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Everything posted by Frogtoez

  1. I'm not sure what this is but I'm glad it exists.
  2. Suggestion: Add a Toggle Antag Button somewhere on the lobby menu, maybe next to declare ready for practicality. Reason: Sometimes the player (me) might not feel like being an antag, but does not want to manually change their preferences on/off between rounds. But if they choose not to manually change their preferences (Because laziness) and instead wait until after the round starts to join they may miss out on the role they want or miss out on being a target of an antagonist! Closing: Probably easy to code. Probably very useless.
  3. "We are not going to give karma for doing your job. This has been brought up before." I wrote in the original post that karma wouldn't be a balanced or suitable reward, t'was merely a suggestion.
  4. Nine times out of ten, NT crew manage to neglect their duty. I feel like if players were rewarded for doing tasks with something that carried over through rounds, rather than money, they would have an incentive to do their job. I'm not entirely sure what a balanced or suitable reward would be because one karma seems a little too generous per round but I thought I'd leave this here anyway.
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