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Everything posted by devinbones

  1. Hello This game was on a list of things recently installed on this computer, so I decided to check it out. Haven't played for a few months, but I don't think I was well known anyways.
  2. Name: Khan Jiang Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: A- General Occupational Role(s): Scientist (xenoarcheology) Miner Biography: The history of Khan himself is somewhat of a mystery. He is a man of many pages but still a closed book, but investigation of old documents as well as old friends can lead to a quick discovery of the man's adventurous past. Khan Jiang was born in New Beijing in the province of South Miàn on Mars. At nineteen, Khan pursued the ambition of art and craftsmanship, and left for the Kokacha System, where he would reside on planet Cibex for a few more years. Cibex was an intellectual breeding ground, but also held societies which favored more ancient and traditional ways of operation that the average space-faring citizen didn't experience them self. Undocumented by the local Cibexi government, Khan had set out to visit these traditional societies deep in the exclusion zones of the primitive planet. What Khan discovered and experienced there remains a mystery to most, but his close friends and family had detected a true change in Khan. He had become much more wise by the age of merely 23, wore strange artifacts and jewels as garb, and fashioned even a few marks and tattoos with unknown languages and images scrawled on them. Khan barely speaks of his experiences, but remarks them as humbling and life changing. Before long, Cibex had brought upon itself Civil War as the working class was oppressed tougher and tougher as they wished to squeeze out as much resources for the growing technological industry. Khan quickly fled the soon-dying planet, and found refuge with Nanotrasen as a miner for the industry. Khan's personal beliefs usually circle around vigilance but order - standing strong amongst your comrades but still following the rule of law when it is just. Qualifications: Religious and Occult (unconfirmed) Archaeological studies Employment Records: Served as a miner for 6 years. Security Records: N/A. Medical Records: Xion Manufacturing Group left arm and hand. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
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