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Posts posted by Lyricjupiter3


    Late for the post but going ahead anyway.


    Lask spends most of his time with Entchtut, that and keeping his other three jobs he holds off station 13. Also can be found at any bar with cheap drinks when the time allows it.


    Chitikayataka on the other end spends most of his down time on a prison station, that or in abandoned buildings cooking chems and trying to sell stolen goods. He also takes time to try and practice his writing.



    I think it may be a bit of issue to bring into play but Uanthi are meant to be a naturally robust race. One thing I remember from their backstory is that they are meant to have a bone plate rather then rips so, say they have a weak armor value for the chest but it takes a while to cut the "ribs"?

    On tau ceti server Unathi have passive resistance to brute damage but they are slower then humans a bit. Because they have thick skin but they are a bit less agile due to that.


    I don't really care as long as they change them up slightly. I mean Uanthi, Vulp, and many of the other races are just human reskins. It needs to be changed slightly because I can tell you heat resistance is the most worthless trait in existence. If you have high eat its due to been on fire (Fire damage) Or been around fire (High pressure damage)



    You forgot drask. But drask is a new race. We really need to make old races more unique from humans. I personally would be very glad to see some changes to unathi to make them more appealing for people.


    I think it may be a bit of issue to bring into play but Uanthi are meant to be a naturally robust race. One thing I remember from their backstory is that they are meant to have a bone plate rather then rips so, say they have a weak armor value for the chest but it takes a while to cut the "ribs"?



    I'd like them to be more swashbuckling orientated, and based more on stereotype pirates rather than space raiders. Spess pirates don't work for non one. Blackpowder weapons, swords etc. etc.


    Meh, In truth they should have the option for it but really we already have wiz for the overly silly thing.


    I think its a great idea, even though I feel nukeops would replace this only if there was a keep races thing. This is basically nukeops with keep races which I think is better personalty.


    Hint hint why nukeops always human?



    Late one but might as well add because why not.


    This ones for Lask by the way. Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas as there are now five diffrent Lasks running around.


    Extravert(31%) Sensing(28%) Feeling(10%) Perceiving(34%)

    You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (31%)

    You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (28%)

    You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (10%)

    You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (34%)



    Name: Chitikayataka

    Age: 26

    Gender: N/A

    Race: Vox

    Blood Type: A+

    General Occupational Role(s): Chemical researcher and "Trader"


    Biography: Chitikayatakas early life like most Vox is rather unknown. Chitikayataka came onto the grid only a small number of years ago as a Vox raider in which he held the medical role of the group. While counted as one of the younger and less able of the party he had a active role in a mix of raids and trades both in success and failure. However only some months ago a trade went bad and all the crew of the shipjack where arrested by NT security, this including Chitikayataka.


    After a short stint in a prison station a deal was made with NT by paying off his "debts" to NT by working on one of the many stations that the company controlled. In this deal Chitikayataka would be trained in chemistry and medical actions. After only a month Chitikayataka became well revised in the chemical field and knew enough to be of use to NT. This however came at a cost.


    Chitikayataka only shortly after been introduced into chemical research became a abuser of the narcotic meth. A addiction he has yet to kick in full even today.


    When he is not feeding this addiction Chitikayataka also has formed another skill the Vox commonly works on. This is document forgery. Chitikayataka takes a massive satisfaction when he can pass forged documents as real things and it has become the Voxes main hobby. He constantly trying to find new tricks to fool the reader into thinking that the document is official.


    Qualifications: Was Medical for Vox raiding party. Trained in chemistry


    Employment Records: Chemical researcher, Nurse, Chemist and Trader.


    Security Records: Chem abuser and is also known for forged or fake document use.


    Medical Records: Some bad cases of meth addiction. Nothing else to note.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Five foot tall Vox with a olive completion. Has reddish-blue eyes and many pinpricks in his arms and neck.



    Name: Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Race: Unathi

    Blood Type: B-

    General Occupational Role(s): Sec.



    Hatched in the northern lands of his race's homeworld, Moghes, Laskorreshkor spent most of his childhood just like any other Unathi commoner. That being, basic education followed by a life of service and labor in the many jobs that needed to be done in his village. This seemed like the most likely limit of his life as he lacked real hunting and combat skills.

    That all changed at the age of 23 when Laskorreshkor found himself in a relationship with a woman of the village, owned by another. Much unlike the common forbidden love story Laskorreshkor was found rather 'red handed'. The outcome was swift and before the end of the day Laskorreshkor was punished. As his family denounced him and the village turned against him, he left to the closest city state.


    The city state was harsh. Laskorreshkor having lost all credibility and honor, even his family name, was not going to go anywhere on his home planet of Moghes. He had to move on and after three years of solid labor he earned enough money to leave for the stars. He ended up in human space with a small amount of money and a fresh start, the fresh start not lasting a month.


    While already greatly depressed from his past issues, he's new found ones. At first he was unable to speak the language of the other species. The first word he learned in the other species' common language was "Drink". He got to know "Drink" quite well, that was followed by "Bet" and "Gamble" and "Loan". I think you get the image. Before a month Laskorreshkor had fucked up again. At 26 he found himself in debt, a large debt, with the banking branch of everyone's favorite company: NanoTrasen.


    At 27 Laskorreshkor has been forced to sign a contract to wipe that debt in labor to NanoTrasen. Thus begins his adventures on Space Station 13.


    Now 28 years old, Laskorreshkor has changed in his time within the station. He formed a relationship with another crew member aboard the station named Entchtut Cenein and has managed to pay off most of his debt. Laskorreshkor however still has a few minor issues.



    Basic education.

    Basic training in first aid, basic training in robotics.

    At the moment Lask has been here long enough to be counted as having; Sec training, medical training.



    Security Records:



    Two counts of attempted murder (Thralled and therefore quieted)

    One count of attacking a officer (Released)

    Two counts of assisting hostile force (Released due to given information)

    One count of petty theft (Released)


    Notes. Due to a aggressive nature and issues with anger he has been equated from been the sec unit within NT. His ban has been lifted. There has also been one commendation gained from his services in NT's sec force. 



    Medical Records:



    Bad liver. Suspected drunk.

    Mental instability and possibly depression. Has a deep fear of borging and cloning and may have a mental brake-down if he learns he is a clone. It is suggested not to let him find out if this is the case.

    We have lost count of number of Alcohol poison cases.



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