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DayZ Me Trolling

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Posts posted by DayZ Me Trolling

  1. I'd like to point out how odd using a combat chasis for utility purposes sounds... That's like taking a M1 Abrams and slapping a water hose on it and calling it a "Firefighting tank." Not only is it /super/ easy to refit a combat mech if security lets it slip by, do you know how much damage a melee attack does? One smack and you've got a broken bone. No thanks, I'd rather we didn't have the "Exdee Phazon hez nu wepuns so is ok" guys going around being a huge pain in the ass.




    Make Angela the Magnificent nice to one blueshield and suddenly everyone's starting fanfic!


    Lets be honest, we both secretly hope someone actually makes a fanfic to be read in a dramatic voice. Hehe... Right? Right... Guys...



    Right, so I was personally present during the Wizard round, I was the Captain that round and it was going pretty normal, it was low-pop so there was no security apart from a HoS, we got a call of a Wizard causing trouble at arrivals so I ran over there with a SMG I had printed off earlier when the Wizard first appeared and started causing shit. Once we downed the Wizard and got around him to remove his garb etc, suddenly we all blew up. Now it was a bit too big of an explosion to actually be one of the powers however I truly believe Tully did do a mistake, and he gave a sincere apology in death chat about his mistake.


    This happened about two/three days ago but I couldn't tell you a precise date. I wasn't involved in the other events so I'm not going to comment on those.



    Calm down, calm down professional coming through.


    Que the green text:

    >Be female

    >Find other female

    >Be miner

    >Drag female friend to mining outpost

    >Turn off all lights on the outpost


    >Remove chairs from break room

    >Replace chairs with a double seat sofa facing north

    >Take lady friend and yourself into sofa to block the view from those pesky ghosts



    >( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    There, you're all welcome! Now go off and have the banhammer swung at you.



    Disabler would set this on par with the HoS's gun. I think it's fine with the taser and laser.


    Which isn't an issue if you ask me, the problem is that if the person is passed your tile range for the taser you can't do anything to try and stun them, you either miss your taser shots, or fire lethals. Or you go bug Security for a normal taser. Plus, disablers are really useful for when you're outside of a head's office for example, and don't have access, unless AI responds and opens you just get to stand outside and watch the head get murdered, or fire lethals for an RNG roll in attempts to crit them.



    It's impossible to say, do burn and brute damage in one bullet directly, but it's possible to make bullets do special things upon hitting a mob, such as creating an EMP or giving the mob firestacks (this is how ion bolts and dragon's breath rounds work). As far as armor piercing ammo, it already exists; you can print out AP ammo for SMGs and the sec rifle that you can order through cargo (its name escapes me at the moment).


    I believe the gun you are talking about is the WT-550.



    Anyway, so as a frequent Sabre SMG user, (As in, I opt for the SMG whenever a situation that requires lethals arises and R&D has it available) I'd like to throw in my two cents. As stated above, yes we already have AP ammo, which does a pretty good job, however AFAIK the AP ammo we have now also works on other armored things, like a mech or the turrets in the AI core/upload (Since I believe regular rounds just bounce off turrets.) Now, EMP ammo would be a neat gimmick though a little powerful, imagine three bursts of three emp rounds flying in your general direction, chances are you're not going to dodge all of them, so for IPC's that's a nightmare, I propose instead we either add another type of round or buff Toxin rounds, as apart from giving some Toxin damage, they don't really have another effect apart from possibly making you puke once in a while.


  7. Oh sorry, yeah right you weren't the AI. I do still remember that round, was really fun. Security was pretty unorganized that round, so I was doing a lot of the fighting with the help of the Greytide Militia :D


    Dammit, I'm jelly of all the pics people get drawn :/


    Luigi is a pretty good Blue, but I always crack up when I see him with a secHUD and a Saber. Still, I remember a round where he obliterated three lings at brig pretty much by himself, avenging me and Roman, which was 8/8.


    You were the AI that round correct? I mean, if Luigi picks up a Sabre SMG there's usually ass kicking that will follow.


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