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Posts posted by Valkyrie

  1. 1 hour ago, Buford said:

    I find it weird but I've looked at the rules and "Powergaming" is not a rule. This suggestion is an alright idea I'm kinda neutral don't really care if it's added or not. 

    Powergaming according to other server rules is when you do something outside of your job/specialization such as performing surgery or using medkits and analyzers while engineer and all that.

    Powergaming on other RP games outside of SS13 refers to like force RPing such as forcing actions upon another person.

    Powergaming is basically "playing to win". SS13 is supposed to be a game you immerse yourself in and roleplay everything out. There are some people, however, that always have a strategy, prepare for any encounter, splint every limb in their body to prevent bone-breakage, always carry stuns/slips/etc. It's not against the rules per say, but it's definitely frowned upon.

    In SkeletalElite's scenario, he's saying that since stamps and signatures can now both be forged, a powergamer would use that knowledge deem it "not enough proof".

  2. 10 hours ago, Buford said:

    I'm always staying human. I'm kinda basic. Yea but I'm a quick learner kinda a bookworm so processing information comes easy to me. Just follow paradise wiki I picked up on it fast.

    I got a hang of security guard now I'm warden often. Next step is HoS. 


    Whenever I play NT rep, cappy, HoS, warden, or similar jobs, I have four tabs open. I call these tabs the Holy Four.


    With these four tabs, you've got everything SOP and Space Law related at your fingertips.It's all easily accessible. I cannot recommend enough having these open whenever you play one of those jobs. Before you're going to make any major decisions about executions or sentencing, consult these pages and make sure whatever you do is in accordance to space law. I tell you this not so you can be a better HoS, but so you don't have to suffer the embarrassment of being demoted/executed/BSA'd because of a space law mishap.

    Also, welcome!

  3. 6 minutes ago, LightFire53 said:

    I find it odd that maintenance has floor tiles in it. It just makes it harder to distinguish, and makes it look more like abandoned corridors instead of, well, maintenance access.

    I agree, it would make more sense for maintenance to have no tiles, as thematically it allows for easy access to pipes and wires, and mechanically because it's easier to identify.



    Is that a fuggen underground ragecage I see? AAAAH

  4. 21 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Pretty sure most of us would have a hard time with just the incision being made...

    That, and some involuntary outbursts would make precise cuts nearly impossible. Not to mention the other side effects.

  5. I played spider that round. The start was pretty awesome, but then it just declined into a game of cat and mouse. It took an ERT and a deathsquad to kill a few spiders that weren't able to reproduce anymore. This could probably be fixed by having it happen later on in the round, and giving the crew a longer period to prepare for the shuttle impact (say like 30 seconds to a minute, as opposed to instant crash after announcement).

  6. 5 minutes ago, Travelling Merchant said:

    OP is referencing rainbow weeds, which I'm explaining.

    If you mean this kind of rainbow weed and not unharvested ambrosia gaia, you might be confused. Rainbow weed is mutated from cannibis, which is completely separate from ambrosia gaia (which mutates from ambrosia vulgaris). See the wiki link above, they're completely different plants.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Jovaniph said:

    okay...what should the message say and should it have a probability to fail?

    "Holy fire erupts from your hand, setting the [cigarette/cigar] aflame, blessed be!"

    If you want failure...

    "Gods favor not the man who smoketh. Holy fire lights the [cigarette/cigar] and your clothing aflame, cursed be!"

  8. I agree. Trials would also help with the whole "We don't have evidence so we're going to keep him in processing while we get evidence" issue. Gives the detainee something to do rather than being bucklecuffed to a chair for 10 minutes.

  9. On 4/11/2017 at 11:06 AM, Purpose2 said:

    Deus vult! Yes, I love this game. I play it a lot, especially when I'm on daughter duty.

    Did multiplayer once with one other person... was /ok/

    I like to minmax my character to be the best spymaster ever and convince my friends to let me be their vassal.


  10. The ridiculous accent is great, they're also resistant to low pressure and spawn with a filled up nitrogen tank, so you can throw yourself out of an airlock and have fun (which is exactly what I did the first time I bought vox).


    Also *scream


    EDIT: Oh yeah, and they're like impossible to keep in perma for an extended period of time.

  11. So here's the idea. The chef should be able to vend clean plates (right now plates are just trash, and look dirty all the time), and rename them after putting some food on it. For example, if the chef puts chicken and waffles on a plate, it shows up as "Chicken and Waffles on a plate" (I know chicken doesn't exist, this is just for an example). With this, he could rename the plate to something like "Chicken n' Waffles", or you could give more complex dishes some random string of French words.


    I'd be happy to do the sprite work and program this in, I just want to see the general opinion on this.


    I'm surprised this wasn't suggested before (from what I could see). This is probably a direct result of the salt-fest I had yesterday when I failed to enthrall some guy because he wouldn't stop screaming.


    Anyway, if you're kidnapping someone and they start screaming, the typical response is to stop the screaming. You usually do this by placing something over their mouth, whether it be duct tape, or your own hands. As far as I know, there's no way to stop them from screaming other than knocking them unconscious, beating them into crit, or using a gag (and I don't think gags are that easy to get). So here's a simple solution. Aiming at the mouth or eyes with disarm/grab intent should muffle of blind the victim depending on the area. This can be resisted extremely easily unless you're cuffed, then you have to remove the cuffs first. Trying to talk, yell, or scream while muffled will result in muffled noises being sent a short distance (or over the radio if you have one). Covering the eyes gives the same effect as being blind, you can't examine things, you can only see in a one meter radius around you, etc.


    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to look at this, love yall.



    I'm Valkyrie, I go by Esiss Shesiss in-game. I enjoy playing engineering, security, and Ian. I've been playing SS13 for about 6 months (I started on /tg/station, wew lad) and arrived at Paradise a few months before it went unlisted. I rubust better when I'm drunk.


    Anyway, I'm 19, currently seeking a career in information security, and like to chill out and eat Wendy's bacon fondue fries. Nice to meet you all!


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