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Professor Cupcake

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Posts posted by Professor Cupcake


    The whole it makes the Janitor's job 'impossible' is utter tish tosh.


    Except, it does. Hypothetically, it's possible to come close to not having a single spot of blood or cleanable material on the station as janitor---insanely difficult, but possible.


    With dirt, it's literally impossible---you can never have a perfect or near-perfect metric.


    This doesn't really strike me as a problem.


    I'd say it's part of the Janitor's job that they have an 'impossible' task. A janitor's work really is never done.



    This one again, huh.


    I would honestly argue for removing Perma all together and merging it with Labor Camp so brigged prisoners can mine, even if it means we have to make a secondary asteroid a little farther away from the other outposts if need be. Mining wouldn't be required of prisoners, but it'd be an option and chance to make them productive.

    ^Yeah, that.



    Wait, people actually give a shit about the stats at the end? Weird.


    But anyway, yeah; I'd like dirty floors to stay. None of the reasons that have been stated so far strike me as particularly good ones for straight-up removing them. Reducing the rate it accumulates, maybe, but not removing them. Even then, I'm a little hesitant.


    Oh, and fix it so only living mobs cause it.



    Perhaps to balance it, have it act like a combo of autolathe and chem synth, but with much smaller capacity?

    So, it takes metal and glass to produce the cases, and uses energy to synthesise the chems. Just have the capacity for chem synth energy set quite low, to limit what can be produced at once.



    I said 1-2 hours per PERSON that recorded. With the three proposed that's already roughly 3-6 hours and it goes higher with more people.

    That's just the time for viewing the content, it could take twice as long during the editing process (reviewing, scripting/planning, editing, etcetera).


    Now you're getting into the realms of an average video.

    Obviously, it depends on the type of video too.


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