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Posts posted by Gentlemanly_headcrab


    So! I had an idea last night at 12-1am in the morning while writing an essay for school. We have Slimes, Vox, Tajaran, Humans, Plasmapeople, and assorted other things. I came up with a little idea that I think would be a nice addition to our station.



    -Immune to fire: Considering they are rock creatures there's not really a way to light them on fire and keep them like that. If you use alcohol or a flammable material it probably won't do much.


    -Heavy punches: Less of a chance to hit with the general punching (considering they are really slow) but those punches do heavy damage.


    -More health?: Kinda skeptical on more health but massive rock creatures might need it considering some de-buffs.


    -SLOW: Absolutely slow as nothing before (maybe even slower than diona)


    -Pickaxes / drills / plasma cutters: They do twice the damage on rock people.


    -Don't automatically regenerate health: Not sure how to heal a rock monster, I'm open for suggestions


    -They crumble down when they die (kinda like IPC's) and drop... a brain maybe?


    -And probably my final little idea that I think was cute: If they have Run selected they move slightly faster but create a loud stomping sound (similar to a mech) Because these rocks aren't stealthy at all. And if Walk is selected, they go into a slower pace and the stomping sound is cut off.


    Open for suggestions! and tweaks!

    http://ftl.wikia.com/wiki/Races/Rockman <-- Link to the FTL page I referenced a bit of it on.



    Did a Malf AI round, simple little idea is to go full conquest mode. Start taking over APC's immediately call an engi drone to build walls and dismantle the teleporter on my satellite. Move some sec borgs to my core to protect me, take out Tcoms, release plasma, destroy the pipe to my satellite. At this point it's about an hour into the round when I click the button. Everyone starts to panic, they run for the teleporter but can't find my signal, someone decides to blow up the borgs I had stationed around. (Because I wasn't thinking of that...) Research is already down can't build more lasers. So many walls and barricades in my satellite, only a minute to go! My plan is flawless...


    What is that? What am I being hit by? Owowowow stop it! Oh god a x-ray laser gun? BUT HOW! DAMMIT!


  3. I love the Resomi, it'd be a cute little addition to the station and I'd love to see them added. Keep the Vox, port in a new species (maybe related to the Vox somehow?) buff/de-buff some things about them, add a bit of lore, of course we'd need more code related to them. Of course we'd need to decide the details on them, being picked up, the constant thermal vision and welding mask sight (if we even keep it), clothes that can fit them, language, hardsuits, how fast can they run, the damage they take, are they space resistant, can they be cloned. All the details, giving my two cents on it I'd like them in ~cute~

  4. Nothing makes me more Viciously salty than getting a protect objective as traitor for some graytide chemist that suicides in the first minute of the round because he didn't want that job.


    - Random greytide running though you multiple times on help intent just to move you and interrupt what you're doing.

    - People breaking into (really anywhere) just to get a simple object that could be ordered from R&D or Cargo

    - Random Thermite on the Captain's walls

    - Someone creating a communication console just to re-call the shuttle repeatedly during a really bad situation (REALLY annoying if not antag)

    - Greytide who start random fights 4noraisen because they just got a murderboner

    - fukken Basilisk ice stare

    - (Don't really consider this a peeve to me but some people do) Vox rounds, apparently to some people they just feel like extended+ because the Vox are guarded by command and tucked away from everyone. And the Vox usually never attack due to some not very powerful weaponry. (Most people have no idea that Vox are on the station till round end)



    Probably the best ending to a round as Captain I've ever played. It all started during a ling round, when suddenly spiders spawned in, followed by aliens. We called the shuttle but it kept being mysterious recalled, and after the Captains office being broken into for no real reason. And us having to call the shuttle six times. While fighting off lings, spiders, and aliens. We finally got the message across to CC that feces was hitting some metaphorical fans. And this followed.




    Then they gave us a location. Which then was swarmed with greytide.




    He shunted himself off station and we destroyed the console.




    Angela and Alice gave them praise.






    *Distant sounds of a shuttle being recalled and LOUD laggy explosions*




    Best ending to a Captain round evurrrrrrrrr.


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