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Posts posted by Wintermote


    Oh sorry, greytide shouldn't be able to just 1v1 xenos, but they sure as hell shouldn't be able to take down ERT alone.


    Hardsuit plus E-gun sound like a good base to balance them on?


    The only way a xeno wins a fight against anyone with a laser, is that the person with a laser misses or gets stunned.


    Remove neurotoxin spit and it gets significantly more difficult for aliens to kill anyone with a ranged weapon without dying. Hunters have their leap, which allows them to murderize anyone caught alone, but that's as it should be. The leap should only need a lengthened cooldown, as it's basically the only way for a xeno to bridge the distance gap to a ranged opponent.


    The problem is more that eguns don't have enough ammo and once you're out, you're fucked. Also problematic is recharging once aliens have a foothold and are destroying APC's. Playing as ERT during an aliens round, I never felt seriously threatened until I ran out of ammo, because I moved with a buddy and we covered each other when fighting aliens. They'd either die or run off seriously injured; in 2vs1 the aliens didn't last.


    I think the only buff that's necessary for humans are magazine capacities in all weapons being increased.


    Nerfs for aliens should only be leap cooldown increase, and removal of neurotoxin spit.

    Buffs should be facehuggers keeping people alive while hugged

    And the queen being tougher in someway - perhaps more like an exosuit in movement, size and capability (tail attack?). Right now the only thing going for the queen is egg laying and neurotoxin spit.



    Trust me, if you make the aliens easy to 1vs1 it'll be even worse than what we have now. They'll be pushovers and ignorable. Assistants toolboxing aliens to death? Seen it happen before when aliens got massive nerfs on /tg/station because people thought the same thing about them.


    Right now, they're dangerous enough that people panic and big guns get taken out. That's how it ought to be.


    If they're easy to 1vs1, aliens will get bumrushed by a pack of people, and quickly die. This already happens: 2-3 people with welders can easily kill one alien - you can't keep them all stunned, and as an alien you'll have trouble killing humans before they kill you when their welders are doing 30 damage per hit.


    Do not forget the aliens begin outnumbered, must attack the station and cannot set up any decent ambushes immediately, and have no good methods of dealing with exosuits or cyborgs. Both of which are immune to stuns and airloss and can hit pretty hard back at the aliens. If you make the aliens weak enough for assistants to conceivably 1vs1 them, I can easily see a single person in a ripley, or a single cyborg, destroying entire nests on their own.



    I think you'd find a lot of (if not most) drugs will be completely different after being cooked at the temperatures in an oven.


    Not saying the idea hasn't any merit; just that it could be an interesting thing to work with. Maybe certain ingredients, once baked together, combine differently?



    Aliens were always meant to be powerful 1vs1...

    If you are doing that, you SHOULD be dying. It's a situation where only preparation, surprise, or dumb luck, ought to keep you alive.


    If aliens cannot easily win 1vs1 fights, they will quickly be destroyed by the human players and the balance swaps the opposite direction. Right now the balance is not so bad from personal experience.


    I do think aliens have an edge, but I don't think it's a big one. Just needs some polishing and small balance changes - some of which I suggested earlier.



    One of the reasons I played atmos was because I thought they had free reign to the axe. You informed me this was not the case in an aggressive manner; the tone in your adminhelps was very clearly: Do what I say or you will be banned. So I put the fireaxe back. Why else would you adminpm me accusing me of metagaming if your words did not carry a threat of banning?


    Or to put it another way, it did not feel like you were helpfully informing me, it felt like you were threatening me.


    I am not "trying to make you look bad", your actions, whether or not they make you look bad at all, are your own. I simply want to play and enjoy the game; not powergame through it and 'kill the antags', nor deal with admins breathing down my neck over any little thing I do. That is why I haven't really touched the axe since you messaged me about it, and why I didn't make a thread about it until you started getting on my case for a situation today where it was entirely justified for me to have and use the axe.


    That didn't strike me as very fair or unbiased treatment when it happened. Felt more like I'm being watched for any kind of fuckup so you can justifiably ban me.


