing up. Hope is lost...  Gotta get back. Back to the paradise.

    Is there some sort of way to connect directly through IP?

  14. Recently i've been playing miner quite a bit and i noticed that it's all about the kinetic accelerator for this job...

    Don't get me wrong, i like kinetic accelerator but other weapon choices offer a more unique gameplay and they get only so little love compared to kinetic accelerator.

    What i suggest is, why not add upgrades for resonator and kinetic crusher?


    Here's what i suggest for kinetic crusher.

    Kinetic Crusher can now be carried in one hand for easier item management. When carried in one hand it does absolutely nothing.

    KC Energy shield module (1500): On use in hand creates a 1.5 second shield around user. Shield completely negates damage from a single explosion, melee or energy attack and immediately breaks. Cooldown for shield is 4 seconds. Hitting in melee a target that was marked with kinetic bolt resets cooldown.

    Description: Most experienced miners are almost invincible with this to threats on asteroid.

    KC Dark enedgy energy module (3000): Kinetic bolt effect can now be stacked 4 times on single target for very big damage. Kinetic bolts cooldown is shorter and brute damage of weapon increased. Can be played like electric guitar on use in hand. Kinetic bolt's sprite will look like little purple-dark energy bat. Will make electric guitar sounds when attacking with it or firing kinetic bolts with it.

    Description: Let's rock!

    If both KC modules are installed, use in hand effect could be changed by right clicking on Kinetic Crusher.


    Clearly a DMC 3 reference weapon. :b


    Here's what i suggest for Resonator.

    Resonator capacity module (1400): Basicly turns standart resonator into super resonator.

    Description: Allows to have 5 traps at the same time.

    Resonator manipulator module (1000): Allows to move resonator traps by clicking on them with resonator in hand. The closer user to the trap, the further it will be pushed away. Standing next to the trap will push it 5 tiles away. Resonator traps can be stacked that way.

    Description: Aim resonator at your traps for bowling time.

    Resonator stabiliser module (2000): Adds third fire mode which creates red traps that after 2 seconds turn into orange traps that dissappear in 15 seconds doing no damage. When used in hand orange resonator traps explode for normal damage. Unable to switch fire modes while orange or red traps are present.

    Description: Ohh they're going to glue you back together IN HELL. Enables third firemode that creates traps triggered by using resonator in hand.


    I'am mostly pleased with mining drone but here's what i suggest anyways.

    Mining Drone Carcass upgrade (3000): Only possible to apply on player controlled drones. Gives Mining Drone a new body that has hands but with one hand always occupied by kinetic accelerator. Using in hand kinetic accelerator transforms it into mining drill. Mining drone with new body will move faster and have bigger health pool. It will now also have a millitary belt-like storage along usual ore storage. 

    Description: Simple mining drone  AI is not capable of controlling this body. Install it on mining drone with upgraded AI to make something beatiful.


    About time SS13 gets a borderlands reference.


    Here's what i suggest for hardsuits.

    Mining hardsuit exoskeleton upgrade (1500): Makes movement in hard suit faster but still slightly slower than without hardsuit.

    Description: Makes chasing goldgrubs a whole lot easier.

    Additionaly i feel like there should be hardsuit skins sold at mining vendors, although those would probably require a lot of sprite making.

    Skin changers would be applyable only on mining exosuits with retracted helmet inside. It would be awesome if miners could somehow visually express themselves since they always wear hardsuit.


    Here's what i suggest for Mining Asteroid location.

    It lacks content in general. Maybe there could be a hidden portal to place that has new surroundings and mobs along with a boss-like mob that protects a valuable artifact. Perhaps the shortest suggestiong on words, but biggest in deal.


    Traitor bonus.

    Illegal Mining Tool Module (6 TC): Makes any piece of mining equipment operate in atmos just as good as in open space while giving a new red-black skin to tool that it was used on (except dark energy KC)

    Description: A line between tool and weapon is crossed.


    A lot of this stuff is probably hard to code but If this gigantic suggestion will at least inspire coders and spriters to make something tiny i'll be most satisfied.

  15. I'm relatively new to paradise station. Registered recently and was not really noticing there are introductions until now, better late than never i guess.

    Before i used to play only on colonial marines server. Although i have variety of servers i like, Paradise Station seems to have become my favorite. I expected game mechanics to work just like in CM but jokes on me, most of things i had to re-learn again.

    Fortunately I'm a quick learner and always on the look out for fellow crew members who are in need of help. I'm also that guy that is not trying to turn end game into purge. I won't attack but will fight back. In character till death!

  16. So this discussion is split into two sides basicly.

    One is roughly saying that without murdering and causing chaos there is no fun.

    The other is saying creativity makes rounds fun, not the murdering/chaos.


