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Posts posted by Valkyrie

  1. On 4/17/2018 at 3:03 PM, Benjaminfallout said:

    Nothing makes me hate someone more then when I ask:

    Why are you bolting the teliporter?

    Why did you have the AI set the doors to max?

    Why did the suit sensors message talk about finding are mangled bodies?

    Why is Security going around maintenance on green at 12:02?


    And I get a response saying there "preparing." or it's "just in case."

    The only time any of this should ever have is with reason. Not the "I know there are going to be antags so I better do this."

    I'll give you a response that doesn't include the two responses you don't like hearing.


    Bolting the teleporter is a little iffy, but it's fine. If you know the bolt wire, it's super easy to get into. If it's unpowered (which is exessive), you can either cut through or just build your own teleporter (be a scientist, ask to be a scientist, or break into science to build the parts. If you don't want to do that, get an EVA suit, throw yourself out of an airlock, and find the Ruski DJ station and go south for your free teleporter.).

    If you're talking about door speed, it's usually only done on the bridge to prevent tailgating.

    When people say "max your suit sensors so we can find your mangled body", they're generally joking and don't mean "there's going to be antags here, so max your suit sensors". Remember, this isn't HRP, you will see AIs and other crew members say super goofy shit.

    I haven't played on Paradise in a while, but the last time I played security, it was generally understood that you're supposed to do one single patrol of the entirety of maintenance at roundstart, then patrol the hallways. This patrol isn't to find antags, but to clean maintenance of anything that could be used to make a weapon, or that's considered contraband. If there's any reports of hostiles in maintenance, we patrol again. I almost never see officers "camping" maintenance the entire round, namely because they're just asking to get killed. If you're an antag and you see that shit happen, just kill them, they deserve it.

  2. 16 hours ago, RiskySikh said:

    What I hate is when you are a Security Officer and you are chasing a criminal, but some dipshit gets in your way, and ruins your chances of getting the crook.

    Take off harm intent.

    16 hours ago, RiskySikh said:

    It really pisses me off, or when Wardens don't help at all.

    It's not really their job to chase after criminals unless under extenuating circumstances where security forces are lacking.

    • Like 2
  3. 15 hours ago, DarkPyrolord said:

    Officers who wordlessly bring someone in with nothing on their records before hand

    Adding onto this, officers who refuse to answer your inquiries about the offending person's crimes over comms, then get mad when you cut them loose to keep processing from being clogged up.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Can always make a private server and take most of the antags for a test ride. It really helps to actually know how they work in game as opposed to reading about them. Everyone learns by messing stuff up. I can tell you or you could read about how to take care of certain antags and antag abilities a hundred times. You'll still learn more from being beaten or killed by them a half dozen times. 

    But how will he know to drag a monkey around everywhere on shadowling rounds to abuse the way glare works?


  5. 1 hour ago, Buford said:

    So yea I know what I'm doing the only thing I struggle in is antag knowledge. The equivalent to being a virgin and reading a book about sex. I can read about antags or process antags but that isn't the same as being an antag.

    The easiest solution is to take a break from jobs that are mindshielded and try out other jobs with your antag preferences on. Not only do you get to learn the other jobs on the station, but you actually have a chance to play as an antag. It gives you a much better understanding of what you're fighting when you play security.

  6. On 8/22/2017 at 11:10 PM, Buford said:

    CIA is a covert group that sends agents to area's to convert the enemy into becoming double agents for them. Or to train rebel groups against government. They have in the past worked with some shady people in the mafia and drug lords. There whole purpose is to disrupt and manipulate groups and governments while trying to keep a low profile and to minimize the blame of the actions on the United States.

    As an American caucasian blackface neo-nazi BLM westboro scientology sextuple agent, I can confirm that the CIA does indeed enjoy working with shady folk such as myself.


  7. 4 hours ago, Jovaniph said:

    There should also be a rule on raiding Security Lockers as well. Or any locker that is job specific

    They're going to do that anyway to arm themselves. Rather than have a rule, have the department head secure anything they want to keep safe before all access is handed out.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Buford said:

    Yea someone went NT Rep and at the start of the round she said "I've heard bad things about you Buford I'll be keeping an eye on you."

    The captain then told me that she's been complaining about me all shift saying "I'm a worthless piece of shit."

    Eventually he got annoyed of her complaining to where he did demote me. Captain allowed me to stay with him and we kinda started a party in AI core haha.


    The only bad thing I did that shift was pepper spray someone for giving me excessive mouth haha. Got brigged for 5 minutes for battery but not demoted but she continued to complain before and after that incident until I did get demoted.

    Another officer non lethally stunsticked someone like 6 times during that same shift in processing but nothing was done about him. Combined with that we were having trouble with the vamps and she basically said according to the captain "Security is doing a shit job at handling the vamps it's Bufords fault" or something along those lines as well blaming the incident of the new officer on me and not penalizing him.


    That's pretty unreasonable. I do remember a time where you made a TON of mistakes as a security member, but you were new, and everyone starts somewhere. That was months ago, though. Just earlier today, I saw you showing better knowledge of Space Law than whoever was playing HoS that round. It's clear that you've gotten a lot more experience and became less prone to mistakes.

    Can't say what the best thing to do in this situation would be besides ahelp if you think you're being metagrudged.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Landerlow said:

    * More reponse from CC in general

    This isn't really something that can be helped. It's very dependent on which admins are online.

    30 minutes ago, Landerlow said:

    * More on-station duties / having actual power i.e promoting/demoting staff members WITH VALID AND ARGUMENTED REASON and approval of CC. 

    That's what the HoP is for. If the HoP is unavailable, the captain can do it. If neither of them are available, you probably have bigger problems to deal with.

    30 minutes ago, Landerlow said:

    * Instead of faxing things directly to communications console, fax it to an NT rep, for the NT rep to relay to command. OR: Give the NT rep a communications console in his room at least, so that printed reports also get in that office directly. (Classified messages, etc)

    * Perhaps a screen which would directly relay requests to CC. FOR THE NT REP TO USE ONLY! Not for the captain or for any other crew. I'm thinking of ERT in dire emergencies, to cleaning assistance, special shipments, etc. These are things the NT rep could handle,  since they are a representative/liason/direct link to CC. 

    So if there's no NT rep on station, execution faxes and other important documents can't be sent? Also, there's already a card scanner for ERTs. The NT rep also has a card scanner.

    30 minutes ago, Landerlow said:

    * Additional QoL improvement: Make a distinguishable sound that plays whenever the NT rep gets a fax or gets a headset message. I sometimes miss either a headset message or a fax in my office because I'm busy or because the chat is just incredibly hectic.

    * A possibility for a 'CC' command channel, only to be used in emergencies, for when the faxes don't work because of issues or whatever. 

    I do like the idea of a command channel that lets you communicate with the NAS Trurl via telecomms, but then faxes will likely fall out of favor. Why write a professional, well formatted document and fax it (which has a long cooldown) when you could just talk to an NT officer over comms?


    I like the idea of improving the NT rep to be more impactful, but I don't think this is the way to do it. I'll think up some ideas and make a reply sooner or later. Just keep in mind that the NT rep is meant to be the 'advisor' role. If a member of command is ignoring your advice, they do so at their own risk.

  10. This needs to be here.

    • Kill as little as necessary
    • Waste as little as necessary
    • Preserve the arkships
    • Preserve materials
    • Adapt and expand to all circumstances
  11. Weather, Science Report, Medical Report, Mail Report, Blackhat Report, Holy Report, Sustenance Report, Status Report, and METAL REPORT reporting.


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