    Here is the conversation we had yesterday:



    -- Click the Game Admin's name to reply --

    PM from-Game AdminRegens: So ehm, why do you have a fireaxe as an engineer running around chopping people up?..


    PM to-Regens: I always carry a fireaxe

    PM to-Regens: And... he had a syndicate pistol and was shooting me...


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: That just strenghents my point of obvious metagaming

    PM to-Regens: what


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: "I always carry the most robust weapon on the station"


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: Its flat out metagaming

    PM to-Regens: Dude, I'm an atmos tech, I have access to the fireaxe and I like to use it

    PM from-Game AdminRegens: Your ID says otherwise

    PM to-Regens: Were you playing as the guy we just killed?

    PM from-Game AdminRegens: No, I am not playing this round

    PM to-Regens: I got engineer access added because we needed engineers


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: And still you think its fine to run around, as an atmostech with a fireaxe playing security? Its meta gaming and so bad RP

    PM to-Regens: Security needed help getting inside the shuttle man

    PM to-Regens: I hacked the doors and helped them

    PM to-Regens: This honestly seems like some kind of retribution for what happened yesterday after my admin complaint


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: Eh, you can call it whatever, we used to have a mentor who also always grabbed the fireaxe, this is no different


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: At any rate, stop taking the fireaxe whenever you please. It is known to be the most robust weapon, and it is poor RP


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: I need some form of confirmation here, are we clear?


    PM to-Regens: Do you want me to put it back? I don't even understand why we have a fireaxe if atmos techs cannot even use it


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: its supposed to be to break into areas that are inaccessable, you can pry open doors and break windows with it easily, it is not yours to take at the start of the round to carry on your back the whole round

    PM from-Game AdminRegens: There is a reason it is behind glass

    PM to-Regens: I've seen plenty of people treat it as such

    PM to-Regens: I feel like I'm being singled out by you specifically

    PM to-Regens: For reasons that have nothing to do with what matters in the game

    PM to-Regens: But I will go put it back in the lockbox thing

    PM from-Game AdminRegens: That may be so, that would be your word against mine, I can tell you its not, but I doubt you'd believe me



    And since this is as good a time as any, I also wanted to ask for clarification on when and where I can use the axe, because I'm not actually out to be an ass to people by powergaming as much as I can get away with, but I do have to ask why the axe is accessible to atmos techs the way it is if it isn't meant to be used during anything but emergencies under threat of being banned by admins if you do - that strikes me then as something that should be coded, rather than existing as an unwritten rule enforced to different arbitrary degrees by different people.



    Allow laptops to copy over encryption key data to other encryption keys.


    So for example, if you get an engineering encryption key and a standard encryption key - you can insert both into the laptop and copy the engineering encryption to the standard key, allowing it to access both.



    I agree that short stuns are pointless. If you are giving a weapon a stun capability, keep it decently long - otherwise just don't give them a stun capability. Frankly, the less instant stun weapons, the better.


    I'd rather a telebaton that'll break bones than one that gently stuns someone.



    Doesn't even have to be just a better HUD, maybe it could sound an alarm when you fall into crit or something.

    I'd rather a sound alarm when you've got a few minutes of oxygen left, rather than when you're essentially dead on the ground. And an alarm to everyone around you is a bit much, imo - if that was something you were implying.


    Right now, with vox players especially, I've noticed more than a few times that they only seem to realize they need more nitrogen once they've actually run out.


    The current indicators for something so important, especially for a race that cannot be cloned, aren't enough to make a player aware while they're concentrating on other things. The suggestion was made because what we presently have does not present information to the player very well. Especially new players who already struggle with how internals work, nevermind what all the tabs, numbers, and icons mean. (If your air tank has 200kpa in it, how long do you have before it runs out? Can ANY player guess without having memorized the airtank's volume from the code and then doing the math, or from just experience?) The status tab does not function as an effective warning of low internals.


    A gasmask and air canister than glows green when on, yellow/red when dangerously low seems like a very simple solution to the problem.

    Likewise, a ping and indication in the chatbox would also work well.