    I suppose i'm with the second side, which is obvious ofcourse.

    If you want to make rounds fun there is not even a need to be antagonist. 

    Here's a good example: I was playing as warden and then i start hearing energy sword sounds and some other odd sounds, i start investigating, checking lockers and maint, didn't find anything. And then suddenly i notice a cleverly hidden body bag behind black chair in security office. There was a vox inside who was playing a prank on all security yet somehow i was the only one to notice that. When i opened the body bag a message in big red letters appeared in my text box and i heard explosive/gibbing sound. I swear i had my heart jump out. It was a vox bopping me with a toy. He got me good... now you may call me bad at my job but i did let him go even though he tresspassed, why? Because common sense. Just because law says so doesn't necesserily mean you must do it. If you follow IC laws like game rules and constantly seek action than this is practicly lite rp.

    As mentioned by shadeykins.

    Remember the goal of an Antagonist is to make the round exciting, fun, and dangerous, within limits. You should make an effort to add to the round, as opposed to simply completing your objectives and carrying on normally.

    Despite that for some reason wizards exist. I hate wizard rounds the most. I fail to see where they are dangerous WITHIN LIMITS.

    Wizards either die really quick and round ends or wizard just kills everyone on his way easily. Not. Fun.

    If there is no vampries protesting for their rights or clowns begging captain for his gun that is not medium rp.

    Because you face morally questionable choices when you see antags trying to be not evil. You must arrest them but is it right? You don't arrest them, other officers disagree with you, a conflict grows. Thats what makes it medium rp.


  17. 15 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    Greentexting is the green "The traitor was successful" you get pop up at the end of the round. Or not in my case.

    That being said as long as people have the ability to just have the regular objectives I'm not against the idea. As long as my objectives wouldn't just be kill kill kill if I chose the lethal option, I'd still like a variety for varied gameplay.



    The fact that you said "kill kill kill" makes me think there could also be third option which is opposite of what i suggested. So there could be 3 antag options, Peaceful. Normal. Violent

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Shadeykins said:

    The entire point of an antagonist is to create conflict/make the round interesting.


    Quietly shuffling off to the side and stealing without creating a stir whatsoever hardly achieves these goals and sort of removes the point of there being antagonists all together. Most people enter the round with the express interest of waiting to see what happens, when nothing happens most people are understandably perturbed.


    Traitors shouldn't be Extended+.


    If you don't want to be an antag, ahelp it and get it passed to someone else.

    I can guarantee you there will always be a lot more antags that are willing to go full HAM than try not to get caught and not be murderous. Besides most of antags are violent/evil by nature. And trust me, stealing is not the only non-lethal objective, who said the "Don't let target fly off on escape pod" is a violent objective? ;) And can you imagine how it wouldn't create conflict? Direct approach for that objective would be to kidnap your target and hide him somewhere. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, Birdtalon said:

    Theft usually doesn't cause a stir because the people who are trying to "greentext super hard" tend to just steal their objective(s) and then do nothing for the rest of the round. A mixture of objectives adds variety.

    I find it hard to believe that a "pacifist" would find it morally correct to be working for a shady organisation such as the syndicate willingly when they openly condone violence and killings. If you're a tator and you don't feel like you can do your objectives you can always fax the syndicate with an emag and protest.

    Actually there are multiple reasons you can work for syndicate, that does not mean you have to approve of syndicate to be their agent.

    As mentioned above ZN23X there was clown who said he owed a lot of money, so he was forced to work for them, it is also known that punishment for failing syndicate objective is most commonly death.


    PS: what is greentexting? :/

    • Like 1
  20. 10 minutes ago, Dumbdumn5 said:

    Could tie this into your NT relation, making opposed far more likely or able to receive more violent objectives with skeptics being less likely or unable to receive violent objectives, though it might be better as a preference if added. As a pacifist nerdmin, I would like to see this.

    That is actually improvement over my idea, i just think it will be a lot more difficult to implement if it is tied to NT relation.

  21. Playing as antagonist is a lot of fun, but i'am more of a pacifist so i prefer objectives that are about stealing and doing other non-lethal things.

    I'm sure i'm not the only pacifist out there. So here's what i suggest:

    A new option in game preferences that removes lethal or over the line evil objectives for some antagonist roles like traitor or vampire.

    Enabling that option wouldn't change objectives of antagonist roles that are suposed to be lethal and evil by nature. That would be antags like xenomorph or terror spider.

    Alternatively turning on "the less lethal objectives" option could make killing and other violent objectives appear with lesser chance, basicly make them appear rarely instead of never.

    This could also be a good thing for new players too, since killing can be sometimes very difficult as your target can be a robust ss13 veteran HoS or a learning-to-play engineer if lucky (not lucky for engineer).

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