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Posts posted by Toroic


    sorry, still tho, vanilla race


    and people can play races for reasons other than powers and don't bring ops ic characters into suggestions to further criticize them, thats r00d


    For as much as you talk, I would've expected you have more to say.


    It is quite relevant in a discussion about justifying significant coding efforts in the sake of lore when the suggestion is made by someone who does not respect said lore.



    aren't dionae already like super overpowered



    + vanilla race, no touchy touch allow


    Dionae aren't even a little overpowered. That's why out of 70 players 1-2 play dionae, about the same as skrell and grey, who have downsides without upsides.


    Diona upsides are mostly replaced with a hardsuit, and they can't benefit from hardsuit armor, upgrades, or beneficial viruses.


    As for the suggestion, I am going to have to disagree. Of course, what should we expect from someone with a name that doesn't fit the lore at all.



    I feel like most redundant chems exist to handle the huge variety you see in staffing some rounds, as well as the change in patient quantities. I don't think it's so much which is "better" just which is more likely to be used in what situation. Praxis's default chem list is good for day to day needs, and then you should swap out meds accordingly depending on what your going to face. As always, medical should be doing it's best to communicate with sec, so you know what to prepare for.


    Literally none of this is right or makes any sense.


    The redundant chems either aren't made, or are a sheer sign of incompetence on the part of the chemist.


    By the time security knows what is going on basic chems should already be made.



    As I suspected, there's two schools of thought.


    1) People who like to do their job well, and not create extra unnecessary work for others.


    2) People who like to waste their own and other people's time.


    Fortunately we're medium RP, so the second group can safely be ignored.



    Just no.


    We already have enough races as is, especially with the Drask tentatively getting added.


    I don't think racial variety is really ever a bad thing, especially considering that we always have a few races with far larger than average distribution. Mass effect for example had a dozen or more races on the citadel, with no issues.


    However, if I had to choose I'd rather have newer races with more interesting mechanics than humans in costumes, so we could trim the list we already had.


    Vulpakin would obviously be the first to go, just being a clone of the much earlier established Taj.


    I'm kidding, but if vulp and skrell stay available races, there's always going to be room for more interesting ones. I personally don't see the value in species with near human abilities, and would also want all darkvision actually changed to be limited range night vision.



    As far as Resomi though, I think the people who play them will be annoying, and their hallucinating after being alone is dumb. But I like the idea of a hearing based species with worse vision who is also exceedingly fragile. 50 points of damage to crit is nothing.



    To be honest, I'd be happy if we threw out our current genetics system and grabbed Goon's from the open-source.

    How does their system work?



    It may be a TL;DR, but I encourage a full read of the guide, because Goon genetics is VERY different.

    You don't have DNA injectors by default for one.

    And DNA Injectors once researched, cost materials to even produce, so they don't just poop them out infinitely, meaning to spread mutations out via simple injectors, Geneticists have to continue doing work to accrue resources to make those injectors, etc.

    Otherwise you gotta go the long way an splice it manually.


    Also, everyone has randomized potential mutations innately, and these don't effect your Genetic Stability at all to have activated. (This is both positive and negative mutations)

    The only time stability comes into play is when using injectors to give powers not already latent in their genetic code.

    If Stability gets too low, bad things can happen. Such as randomly gibbing yourself.

    Negative mutations like obeisty and blindness and the sort, typically make your genes more stable, while beneficial ones typically make them less stable. So you can only have so many powers without also giving a few negatives to balance out.


    The guide will explain a fuckload better then me, so don't take my word on shit.


    This is a pretty good overview. Two major advantages is that you can easily get a few random powers but too many and too good of powers will quickly make things go badly unless you give yourself disabilities as well.


    It's a pretty fun system and you can call people with rare genes down to genetics to speed up getting something like say, hulk.



    Paperwork is the devil and everyone knows it.


    That said it's actually not that bad, it's excessive paperwork that people really hate, shit like demanding stamps for basic access changes when they can just ask the relevant head of staff over the command channel.


    A signature would be expected if it were for some dangerous place like virology, but for basic sci access or gateway exploring it really is too much.