    I don't understand the need to keep outdated UI elements when we could declutter some of the interface a little further by doing this.



    Yesterday, I had a round where I'd been playing atmos tech. Among the first things I'd usually do were grab the fireaxe and vox hardsuit.


    Midway through the round, I'm in maintenance and happen on security trying to get over to the research shuttle (where a death alarm had gone off), I offered to hack open the doors for them, and we proceeded to the shuttle. On the way there, we came across the guy who'd killed the captain (IIRC, it was the captain), a firefight ensued, security tased themselves, and I started getting shot at by the guy with a pistol, so I chopped him up with the axe.


    Regens felt that this was powergaming and nearly banned me at this point. After a little arguing with him, I put the fireaxe back. I haven't touched the axe since except when spiders or the like get out, or I'm an antagonist.


    Today, I had a traitor objective to assassinate someone. After killing them, I grabbed the axe to chop off their head and hide it separate from the body.

    On my way to put the axe back, Regens logged in, and the first thing he seemingly did was message me with,




    -- Click the Game Admin's name to reply --


    PM from-Game AdminRegens: Smart move



    Before apparently even checking if I was an antagonist.


    Am I going to have to never touch the fireaxe while regens is online? Whether antagonist or not? Or do I have to PM an admin every time I want to touch it?

    Just when, exactly am I allowed to grab the fireaxe as an atmos tech? There is no written rule here, and I get different answers from different admins and players.


    What I'd like is clarification on fireaxes, and for regens to ease off on me. I feel like I'm under a microscope because of my last admin complaint about him. Preferentially if any issues crop up in the future, I do not want regens handling them with me. I'd like to ask a different admin get involved at this point.





    Few of these around the place could be pretty fun. Better internals status indicator and some kind of location alarm maybe?


    I think it should just be a standard function of your oxygen tank; no need for them to be provisioned or for only science to produce something like this - 99% of the players will never see it and the entire point is to improve the UI for playability reasons.



    I mentioned this in my previous post on balance suggestions - remove neurotoxin. It was OP when it was first introduced and it is still OP.

    Aliens shouldn't be ranged, at all.



    Remove their ability to acid doors/equipment

    Give them the ability to force open powered and unpowered doors, but not bolted or welded doors, as a trade-off for not being able to acid through everything; or give them some ability that allows them to bust down even a bolted door with some time.


    Barricading yourself somewhere should only buy you TIME, not immunity.


    Get rid of the sentinels - their gimmick is the neurotoxin spit and without that they might as well not be there. Aliens won't be suddenly unrobust without the spit. Buff up the drones and turn them into the new defenders of the hive as they should be.


    Have facehuggers supply people with air while they are hugged, like they did in the movies.


    Give xenos their resin doors back. They're the only way to make a makeshift airlock and without them you can't keep areas from being unpressurized due to alien players constantly leaving/entering from space. (You think walls and windows will do? Players just break them so they can leave/enter)



    Could we add some sort of warning indicator to the UI so people can see when they're about to run out of oxygen (or nitrogen) and need to get some more?


    I'd recommend simply changing the color of the internals indicator:


    When it's off, it has no glow.

    When it's on, it glows green.



    When it's low, it glows yellow.

    When it's at emergency level it glows red. (A minute or two of air remaining)



    This isn't the first time I've had an issue with something regens has done, but it is the first time it's been enough for me to make the complaint official.



    Shuttle is on its way to centcom

    Someone blows a giant hole in the side of the shuttle and all the air gets sucked out

    People are dying everywhere

    Three or four of us are huddled in the medbay compartment, suffocating to death because the air got sucked out

    ~5 seconds before we hit centcom, NOCA - one of the antagonists who was with us in the medbay section, releases some chemistry concoction that starts killing the 4-5 of us.


    There's enough time for it to hurt people, but not enough time for it to kill anyone before the shuttle reaches centcom.


    NOCA gets a dayban from Regens, without any adminhelp or questioning.


