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Fox McCloud

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Posts posted by Fox McCloud


    This was very intentionally removed; it's not a bug and was done for balance reasons.


    When you could change out cells, it effectively meant anyone with science access had umlimited shots--just print off a bunch super cells and carry them around--it nearly completely alienates the cap's laser gun and the advanced energy gun, which have the selling point of being self-recharging (which is an upside that becomes pointless when you can fire 30 shots).


    It would also contribute to permastunning and keeping entire crowds down with the hybrid taser as you could just spam it around like no tomorrow and end up stunning everyone with it.


    The current balance issues that secborgs have? That's what officers and traitor scientists will turn into.



    Greys are effectively humans with telepathy and increased darksight---all with a virtually non-existent weakness to make up for it; this race is not in need of buffs in any way, shape or form.


    While this is a neat idea, in theory, I do agree that it's just going to lead a lot of abusive long-range buddying and antag-ruining. Effectively you're giving a changeling power to a regular race.


    There's been an ongoing effort to normalize races so they're balanced against each other; having one race be the standard go-to powergamey race that all the robust players want to play as (example being old slimes) is not healthy for game balance and is something that is to be actively avoided.



    -most job-related jumpsuits have armor; sec jumpsuits have melee, medical has bio, engineering has radiation, and science has bomb---the RD's jumpsuit has both bio and bomb on it, making it the most armored jumpsuit in the game.

    -You can eat crayons; the clown's crayon can never be consumed, thus making it an unlimited food source

    -Banana juice and Bananahonk heal the Clown of fire and brute damage

    -Nothing and Silencer heal the Mime of fire and brute damage

    -The Chaplain can use his Bible to convert water into holy water

    -Mopping with holy water cleans the floor without causing slipping



    There's a couple of reasons why these were removed


    -Inconsistent Theme

    -Poor/no visual communication

    -You're not as cool as Adam Jensen


    The trenchcoat and dermal armor patch have always kinda been out there pieces of materials; they don't really match anything else the entire security force has; it stood apart from the usual wear uniforms sharply without any really specific reason for it to do so other than "I want to cosplay as Adam Jensen". The whole reason these pieces even existed was...well, exactly for that purpose, as noted in the code.


    Expanding on this a bit further, there was a bit of security cleanup a while back that attempted to reduce the amount of sec-clothing spam we had; basically security had a whole bunch of different uniforms and armors, but none of them were really unified or consistent with each other---and some jobs (HoSin particular) had nearly half a dozen uniforms/armors to pick from. Once things were cut down, a second full set of security clothing was added--you now can choose from one of two complete sets; classic (red jumpsuits with sec caps and the traditional hats you see on the warden/HoS) and tactical/formal (more formalized jumpsuits with red accents and berets, with Warden and HoS receiving distinctive armors to match).


    The secondary problem it has, particularly for the dermal armor patch, is that it had no visual communication to the player that "hey, he has armor on". Yes, I realize that the current hats the HoS hats don't scream "super armor", but they do visually demonstrate whether or not the HoS is equipped or not. This wasn't just for the HoS either; if the HoS decided to wear his regular hat, but pass along the dermal piece to someone else (or Captain wanted it), this obscured the line even more so.


    You're not as cool as Adam Jensen. Sorry, get over yourself, you'll never be as cool as he is, so stop giving that million-mile stare, 'cause you're still not as cool as Adam Jensen.



    How to be the detective:

    1. Spawn as detective.

    2. Cry.

    3. Commence to throw yourself out the airlock, because you won't ever solve a case.



    I'm disappointed you forgot the most important step.


    4. Drink yourself to death at the bar (or at least try with your genes of insane alcohol metabolism).



    There's already a mining bot, it's just not in-game yet--we used TG mining at one point on Para, but it got overwritten, sadly, by Bay's inferior mining update which meant a lot of the fun aspects of mining were removed (loot, goodies, tools, etc).


    There was a hydroponics bot, but it caused runtimes out the butt and was so much of an issue to work with it was cut.



    This is a real possibility and not hard to do; another is ID Locking the booze machine--or we could do both.


    Or we could just have a syndicate turret renamed with "Bartender defense system" and have the description say 'AIN'T NO FUCKERS GONNA BE STEALIN' MAH BOOZE NOW!'.

    Make sure it's connected to the Bartender's ID.


    Firing 40mm no doubt.



    Bombs are fairly easy to make; and our ZAS (and even LINDA) doesn't exactly allow for long-term bomb constructing projects like Goon does (ie: a good canister bomb requires 45 minutes of work to make). If explosions were even more powerful, they'd have to be pretty damn hard or time consuming to make..but as it currently stands, those who know how to make bombs can end up using every single tank transfer valve within 10-15 minutes in---and every single bomb is max-size (or bigger).


