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Posts posted by Svej


    it states at the start of the rule section


    "Most rules are common sense and it would therefore be impossible to list all the things you could do to get yourself banned. This page is not acting as a complete list of bannable offenses — it instead aims to clear up some confusion about those rules that may not be obvious. All moderators and admins have the power to ban players as they see fit (with reason, of course). If you do not know if an action will be permissible - ask via adminhelp."



    I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to throw every console into bridge for no reason. Looks to me that most of the consoles were just added to fill empty holes, why does bridge need mining shuttle control? Cargo supply console? Teleporter control?

    The old look of bridge was much better imo.



    service borg zippo lighter doesnt work, its been bugged forever now.


    Decapitated heads being unable to see or speak in deadchat seems kinda old...

    I've tried many things to cut off a mob's head, but for some reason I can't get them to actually fall off. Give me a proper method that guarantees decapitation and I'll fix it for you (if I can, that is).


    have you tried a fireaxe?



    Not sure if already been said, but I just noticed with a chameleon jumpsuit, you could change it into a "Mortician" jumpsuit, so I guess a sprite is already made for such job.

    Yes, the Mortician currently uses that very jumpsuit.


    ooh, i didn't read the earlier page.


    Nice to see it as an alt doctor title :)


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