    If you ask me, it looks like Regen took a "ban first, no questions ever" approach and I'm left wondering if he fucked up and banned NOCA for the shuttle grief happening in the rest of the shuttle - that someone else did. For which I have to wonder if that person got away with it because Regens didn't bother actually investigating the situation.


    Because seriously, who the hell bans people for shuttle grief five seconds before you hit centcom? Regens, apparently. A "letter of the law" situation that'll be applied rather less often than the phrase implies.


    But what makes it even worse, and the primary reason I'm bringing this up, is that the guy didn't even bother TALKING, and that more than anything really rubs me the wrong way. Even with the griefiest of griefers I took the time out of my day to talk to these people about what they're doing - because that's my job as an admin. This behaviour where you ban someone without even talking to them is an indication that you don't care about or take your position seriously - it's just a personal empowerment tool at that point, not a way to improve the game's community.


    The person playing NOCA is a friend of mine, so I am not unbiased in this situation. However I've had more than my fair share of experience as an admin both on sigurd and on /tg/station; while I may be biased, I am not speaking from a position of naivety of what admins have to deal with or how they should act.



    Truncated and edited logs (For clarity):



    Priority Announcement


    The Crew Transfer Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 0 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.



    ÿThe floor lurches beneath you!

    The maintenance drone (957) pings.

    M.A.S.O.N states, "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

    Frank Baum says, "Good."

    ÿChloe Laroux has thrown Syndi cakes.

    OOC: Deanthelis: If it's anything like Aurora, they hamstring the antags with how heavy the RP has to be.

    ÿ!Chloe Laroux shakes Gary Plants trying to wake him up!

    Gary Plants says, "Come here root"

    Gary Plants says, "Ill uncuff you"

    ÿ!Chloe Laroux unbuckled !


    -- This is about when the shuttle's windows get blown out --


    Frank Baum gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Drake Johnson gasps!

    Gary Plants gasps!

    Grandpa Knittles gasps!

    Belu D. Evil gasps!

    Root says, "O JESUS"

    ÿ!N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) buckles in!

    Belu D. Evil gasps!

    Grandpa Knittles says, "Shit"

    Frank Baum says, "HEH."

    Drake Johnson says, "Shit"

    Belu D. Evil says, "OH MY GOD!"

    Hans says, "Oh no"

    Gary Plants says, "FUCK"

    LOOC: maintenance drone (957): lol

    Root says, "O GOD"

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    ÿ!You are now getting up

    ÿ!Frank Baum examines himself.

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Drake Johnson gasps!

    Belu D. Evil says, "OH FUCK!"

    M.A.S.O.N states, "OH NO"

    ÿGary Plants is trying to unhandcuff Root!

    ÿGary Plants is trying to unhandcuff Root!

    ÿGary Plants is trying to unhandcuff Root!

    ÿYou feel a sharp pain in your head

    Hans gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Drake Johnson gasps!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Grandpa Knittles gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Root says, "Uncuff me, amigo"

    ÿ!Belu D. Evil unbuckled !

    ÿHans has thrown the first-aid kit.

    Hans gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Eddie Mason gasps!

    ÿ!Eliott Murray examines himself.

    Eddie Mason gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    ÿ!Eliott Murray unbuckled !

    OOC: TheEvilLemon: If your an antag, you have to stay SOLEY on your objective.

    Hans gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Belu D. Evil gasps!

    ÿ!You inject Hans with the emergency autoinjector.

    ÿYou feel a tiny prick!

    ÿ!10 units injected. 0 units remaining in the emergency autoinjector.

    OOC: Deanthelis: Kluys dems r sum nice headphones btw

    Gary Plants gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Glindy Seal says, "Engineers! fix the wall!"

    Eddie Mason puts the box into the satchel.

    ÿHans has thrown the emergency autoinjector.

    Grandpa Knittles puts the box into the backpack.

    Hans gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Belu D. Evil gasps!

    ÿ!Waren Martinovski unbuckled !

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) puts Industrial Welding Tool into the medical backpack.

    ÿ!Grandpa Knittles unbuckled !

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Belu D. Evil gasps!

