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Posts posted by Punchpacket

  1. As the coffin fellow.. I put you in that coffin for the specific reason of all the slimes going around escape glomping on people, when your in a straight jacket you can't really efficiently wrestle a slime off of yourself.. Therefore I decided to stick you in the coffin, which I then removed you from upon reaching the brig area of the shuttle.


    Time to add another to the list.. People who spend their entire shift antagonising security for no other reason than to antagonise security. I used to love playing security, there was nothing more satisfying than knowing you've assisted in making sure that the station is a safe and orderly environment for the crew.. But there are always individuals who seek to spend their shift acting like shitters so they can scream bloody murder or shitcurity over the radio upon their detainment. An example would be yesterday a fellow named Vince Stall decided to spend his time manufacturing himself security gear via R&D such as Security Huds.. Then spend the entirety of his shift antagonising security by attempting to abduct and assault officers for their equipment, setting officers to arrest via his HUD too.


    It eventually got to the point where after releasing him when his time were up he'd immediately go back to antagonising security by repeating his attempted abduction tricks and so forth, to the point where security (as understaffed as it was) found themselves unable to attend to other situations because they had to spend the entire shift chasing him around until he decided to kill himself in his cell. Members of security that shift clearly lost their motivation to continue, I think half the security staff that shift decided to cryo themselves.


    I personally don't mind criminals whatsoever, infact I believe in most cases a little bit of petty crime can lead to an interesting shift for both a criminal and a security force.. But with shitters roaming the halls looking to wreak havoc, I'm frankly not surprised why a lot of security members are often labelled as "shitcurity" as a scapegoat.



    Its quite annoying when you are doing surgery and you eliminate all of the infections- But dear god! What is that? An infection on the internal organs? And its in a medium stage? Quick drown him in all of the spacaciline only to find out that there is a molecule of it left but... You are all out!


    Man it would make for a great Grey's Anatomy episode.


    It's always that one bugger who completely ignores his/her symptoms for a while, finally comes in and it turns out he/she left it to the point where every single one of his/her limbs have an acute infection. You spend like an hour treating the bugger with every little bit of spaceallin, or hell a replacement organ if you're lucky enough to have found one.. Only to have said ungrateful bugger go SSD because he/she couldn't be bothered to be patient.. A simpler method of treating infected organs would be grand.


  4. Chayakitchiyakayaka here, the Brig Physician of that particular shift.. In regards to the PDA, it was taken during a mental examination authorised by the Head of Security to determine whether or not she'd had some sort of argument over the PDA messaging system with said Luigi, which there hadn't been upon looking at it so the PDA was set down on the glass table. That's when I was informed by Elysian that he was questioning her, and asked me if I knew anything about said incident, then answered with what I heard over the radio, and then exited the brig medical bay to leave them in peace.




    Brave vox raider Yakasomethingorother deep in thought as he calmly gazes out of the starboard-side window.




    Brave vox raider Yakasomethingorother and his fellow vox crew as they successfully fended off the dastardly Nanotrasen boarding party, intentions to steal precious vox equipment earlier pilfered from Nanotrasen stocks as the crew of NSS Cyberaid remained almost entirely unaware with the exception of these few high-placed double crossers! Their plan to flood the vox ship with plasma and ignite it partially succeeded, with the exception of the ignition part (no oxygen, only nitrogen) and resulting in their swift demise as the valiant five, and their newly recruited IPC companion (who later got ripped to shreds by an EMP) defeated and took prisoner most of the invading party. The battle ended as the vox ship successfully returned home, and the NT captain drew his last breath.



    Okay, here we go.


    -People commiting obvious crimes, then complaining in LOOC about being arrested.


    -Doing your job as security, then people still spewing shitcurity and trying to obstruct justice when you actually deal with something properly.


    -Captains who appoint their OOC friend as their assistant, then give them all access because fuck knows why. Though I'm not sure if this still happens..


    All of this ^, and my personal pet peeves are as follows.


    -Getting pushed around when either you're pulling an object or attempting to interact with someone/something, while I can understand in the middle of hallways and so forth.. But when you're in an open area, or waiting for the escape shuttle and there isn't really a reason to move in the first place (other than to just move because you can) those types of people I just find absolutely irritating.


    -People acting like general nuisances either out of boredom or the pure fact they can, recently I've taken to playing as a Vox chef, every so often while I'm pulling my food cart around some dastardly villain will come along and nick my food cart purely to have me chase them around, or to just hide it somewhere.. While I'm fine with pranks and so forth I primarily expect them to come from the employed pranksters (Clown, Mime, etc) rather than the god damn Chief Medical Officer thinking it's funny to store my cart in his office because he can.


    -People pushing you into hazards, while I've mentioned people pushing me around during interactions I'd say this one deserves it's own personal place in the list. You see a gigantic plasma fire raging ahead of you, in fact it's actually quickly approaching you.. You're trying desperately to run back, away from the fire only to have one or even a group of simpletons pushing you towards it because they want to have a look, hell even those people who block escape exits during emergencies.


    -People who break police tape when they can clearly see security personnel in the area doing something, I'm sure we've all had that one sod who just rips down the police tape so he can run around the crime scene, or purely because he doesn't want to wait a few seconds for an officer to lift up the tape.


    -People who claim to be master engineers & surgeons.. Oh how many times I've had engineers breaking into my surgery room and operating on patients because they claim to be know-it-all masters at everything, egh.


    -People who arrest entertainers for doing their job, the clown/mime slips you once or twice? Big deal, it's their job. Yes, if they CONTINUOUSLY slip you it's harassment and falls under assault.. But if you get slipped once or twice don't pull out your god damn taser/baton and beat them into submission.


    -People who interfere in situations that don't concern them whatsoever, how many times I've cuffed someone for beating a person to death with a toolbox only to have one brain dead civilian come along and demand to know the reason for their arrest, even going so far to try and get the person out of cuffs until you've given them a full explanation and accountings of the actions, by then the offending bugger has probably already slipped out of the officers grip. Honestly I'd say a lot of the "shitcurity" probably come from officers having mental breakdowns at the sheer idiocy displayed by some people.


    -Magistrates who release prisoners before allowing evidence to be displayed, time and time again have I brought someone in for either bashing someones head in a public place, or to've been caught with Syndicate equipment, only to have that person immediately freed by the magistrate on "lack of evidence" because the brain dead judge didn't bother to review the evidence, or give time to display the murder weapon/evidence involved, the happy-go-lucky Magistrates as I call them.


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