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Tauka Usanake

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Posts posted by Tauka Usanake


    It's not that big a level of bullshit when you have that much armor and no-push. You are still pretty strong without glasses and if you are so impatient to play kidan sec without a HUD or implants then tough. Besides, you don't NEED the HUD to fight crime, it just makes finding criminals before Beepsky a little easier.


    As for mining, I still think they need a racial trait that let's them see minerals. Just say it's their weak psychic powers doing it, how else would they be such proficient miners without mesons?


    I'm in agreement with the above suggestion, along with making them either herbivore or omnivore because diona. More omni because we don't always have Botany doing their damn job (unless you also want to make it so they don't get high from raw plants). The x2 grab speed might not be possible in the code because I've seen some fast tabling and it also depends on your client/server connection speed. The ability to grab at level 2 could be a toggle but might be considered OP so I'm against that bit as well unless a coder can verify it



    I could always include it in Service SOP.

    I would say this deserves its own SOP. Putting it in Service might make it seem more related to... service.


    I like the idea for a rescue team and ERT if it's deemed necessary (and if enough ghosts are bored). One thing I am kind of curious of though is couldn't you set up telecomm communication on the other side? Kind of like the mining and engineering outposts? Sending back reports every so often would be better than only having 20 minutes to explore. I doubt you find the return gateway that fast in most cases



    I like messing with the bar, sometimes going for the candle lit theme or light floors. Always take out the windows, they are too annoying. If you make glass tables then light floors look nice under them. If you're keeping the lights off then you will want some light floors under your bar tables or candles nearby because it will be dark over there. Also your office as they share the same APC. The little corner also makes a nice VIP or smoking area if you're like that.

    As for the tables themselves I try to make a little round area in the bottom-left corner with sofas and a 2x# table fitting the sofa length. The side next to the kitchen is tougher to fill in but not too hard



    Actually I was thinking more like using a collar on a simple animal would let you rename them and sort of claim them as pets.

    This is already a feature for pets? Not sure for all simple animals though, might be a little silly.


    I wouldn't mind some pets from xenobio however. A slime is one thing but the other creatures you get from gold slimes might be nice



    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that gestalt diona were not something on the kidan planet. They evolved into such and I would imagine were their nymph version while planet side. Now for something to be a food source there has to be enough of it to feed. Plants tend to be great in number and I'm betting diona were no exception as they were actively hunted and adapted constantly before finally leaving the planet.


    Just want to throw that out there. Pre-evolution diona were kidan's bitches


  6. So one thing I noticed is that sprites only show up when they are on one ear, that being the left ear? Right when facing south? I'm curious by this because you can wear double headsets or earmuffs and something else but I don't think anything on the other ear really functions. Insight into this?


    Has anyone actually fixed this? Because I realized my goof in this and could easily fix it right now. Granted it gets merged.


    This was supposed to be my first time contributing and I fucked it up. I FUCKED UP. I can't show my face anymore

    So I noticed you can pick up dead mice and they don't have a sprite. I also noticed you can wear mice on your head and that reminded me that I had done some sprites for in-hand and hat-form for mice similar to how diona are held/worn. If anyone wants 'em i'll leave 'em here.

    Sure, I'll try them. Maybe I can use it to REDEEM MYSELF. D:

    Otherwise, we do have sprites for pAI mice already made. Might want to keep them similar if they aren't already?



    Takes a swig from a whiskey bottle and stows it back in between the third and fourth rib of his patient ...what are you looking at?!

    I hope we get multi-surgery again so you can just open someone up while doing another surgery and use it to store whatever is in your hand



    This has brought up my thought of being able to resist out of being duct taped. If you are cuffed and taped then what do you resist out of? Could you by this point decide which? Would that extend if you are cuffed to a chair/pipe and/or feet cuffed?


    I still think duct taping would be good even if technically not strong. This does make it harder to balance. As-is it's too weak but give it a little and it might become too strong. Can't have that. Maybe balance it out with a short tape to silence quickly or wrapped tape that gives them a little time to scream before being silenced. Also should allow for short-range screams so that you aren't completely silent but way more quiet than before. You can't be completely helpless



    wiw mean

    Don't make me feel bad, I'm not going to have feels over what I said. We don't need a race that acts like plasmamen anyways, requiring a special suit to exist. And when or where are you going to get one when these guys don't even exist until you Science enough into them? And if you says any kind of suit then show me a diona in one and not die due to not being in direct light.

    I still <3 you though



    If they were miners then I would have imagined them to have passive meson/mining scanner in them. Just want to throw that out there.


    As for the ideas you posted

    1. Might be a little too strong for them? Then again they are pretty useless in most jobs so not too bad an idea.


    2. I'm thinking diona already have this maybe? If they don't then it makes sense for kidan to have it. Again, might be too strong but if they are harder to have surgery done on them, I'm thinking more saw use due to their shell, might work.


    3. This has been considered for when they die. If done whenever they get hurt it might be a bit of an annoyance. Included with any of the other features would be too much. I got to say no to this.


    4. I like it. Make special kidan instruments too though. I'm thinking woodwinds.


    5. No. Unless you mean other kidan, then that's fine. Only the empress should be able to read other species minds and/or intents.


    6. Double edged sword there. Even with extra surgery might be tough. If anything you can treat them with extra bone damage due to their exoskeleton. Not sure how it measures to normal brute but might be something.


    7. No. Unless you mean distance. Then maybe, but I wouldn't. If they are made to be super tanky as it is then they don't need to scream extra far and get others attention.


    I like the sprites. Might be worth putting them in so long as they don't need too many clothing resprites



    First thing that came to my mind:

    1. Add everyone to a chatroom.

    2. Spam dank memes always.

    3. ???

    4. Profit


    Not a bad idea but that's the only possible issue I can see happening besides coding, and I wouldn't even know where to begin with that



    light-reflective clothing

    Light REFLECTIVE? You might as well say retarded, and I mean that in the proper sense, not the insulting one. [spoiler2]however much they could be shared[/spoiler2]

    If that's your idea then you might as well live in a dark body suit. Then again being able to see out of it would be another thing...


    My idea still stands. Let them emit a shadowy area around them and give them dark vision, maybe only limit them to seeing in the dark so that their vision is limited when in lighted areas. Maybe give them glowing eyes too, if you can make an overlay for it like constructs. I'd personally like if their eye color is the only thing they keep when someone transforms but that's already asking for a lot.



    I don't think we should encourage a "Like it or leave" attitude when it comes to features.

    I'm not saying to encourage anything. I'm saying to "allow" it. Call it reverse physiology but I call it making a stand. Yeah maybe doing this would bring out the wrong impression of the station being that fearful "furry paradise" that people want to/are calling it, but I don't think that's been an issue yet let alone will it ever become one


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