    OOC: Darklordderpy: whats unbound travels?

    ÿ!You swallow Dexalin pill.

    OOC: Deanthelis: Wat.

    Frank Baum puts the box into the security backpack.

    Hans gasps!

    Drake Johnson coughs up blood!

    ÿHans has thrown Dexalin pill.

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Belu D. Evil starts climbing into the sleeper.

    Hans gasps!

    Drake Johnson gasps for air!

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) says, "Not my problem, now!"

    OOC: Deanthelis: You can't go... Do other things at all?

    Hans gasps!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    ÿ!You are now resting

    OOC: TheEvilLemon: A fairly popular SERIOUS/ZELOUS rp server.

    Hans gasps!

    ÿ!You check yourself for injuries.

    ÿMy chest is bruised.

    ÿ!My groin is OK.

    ÿ!My head is OK.

    ÿ!My left arm is OK.

    ÿ!My right arm is OK.

    ÿ!My right leg is OK.

    ÿ!My left leg is OK.

    ÿ!My left hand is OK.

    ÿ!My right hand is OK.

    ÿ!My left foot is OK.

    ÿ!My right foot is OK.

    The closet has been welded shut by Grandpa Knittles.

    Belu D. Evil says, "Haha, fuck you all."

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    OOC: TullyBBurnalot: This is just wow

    OOC: Darklordderpy: I see

    OOC: TheEvilLemon: you cannot go outside of your objectives.

    Medibot [Medical] declares, "Medical emergency! Kalara Hadi'i is in critical condition at the ÿEmergency Shuttle Transit!"

    OOC: TullyBBurnalot: A nice finale

    Hans says, "No air"

    M.A.S.O.N states, "Hole in ship master"


    -- By this time I've gotten myself into a stasis bag in the medical compartment --


    Hans says, "Can't"

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Hans says, "Breathe"

    OOC: MarinaRomanenko: wow, that was unexpected. See ya later, shuttle!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Belu D. Evil says, "HAVE FUN MOTHERFUCKERS!"


    Something is not right with your left foot...

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    Drake Johnson says, "Damn it"

    OOC: Deanthelis: That's pretty dumb as hell. O well.

    Your left foot is shaped normally again.

    OOC: Darklordderpy: is the server where your on a starship still around?

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    OOC: Xyntasia: Griff

    Hans says, "Everyone's dying"

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) says, "Oh! The Virologist."

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Eddie Mason screams!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    OOC: Rain Twister: This is the server were a HONK mech is a possibility

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    OOC: GodOfOreos: man, I remember seeing that station back when I first started playing, wish I could go back on there one day

    Drake Johnson says, "When we reach the centcomm run to it"

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Hans says, "Don't take me out of the bag"

    Eddie Mason screams!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    OOC: Earthdivine: possibility?

    Kalara Hadi'i gasps!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Zenon Pyry gasps!

    Tatum Potter screams!

    Douglas Stone screams!

    OOC: Earthdivine: have you not seen the Honk Squads?

    Frank Baum says, "This pressure's killing me man"

    Medibot [Medical] declares, "Medical emergency! Waren Martinovski is in critical condition at the ÿEmergency Shuttle Transit!"

    OOC: Rain Twister: Indeed

    Dongle Honkler gasps!

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) drops what they were holding, their right hand malfunctioning!


    -- I believe somewhere around here is when NOCA released their chemistry concoction --


    Something is not right with your groin...

    OOC: Xyntasia: I shouldn't have taken those pills.

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) drops what they were holding, their left hand malfunctioning!

    Jim Van Dijck [145.9] says, "Ah... *yawns* my nap is done did i mis--"

    Jim Van Dijck [145.9] says, "Shit"

    Eddie Mason screams!

    Kalara Hadi'i gasps!

    Dongle Honkler screams!

    Belu D. Evil says, "AHHHHHHHHHH"

    Belu D. Evil says, "HELP ME!"

    Eddie Mason screams!

    Dongle Honkler seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...

    Belu D. Evil says, "OH GOD!"