    I believe just yesterday I was in a shift where a mime asked for Gateway and EVA access. After filling out the needed sheet, I handed it to the captain for review, and without really questioning things, simply filled it out and greenlit it.


    ... Later on we discovered the mime was an agent.



    Times like that make you realize just how important paperwork is, and how it should not be taken lightly.


    Can you explain how this would be different with more pedantic paperwork?



    Lore is good, I like the theme and such for them.


    I think they're going to be one of those species that are weaker than humans, similar to greys or kidan, because fire and heat is a common type of damage and I'm not seeing that they'll get a lot of use out of the supercooled internals, though I could be wrong.


    Still, absolutely fantastic work and you've put a lot of work into coding them as well. Darksight is still pretty much worthless though, as it does nothing without mesons.



    eh yeah but there's always some cock that will cryo you anyway and your fifteen minute break comes back with you without that job you finally got


    Never been an issue for me.


    Doesn't mean it never happens to other people, dude.


    Well, that is a department culture problem, though the hop could easily give you your old job back, worst case.


    Other option is to go hide in a locker in maint, as if an antag is after you secrecy is the best policy.


    Of course, none of that makes the suggestion any less unnecessary.



    Utterly unnecessary. If you're going to go afk, say you feel a short bout of SSD and log out. There's already rules in place to protect you, and you'll want a lot of witnesses.


    Basically what you're suggesting is both unnecessary and less effective than the current system, per usual.


  11. I'd like to point out that currently darksight does nothing unless you're wearing mesons, and then it gives nightvision for that many tiles. But with naked eyes it does nothing, so it shouldn't be a major balancing factor.


    Would it be possible if the system could take into account server population? Power is already hard enough to maintain during the wee hours of the morning when there's barely any or no engineers.




    One person can set up the tesla and then the station is powered forever. Or they can just wire all the solars.


    If power is hard to maintain in weird hours, that's because there's not one competent player on to set up the engine/solars.



    At least your defibs needs to be worn on the back/belt and then wielded in both hands unlike other servers. But well, it would be good to make defibs use up more charge per use, so it would require cell ejection and recharge. You could also reintroduce burn salve and make it mandatory to salve patient chest with it to make defibrillator work safely. Defibing someone without salving would deal severe burn damage instead.


    We play pretty fast and loose with the way defibs function anyway, but burn salve makes no sense to introduce.


    In real life, conducting gel is applied to the pads, and you wouldn't want that smeared on the chest. The electrical charge isn't going to burn anyone.


    If we're nerfing defibs I'd either reduce the number of shocks that you can do from full charge, increase the downtime between shocks, decrease the damage threshhold for reviving, or shorten the time you can revive someone.



    tbh I'm surprised Defibs haven't been nerfed a long time ago, let alone still in the game. They barely take any charge at all to zap someone, can be used to revive 10+ people if the body is found and recovered in a timely manner, and they don't do any permanent damage a could heal synthflesh patches can't immediately go away.


    The cloner on the other hand takes time to work, requires biomass (with only enough starting biomass for 3 people), removes all augments, implants and powers, can induce brain damage and genetic damage if not properly upgraded. And they get cloning disorder meaning they can't remember events leading to their death, were a defibbed person can spout out the last thing they saw was Assistant McTraitor coming at them with a revolver or esword.


    Given that medbay has battery chargers the amount of charge in the defib is irrelevant.


    The "timely manner" aspect is the most difficult, I think. 10 minutes isn't a lot of time.


    Then, once they're alive again the patient might have broken bones, shrapnel, organ damage, limbs missing, and probably require multiple surgeries.


    Cloning is simple to use, with a good chemist or a chef can easily be restocked, and don't take any effort to put back. You dip them in cyro (mannitol in the mix) and let them strip their own body.



    As a firm believer in both Lord Singuloth and tempting fate; If I'm the CE, my preferred method of power generation is the singularity unless I'm feeling lazy. The reason for this is that the increased danger in containment failure is balanced quite nicely with the fact that the shocks from a hotwired singulo don't melt your face off and can actually be fixed prior to sustaining mass casualties. Additionally, the singularity is a DF style fun magnet, which makes things that much more entertaining as an engineer. The fact that it produces less power makes it safer in standard use scenarios and when it does get free, it actually travels in a predictable manner.

