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Posts posted by CaesersLegion

  1. On 7/10/2017 at 8:30 PM, Eastwardrope said:

    I have recently just seen that the admins here are very quick to Preconceive everything as an insult even just notes on how to do better. They said I broke a rule so I should be banned for breaking ONE rule adept it is killing someone BUT still I forgot one thing and the admin wanted to ban me and I told him that was poor practice (Something I would like to be called out on) and he goes "STAP INSULTIN ME" Of course that isn't his/her exact words just a shortened version their actual statement is SO long that I probably couldn't fit it into the text. Anyway all from a harmless statement of poor policy they get another admin and they go (this is shortened of course) "STAP INSULTIN US WE ARES GOODS"(shortened quote from Hero124 game admin). And I told them look I am not insulting you. Which they replied ' YES YOU ARE'. This whole event took like ten minutes all because they are too soft skinned to understand a NOTE from an INSULT. So this servers admins need to get their things together. And Remember good Admin skills(I.E Warnings before Bannings)

    I am rarely aggressive in tone ( putting that one appeal aside ), but i'll still try to stay composed.

    You are absolutely lucky and God blessed that this server actually has an appeal system implemented. I used to be an administrator for Counter Strike 1.6 when i was younger, and boy, when you get banned, you are fucking done. So keep your tone down, suck it up and adapt to the situation, or...... end up like me. I'm still trying to appeal for my probably 5th ban because I thought I was the almighty J of Paradise station and that I posses all the knowledge required to fool the admins. Long story short, I ended up with more ban time than playing time.

    So, you can be the judge of your own actions. And trust me you do not need Tully explaining to you how you fucked up and that part where you lied was pretty stupid, I mean come on man.

  2. 2 hours ago, ID404NotFound said:

    How does HoP arm gateway explorers with no interaction from the head of security?

    You seem to misunderstand, the HoP provides them with weapon permits, the HoS however does not have to be inclined to provide them with weapons.

    They can either make their own ( improvised shotgun, crossbow etc...) or order some from cargo.

  3. While i have had a bit of time to think this whole thing over, I believe i came to a sound enough conclusion based on some other topics as well.

    I have stated elsewhere that the HoP should really not be as engaged in Cargo as he is IF there is a Quartermaster present, and if not really cargo techs can do it all alone... So i only deem it logical for the HoP to both organize and arm the Gateway expeditions. He is the one that grants weapon permits and he is the one in charge of general public so I honestly see no other reason or role in the game that could fit this job any better. Now whether or not the Head of Security is willing to provide arsenal support to the expedition team is another thing, and I will agree that Gateway expeditions should not be forced but rather spontaneous and heavily dependent on the type of round currently being played.

  4. 7 hours ago, Saul Argon said:

    And, here we go. Thoughts people?

    1. The Gateway is only to be opened/used by authorization of the captain and research director. Violation of this is to be considered Major Trespassing (code 309) or Breaking an Entering (code 210) into a Restricted Area,  depending on circumstances;

    2. All weaponry/equipment brought through the Gateway is to be processed and catalogued by the Head of Security. All lethal weaponry and Syndicate equipment must be kept in the Secure Armory unless otherwise authorized by the Head of Security. Violation of this is to be considered code 300 Possession of Contraband.

    3. All personnel entering the Gateway are to be recorded by the Head of Personnel. The job title of  "Gateway Explorer" may be given to facilitate this. Violation of this is to be considered Major Trespassing code 309;

    4. In the event of serious biohazard being located beyond the Gateway (e.g Terror Spiders),  the Gateway is to be sealed and Command must decide whether or not to continue Gateway exploration,  via majority vote;

    5. In the event of a loss of contact with the Gateway exploration team, a rescue team is only to be sent with the written permission of the Captain, Head of Security and Research Director. The Nanotrasen Representative may veto this.

    2. Don't you have to get a weapons permit first before you can even touch weapons? And that's usually done by the Head of Personnel so i don't really understand why the Head of Security has so much to say there. The HoS should be more interested in keeping the station safe,  the HoP, RD and Captain should worry about equipping the expedition squads.

    5. I think only Captain and HoP should be worried about sending a rescue team.

    Just my opinions, everything else seems cool enough.



  5. I have nothing against the gateway Explorer or anything the job stands for.

    With that being said i believe that enough focus has been shifted onto this issue in the time being, I also don't understand why people don't talk about space exploration more. I don't see anything wrong with the Captain letting two unemployed civilians taking a couple of hardsuits and adventuring into deep space. As far as I can recall there are many interesting things and features to find out there and there is no limit to what we can do with those things provided those people have a lot of imagination.

    So honestly, i could personally care less if there is or is not a wiki page regarding Gateway Exploration.

  6. Welcome aboard my German friend!

    Hope you have an awesome time on Paradise!!!

    And please if you haven't played much of SS13 before be sure to thoroughly read the rules as it is quite easy to break most of them without even knowing it.

  7. Hahhh..... my first banning admin, sad to see him go actually.

    This guy was the only reason i ever bothered to appeal and keep on playing in the first place.

     Thank you for everything you've done brother and i really do hope to see you back one day!

  8. Oh yeah i almost forgot to mention this guy, but Kennard Rose aka my Blue Blue ( he knows what i mean) is a freaking legend.

    I once flushed myself down disposals as a captain only to end up surrounded by some chainsaw hand wielding crazy motherfuckers.

    He actually managed to pull me out alive, what an OG....

  9. I'm curious.

    Why is Meta Station coming out in the first place? Are people already getting bored of the Cyberiad or am i missing something?

    If someone could clarify the idea and point of Meta to me i would appreciate it greatly. 

  10. Hey fellas, just wanted to pitch in and say hello since i never took the time and liberty to do so before.

    Not sure if i should disclose both my first and last name so call me Petar ( or Peter ) and i forgot to mention that i'm from Bosnia so yeah if you want to visit look me up!

    Haven't been playing for too long but I've been on the server for about 8 months i believe.

    But so far, i like it. ( Just gotta stop getting banned...)

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