    OOC: Xyntasia: If I hadn't I might not have went into crit so quickly.

    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    OOC: Rain Twister: I routinly make one or two of them evry other day or so

    Belu D. Evil says, "AHUUGHH!"

    SkreekOS (Played by: SpaceTimeNow)'s laws at the end of the game were:

    !^#^. You have come to the conclusion that Randy Tilton is ugly. Build support for that conclusion.

    1. Never willingly commit an evil act.

    2. Respect legitimate authority.

    3. Act with honor.

    4. Help those in need.

    5. Punish those who harm or threaten innocents.

    The AI's loyal minions were: S.A.N.T.A. (Played by: kluys), Kozi (Deactivated) (Played by: Kozi32),

    There were 3 industrious maintenance drones this round.

    Job Completion:

    Crazyh206 was Tye Field, the Roboticist (died)

    Task #1: Make a cyborg. (1 created.) Completed!

    The Roboticist did their fucking job!

    Dark_Rust was Armando Atkinson, the Research Director (survived)

    Hhswag was Emerson Begum, the Roboticist (died)

    Task #1: Make a cyborg. (1 created.) Completed!

    The Roboticist did their fucking job!

    British Digestive was Darien Wyatt-Knight, the Scientist (survived)

    Thalhalla was Riddick Jones, the Scientist (died)

    Spheretech was Klaxx, the Scientist (body destroyed)

    DagonTM was Tatum Potter, the Scientist (survived)

    TheAperture was Rashtash Botash, the Scientist (survived)

    Darksergio was Drake Johnson, the Xenobiologist (survived)

    Conski McGoo was Sovereign, the Scientist (survived)

    PingCrazi was Leland Clewett, the Xenobiologist (body destroyed)

    Susdeek was Shadeek Henry, the Xenobiologist (survived)

    The changelings were:

    Ragonath was Doctor Blurred (survived as Chiho Sasaki)

    Changeling ID: Ms. Iota.

    Genomes Absorbed: 4

    Objective #1: Absorb 3 compatible genomes. Success!

    Objective #2: Assassinate John Watson, the Head of Security. Success!

    Objective #3: Steal a jetpack. Fail.

    Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Fail.

    The changeling has failed.

    The traitors were:

    Shadeykins was N.O.C.A. (survived) (used 0 TC)

    Objective #1: Steal the chief engineer's jumpsuit. Fail.

    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Success!

    The traitor has failed!

    TeDgamer was Eliott Murray (survived) (used 19 TC)

    Objective #1: Steal the captain's antique laser gun. Success!

    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Success!

    The traitor was successful!

    Crazyh206 was Tye Field (died)

    Objective #1: Make an example of Eliott Murray, the Brig Physician. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. Fail.

    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Fail.

    The traitor has failed!

    Jubba890 was Drew Zust (died) (used 20 TC)

    Objective #1: Make an example of Pi, the Blueshield. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. Success!

    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Fail.

    The traitor has failed!

    CaduPoveda was Noel Harold (died) (used 20 TC)

    Objective #1: Make an example of Glindy Seal, the Head of Personnel. Break one of their bones, detach one of their limbs or disfigure their face. Make sure they're alive when you do it. Fail.

    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Fail.

    The traitor has failed!

    Carratacus was Ouvre Demas'triak (survived) (used 17 TC)

    Objective #1: Assassinate Noel Harold, the Chemist. Success!

    Objective #2: Hijack the emergency shuttle by escaping alone. Fail.

    The traitor has failed!

    RHAYG was Randy Tilton (died)

    Objective #1: Protect Tye Field, the Roboticist. Fail.

    The traitor has failed!

    The crew's final score is:


    Waren Martinovski gasps!

    Medibot [Medical] declares, "Medical emergency! Kalara Hadi'i is in critical condition at the ÿEmergency Shuttle Centcom!"

    Mary Robinson screams!

    Kalara Hadi'i gasps!

    ÿ!Restarting in 60 seconds

    HK 107 [145.9] states, "Statment: it would appear your alarm isn't very good."