    You argue that the tesla is safer, but this is only true for wearers of the gloves. In application, the tesla is far more likely to pop up and murder you with no warning if it escapes, and when hotwired, it delivers shocks powerful enough to crit people in just a few jolts.

    The final two pieces of damning evidence are this: Lord Singuloth will devour Lady Tesla when pitted against each other and Lady Tesla can not defeat Nar Nar in battle.


    As a side note, don't mind the super matter crate I ordered and stashed in my locker, I'm not waiting for the chance to throw it in, I would never do something like that...


    Hotwiring is against SOP, and gonna be ahelped if it's not an antag.


    Tesla is a lot safer because you can locker-faraday to stay safe.


    Sing destroys the station, escape, anything it touches and leaves no survivors. Tesla wanders around, we hide in lockers then go back to business as usual.


  16. I think as a rule people grossly, grossly overestimate how useful nightvision is. In many places in maint a flashlight covers most or all lf the area you can see, and while it is possible to utilize it well, that's why you'd give the race a downside as well.


    If you haven't known, I played this game off and on throughout the years, throughout a lot of different servers with their own little rules. If there was one constant throughout, though, it was that the main powercore was a singularity.


    Back then, everyone in engineering did their part to make sure it was safely set up and all the pieces were in place before attending to other business, and if they were a good engineer, they would always make sure to check up on it regularly to ensure no one tampered with it and that it was stable. That, and you had to wear protection when handling it, otherwise you got irradiated, which was bad news for you. It was a very powerful powersource that required constant care to ensure it would remain stable throughout the shift and kept engineers busy.. Or at least the good ones that cared about their job.


    Then, someone made the Tesla, and ever since then it became the go-to powercore for the station. It was easier to set up, you didn't need to worry about radiation, and if it got loose, the worse that would happen was that you'd have a chance to get electrocuted. On the downside, though.. I think it became a bit of a crutch for engineering staff.


    Every single round, I swear it is always the same. Always Tesla, all the time, and if you dare suggest setting up a singularity, people would look at you like you were crazy. Heck, in one shift when I was engineer, and was left behind to do all the work while the rest of them buggered off to do god knows what, I decided to set up a singularity because it was the one thing I mostly recall knowing how to do, and instead of the staff being impressed a lone engineer managed to set up a much harder powersource all by his lonesome while the rest ran off, they all acted like I was insane and whined about it. I honestly was a bit hurt, because I thought I managed to do something that very few people could do. (sure, I might have messed up with the plasma tanks, but a freshly joined CE showed me how to quickly fix them up before the shield depowered, keeping the station safe and powered under my watchful eye).


    I've set up the singlo by myself... it's really not even a two person job, so there's no need for the self-congratulation. It also sounds like you fucked it up and would've torn the station apart had it not been for the CE stopping by to fix it.


    I could almost swear that, because of Teslas, engineers have gotten lazier, setting up the tesla and forgetting about it. I been engineer several times, and not once in those rounds did I recall seeing anyone checking up on it. People still call the shuttle if tesla gets loose, and there were still plenty of times poor engineering caused it to break free (that, or sabotage because no one was keeping an eye on it), so I don't know why people think it is safer if it is still worth calling the shuttle for. If anything, I swear they just go about rebuilding the bar or office rather than maintaining the engine when there isn't a problem on board.


    I think we really should at least TRY to use the singularity a little more often, just to spice things up and keep engineering on their toes.. After all, you never know.. What if Tesla was removed someday? I wouldn't want a bunch of engineers in the engine room in a panic because they never made a singularity in all their time in engineering, despite it not being that hard to do.


    Like, what can we do about the singularity problem? How do we make people more willing to use it every now and then? I'm not saying I don't like the Tesla, if only because it gives engineering variety, but when it becomes the only thing people are willing to use, then it becomes a problem and could risk making engineering a tad dull.