    Explosions already got a massive buff when we went from recursive to non-recursive; they're in a damn good spot as they currently stand.



    Some of this is to limit the availability of items or reduce access tot hem for most of the crew while still scaling it with a particular job population.


    A perfect example of this is both the hybrid taser and the telebaton. These only spawn on certain jobs to reduce the access to the items so they're not abused and have way less impact on the round if that class/job is not present.


    In other situations it's about customization; not everyone wants a t-ray as an engineer, a medical belt as a doctor---and for security, especially, there's 100 different ways 100 different officer's are going to want to configure their loadout (or even the order of their loadout).


    Inventory management and equipping is part of the game, as Dreadweaver said--the reason everything doesn't have to be equipped is to balance out ease of access vs customization and factoring in potential transfer as well---all while keeping down spam and access to high-impact items.



    Just my own opinions.


    If we are to do this, then I'd recommend these changes as well:



    -Transparent (will require sprite changes for IC reasons)

    -No ID lock

    -Can ONLY be opened/closed via crowbar (or fire alarm pulling)


    Transparency is mostly to see if there's gas/a fire or if the zone air alarm is flashing on the other side



    Ultimately means that yes, more idiots forcing the locks when they shouldn't, but it also means that you have some chance of escaping a fire or depressurization--if we re-add maintenance access without including this, a lot of people are going to start dying to atmos issues.


    Note: Upon reflection (for two seconds) I think we should implement taking Civilian maintenance access away first and foremost, entirely due to the current greytide issues.


    They don't have maintenance access, currently



    PAi's can be made dirt cheap from science, at a very low tech level. If the science guys are refusing to get you one, slap them and call them silly for denying you when it costs less then a sheet to make.


    Pretty much this. It encourages player interaction and RP---and the vast majority of the time the scientists will make you one as it becomes available at data level 2.



    There are some changes/nerfs planned for the Syndiborg in terms of his available weaponry coming up soon , but I'm not sure how much it will impact this specific issues you're mentioning here; it's more likely to impact the Syndiborg's on-station combat effectiveness.

    We got the tech for when it comes to (re)gaining control of doors and sytems, it should be an easy copy and pastejob if you wanted to make the borg hack the doors open.



    This is a potential solution; I'm definitely keeping an eye on things and keeping my ears open to potential ways to balance this out.


    Generally speaking, there hasn't been much of a problem with the AI getting taken out at its new location (without resource+time investment)--Ops have to spend quite a bit of their time to kill the AI, which gives the crew massive time to prepare and the AI can still do a little bit about it (along with its borg)....the exception, of course, is the damn Syndiborg, who can do exactly as Plotron described.


  13. There are some changes/nerfs planned for the Syndiborg in terms of his available weaponry coming up soon , but I'm not sure how much it will impact this specific issues you're mentioning here; it's more likely to impact the Syndiborg's on-station combat effectiveness.


    Enter the animal grief.


    Exactly this, so much. We already have a bit of an issue with pets doing things they should (pulling guns/IDs/bodies away from traitor, etc); this just further increases their potential, all for a secondary "fun" role.


    As for mice and cats? As Streaky said, runtime already pounces and kills mice.



    The knife cuts both ways in this scenario; it's also just as unfun when the Nukies arrive on station and get bolted into a depowered room and can't do much of anything for the rest of the shift either.


    Reason why I ultimately don't have a problem with this: Captain is under the same exact threat and also tends to die a horrendous death within a few minutes of the syndicate boarding the station; it's a risk associated with picking the job--it's just one that the AI has never been exposed to before on a regular basis.


    There may need to be changes to how early the AI gets notification of when someone has stepped foot on the AI satellite (via motion detecting cameras), but the whole intent of the AI sat is that it is not an impenetrable target anymore and is a valid target if traitor/nuke ops/etc wants to attempt to kill it; I really don't see why the AI should have a map status that gives it immunity to something that the entire crew has to deal with shift to shift.


    I can understand the frustration though; the best you can do (same goes for captain) in situations like this is to just scream your head off before you inevitably get lasered to death or your APC is is turned off; provided the crew reacts to your death, you bought them a huge strategical advantage by giving them an early warning as to what's going on.


    I definitely do have my eye on the Syndiborg though, rest assured, as I do feel it's in the category of "insanely strong", right now.



    I did put this more up here for clarification than anything because (Yes, like you said) I felt it was an overly strict interpretation of a rule.


    It's not overly strict--just strict; he's well within his rights to enforce it as such.


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