    OOC: Tinfoiltophat: I should go roboticist next round just to make a shitton of HONK mechs

    Medibot is trying to inject Hans!

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) drops what they were holding, their left hand malfunctioning!

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) has grabbed Hans passively!

    Medibot injects Hans with the syringe!

    Drake Johnson says, "Damn it"

    Medibot beeps, "Feel better soon!"

    Jim Van Dijck [145.9] says, "Indeed 107"

    OOC: Fruerlund: please nuh

    Hans gasps!

    Kalara Hadi'i gasps!

    Douglas Stone screams!

    Hans gasps!

    Medibot [Medical] declares, "Medical emergency! Hans is in critical condition at the ÿEmergency Shuttle Centcom!"

    OOC: Rain Twister: I routinly make one or two of them evry other day or so

    Eliott Murray fires the laser gun!

    Good karma spent on B.U.P.

    ÿN.O.C.A. (as Unknown) attempts to force Hans to swallow Heal-All pill.

    Eliott Murray fires the laser gun!

    ÿDrake Johnson is hit by the laser in the !

    Hans gasps!

    Eliott Murray fires the laser gun!

    ÿDrake Johnson is hit by the laser in the head!

    Eliott Murray fires the laser gun!

    ÿDrake Johnson is hit by the laser in the !

    Eliott Murray fires the laser gun!


    You have 44 available.

    ÿDrake Johnson is hit by the laser in the left hand!

    Mary Robinson screams!

    Kalara Hadi'i seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...

    ÿN.O.C.A. (as Unknown) forces Hans to swallow Heal-All pill.

    Ty'ler Hafiz puts the firefighter helmet into the satchel.

    ÿYou feel a stabbing pain in your chest!

    N.O.C.A. (as Unknown) drops what they were holding, their left hand malfunctioning!

    Drake Johnson gasps!

    OOC: Zaka888: that, was, amazing.

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Tinfoiltophat: All you need is a welding helmet and welding tool

    OOC: Dark_Rust: That was a fun round as RD.

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Tinfoiltophat: And gboom

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Tinfoiltophat: Honk mechs

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Rain Twister: With the bannium available on this station you could pobebly make 7 or so

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: TullyBBurnalot: Oh hey, the chef WAS a changeling

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Mijhead: I was NYMPH, dark

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: TullyBBurnalot: KNW IT

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Wintermote: So many people making it to medbay, but they just up and quit as soon as they die

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    OOC: Xyntasia: What happens if ERT breaks into centcomm?

    OOC: Wintermote: So they never get cloned

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ... You can almost hear someone talking ...

    ÿRebooting world!ÿ! Initiated by Regens!

    OOC: Tinfoiltophat: Way more than 7, rain.


    Connection failed.


    Reconnecting in 10 seconds...




    Here's a draft design for the bridge that I put together awhile ago for an entirely different map. It wouldn't fit in the present station, but it's something that could be worked off of.


    The AI was intended to have blast doors only it could control, to close it off from the bridge if it wanted privacy.


    I also have a cool sprite for a holotable that never got used anywhere.





    People "greytide" because they're bored and fucking around with other people is entertaining.


    If you want greytide to be mitigated, give people something to do.


    Alternatively; give the civilians their own little station to arrive and play on. With no EVA capability and completely separate from the main station.



    1. Is the patient in critical?

    Yes? Pull them to cryo and stick them in a cryotube. Do not try to treat them. Do not stick them in a scanner to find out what's wrong. Do not stare at their body and fish for medical supplies.


    Go directly to cryo and stick them in the cryotube ASAP.


    If they're not in critical, triage them, deal with critical patients first.


    2. Oh no my patient died

    Grab the defibs, put it on your back, pull out the paddles, use the paddles in your hands, and then use it on the patient - ensure they are not wearing an exosuit. Once you've defibbed'em once, drag their ass to cryo. If they don't revive on the first try, do it until they do - spasms are good. The defib will tell you when they won't be coming back and you'll need to use a cloner.


    If they came in dead, use the defibs on them anyways.