    People don't use the singlo because there's absolutely no reason to do so. Honestly, you can keep the station going just by wiring the solars with no risk, and I've played rounds where the CE lets the SMES charge and then shuts the singlo down because it's not worth the risk and the round will end before the power runs out.


    There's only one reason to use the Singularity, and that's for a Lord Singuloth/Nar'Sie battle to the death.



    I think it depends on the time. I play NA evenings and there's usually 1-2 surgeons or people capable of it. It is less than before due to surgery being changed significantly, but the extra speed for those of us who know it is great.

    While new surgery is indeed abit confusing at first its not very different from bay surgery. There is also surgery computer which give you hints how to do surgery step by step!!! So if you know basic mechanic of SS13 well you could learn the surgery in one day.


    Well, surgery is more than just what is on the wiki, though broken bones can be learned pretty quickly.


    For example, it is a bit of a different skill to know how to install implante.


    Beyond that, ending the surgery manually earlier when there aren't broken bones, when to pick organ manipulation to stack surgeries, how and when to do ghetto surgery are all things that aren't learned in a day and dramatically change the total time that needs to be spent.


    Then there's xeno organ surgery and implantation, IPC repair, and how to treat different species (plasmamen can be operated on through their suit, diona don't feel pain, vox should get an ether injection, IPC microbattery shenanigans, shadowling dethrall, operating on two locations at once, not needing to check the scanner printout repeatedly for multiple injured sites, how to uninfect organs without spaceacilin, how to treat non-organ infections surgically. Shrapnel and embedded object removal too.


    The basics are pretty simple but there's actually quite a bit of advanced techniques for an enterprising surgeon who wants to master the role, and even reading the wiki implants threw me for a loop.



    Give Vulps a verb where they can smell another character or spot of blood with a verb, which gives a scrambled version to the dna given by the forensic scanner. This means that a vulp can smell their coworkers and if a ling comes in disguised as one, it will return a different 5 digit value.

    Changeling: Yes, i shall miraculously kill one of them and infiltrate their clique and then convince them to convince my vulp target in a mech to get out of the mech.

    *Gets literally sniffed out*

    Changeling: ...welp


    I was wrong about that, as a changeling's DNA should match. Would still work for traitors who stole clothing though.



    Your medbay experiences highly differ from mine then, because the #1 thing that is typically lacking is people actively capable of surgery. On more than one occasion I've had to drag sec officers to robotics, which is profoundly ridiculous to have to resort to when I'm supposed to be a paramedic.


    I think it depends on the time. I play NA evenings and there's usually 1-2 surgeons or people capable of it. It is less than before due to surgery being changed significantly, but the extra speed for those of us who know it is great.



    "What's that, Lassie? Jimmy got stuck in an airlock?"


    I am thoroughly against the idea of Vulps having a garbled DNA scanner on them. It would not only be a big step towards making the actual detective obsolete, but it would give the Vulpkanin a tremendous advantage when dealing with anything concerning antag roles. Unless you're referring to the boxed emergency injectors everyone gets at round start, the bundled downside of 'all stimulants are harmful' is far too mild and situational, compared to the bonus which is all-encompassing. Again, even if it did include emergency injectors, I'd prefer not to have a species whose special ability lets them stay two steps ahead when it comes to fighting or playing as any antag that relies on infiltration.


    Even the default 'vulnerable to fire' debuff that the Taj and Vulps both share is a relatively situational debuff as it is. I wasn't even aware the Tajarans still had the ability to get themselves functioning nightvision, which seems more than a little absurd, all things considered.


    While I agree the Vulpkanin shouldn't just be an alternate version of the Tajara, I disagree with these proposed changes at present.


    I disagree that it would step on the toes of a detective, because the vulp would have a scent with nothing to compare it to compared to a detective that can get and match dna, fingerprints, and fibers.


    If the scramble was different from round to round, the metagaming would be minimal/impossible as well.


    Another option would be to simply be able to tell the gender and species from blood. Species is easy even for human noses, and considering dogs can be trained to smell humans with low blood sugar, I imagine gender wouldn't be hard either.


    As far as stimulant availability, there's coffee dispensers all over the station. Couldn't be any easier, and it's not contraband if you're searched.


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