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Mister Mann

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Posts posted by Mister Mann


    Here's a couple to add:


    RIP AND TEAR!-Kill x amount of people using the chainsaw


    I love the power glove-Punch x number of people.


    Honk Blood, Part 1-[Clown Traitor Specific] Kill your target in under a certain time limit say 12:30


    Honk Blood, Part 2-[Clown Specific again] This would co-inside with the shuttle. Creatively kill, and or hijack the shuttle.Bonus points if you have a HONK mech.


    You wanna put a banging donk on it -Steal x amount lower halves



    Supposedly TM Plasmen price was so high because it was in testing phase and nobody was really sure if they'd work and be reasonably balanced. This price was so high because players who could achieve that level of purchase were very well versed on the community and how the server should function, and would understand this wasn't quite finished yet. That was almost 2 years ago now.


    I'd definitely be supporting a Plasmen price reduction down to to 50kp or in that realm, they are somewhat powerful but they aren't particularly better than species like Vox or Kidan. Maybe set up a petition or system so that people who bought the plasmen since the last time they were updated or tweaked could be reimbursed at least some of those points.


    Increasing the cost of Kidan though? Pass. They aren't particularly prolific or common among the crew to begin with, making them less appealing and harder to unlock for players seems like a bad idea. If anything Kidan need some kind of tweak or update to make more players want to play them, or some proper lore push to get people interested in them again.


    This is the point I was trying to make.



    I know this is a bad idea but, I just feel I should point this out.


    Kidan are the much more powerful race out of the two I'm suggesting a price swap for. Seeing, as kidan literally have a base 20% damage resistance. Not to mention the resistance would stack with hardsuit or a riot suit for that matter. The only draw back being I believe is no glasses. While plasma men have little to no buffs to them and are more for lack of a better term. Built for RP'ing instead of full blown power game. Now, I understand in a game of stuns plasma men would be lost in it kidan would be able to take a good kicking. The only buffs I know plasma men have are the space suit round start, and the lack of not needing oxygen. And, the visor is flash proof not sure. But, I know for a fact they're a hard mode race. As, seen in /tg/ and /vg/. They, are weaker in every sense of the word, they're literally IPC's with tougher limbs, and vox that's it. If I remember they take twice as much burn damage though. That could just be from /tg/ I have no idea if that still works here.


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