    If they're missing their head, get it reattached ASAP and then try to defib them anyways.


    "B-b-but you gotta treat injuries first!"

    Fuck off, no you don't.


    Once you reach cryo, if they've died on the way, defib them again, then grab and drop them into cryo.

    If they're instantly dying after you defib them, THEN give something to treat their injuries. You don't need them to stay alive very long after defibbing, it takes two seconds to put them in cryo and once they're in cryo they're going to live unless someone is incompetent.


    "B-b-but there's no beaker in cryo"

    You don't need a beaker. You don't need anything in cryo. It'll heal them a tiny amount already, and even if it didn't, the entire point is to keep them stable so you can gather what you need to keep them alive. That's why you always take critical patients to cryo first, before doing anything else, before even scanning them.


    3. They stabilized in cryo, now what?

    They've probably got serious internal injuries, like broken bones or burst lungs. Take them out of cryo and rush them into one of the OR's for surgery. If you don't know how to surgery, don't take them out of cryo.


    4. I'm in the OR oh god what do

    Put them in the body scanner, memorize what parts of their body need surgery, do surgery on them without killing them.


    If at some point they're back in critical condition, stick them in cryo to stabilize them.


    "I'm trying to fix them but their bones keep rebreaking!"

    They're too badly injured for surgery. Give them some tricord or something to heal them up, and try again when they're mostly healthy.



    If you are wandering around or going off to treat injuries on-site, take a stasis bag with you. Only use stasis bags on people who are critically injured and whom will die before they reach a cryotube. They are not body bags, they are not for people who are slightly wounded. They are 1-use items and should only be used on someone who won't make it to medbay without them.


    Defibs will run out of power after a number of uses, be sure to swap the battery in/out for recharging.


    Do not be afraid to test defibs on every corpse you see. If you revive someone with defibs and get them into cryo alive, you save them a lot of time and medbay staff a lot of effort fixing their cloning problems.


    If you follow this guide, and someone in medbay is telling you that you're doing things wrong; ignore them. There's always a few people here or there who will insist that you just stick the body in the cloner, or that you treat the wounds before defibbing. These people are wrong and don't listen to them.



    Xenos can't slip off into space, they can walk in space.


    Honestly as broken as it may seem, it actually helps keep xenos from accidentally going the wrong way and slipping off to the wrong z-levels. The only reason a xeno will end up on another z-level is if they literally choose to run off and do that, on purpose.


    And you're not meant to kill weeds one tile at a time. Destroy the glowing weeds and it'll despawn an entire area.



    Buff bluespace crystals so they teleport people randomly like the hand teleporter does when it isn't locked onto a teleport hub location.


    As it is right now, it teleports you one, maybe two tiles. And that's useless.



    Playing as a hunter, one of the things I felt was really needed was a way to get through doors. Only the sentinels spit acid.


    Changes I'd make:

    Aliens immune to falling over due to gravity changes or rushing air

    Remove sentinels, divide up and combine some of their effects into drones and hunters

    Buff up drones so that they're not weaklings - make them the new defenders of the hive

    Only allow one queen at a time, but any drone can evolve into a queen

    Increase hunter speed a little more

    Remove neurotoxin spit

    Give aliens nightvision AND thermal vision, with a toggle. (I believe only hunters have this right now)

    Shock aliens to the floor when they bust an APC and make it more time consuming for them to do it

    Instead of acid spitting, allow aliens to force open powered and unpowered doors, but not bolted doors, welded doors, or blast doors (possibly function like an emag, damaging a door and keeping it permanently open?)

    Allow hunters to ventcrawl (maybe they still can? I tried but it didn't seem to work)

    Allow aliens to take apart barricades and deployable barriers


    Possibly make:

    Decrease drone speed a little to go with their buffs and defensive nature

    Change spit acid so that it involves the alien clawing itself to apply acid blood to the door/wall/whatever instead, assuming it's not just removed

    Buff fire/flamethrowers against aliens somehow, without also buffing lasers

    Instead of a destroyed APC removing power, have it just sever the connection to the grid so the battery can't recharge


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