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Grey Tider

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  1. I enjoy playing pAI, but there are a few things I feel would benefit the role immensely, and make it overall easier to play, too. 1. Make it impossible for anybody except the Master to 'boop' the pAI's mobile form to reduce it to pocket-size. If there's one thing that annoys the ever-living hell out of me, it's that some random greytide walks by, boops me and attempts to steal me. a pAI is as it says; PERSONAL. If it can be DNA-locked, I'm sure a 'finger print' mechanic can prevent randoms from booping us closed. 2. Remove the cooldown timer a pAI has when being booped and attempting to re-enter a mobile form. I cannot imagine why this cooldown timer is in place in the first place. If you're booped against your will, your best bet is to re-enter mobile form and flee, simple as. Even if someone just does it for fun, the timer can get pretty annoying. 3. Give the pAI the ability to talk on the Master's radio frequency when held in the Master's pocket. Being a pAI means being useful to one's Master, yet we're not able to tap into their radio frequencies to transmit information? Even though we can HEAR them? A pAI actually becomes VALUABLE to people when we can speak on their frequencies. Think of security, where a pAI could continue to update an officer's location while he's chasing someone. To give an example. I know I'm new on the forums, but I feel like anyone that plays pAI enough can understand where I'm coming from with these suggestions. Let me know what you think.
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