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Everything posted by Rowles

  1. Disregarding validhunting or the likes, is it possible to code such a thing in?
  2. I was not implying that Ian should be used to validhunt, simply to add security more force due to the lack of them usually. EDIT: For example adding some sort of NPC that is a dog that can be used by security to "sniff" out explosives or drugs, or even order to attack people.
  3. It would still be in my opinion a very good feature if added in. Might eveb encourage roleplay if players play as the dogs.
  4. While playing in a round as security, I found Ian walking around(player controlled), and I thought; Maybe I can take Ian as a security dog(since HoP was dead), and I did, put on a helmet on him, and through the shift he actually helped out(due to good roleplay from many people.) The suggestion here is what was missing is, for example, the ability for Ian or corgis to attack or lunge at people. This could give Sec the ability to order a corgi crate, and have them become a K-9 unit, which is useful for alone sec-officers, or a low amount of them. Also another extra suggestion is giving more dog-centered equipment, like chest-rigs or something similiar, or even cameras you can install on Ian. ALSO the ability for him to sniff out explosives or similiar stuff would be great. That's all.
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