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Posts posted by Diabloshadow


    Heh, i do not need the Karma, but your secret is safe with me kitty. Also, welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy yourself both in game as well as on the forums. and to Ice, THE MORE YOU KNOW! also, knowing is half the battle.


    Props to those who got those two references. anyway, welcome kitty.



    Most people have wondered, so lets see what you all think. I will give my answer in one week, provided there are over 10 votes. I have allowed you to change your vote if you so desire. Feel free to ask any questions, i will answer them truthfully so long as they do not directly state my gender. Have fun all!



    "so long as they do not directly state my gender" - Nice try Malk lol.


  3. bad pun malk, lol. Just make sure you have your two tickets though Sal. (i know...mines none better...) Anyway, Welcome aboard! Glad to have you, and have some fun. If you need anything we all are here on forums or in game.


    This poll has gotten weird for me. 0 Female votes? and yet 4 Transgender..... I do not know if i should be flattered that you all think i am a mixed female/male, or if im female that you think i am male. Then again, if im male, i certainly am not transgender. So many wrong choices....


    Have fun. so close to number 10. surprising no questions though. Thanks for playing Ken. lol


  5. I am putting /'s for the reason of your own decision. i personally bolt upload and ask permission to bolt armoury and atmos. Calm yourself please. I have posted what you should bolt. All of those should be bolted, provided good reason of course. Kindly do not post if you have nothing to contribute apart from talking down to someone.


    I agree with you Ken on most everything about that. Some people do try to do good, but then there are those who want nothing more then to have sex/do drugs/get drunk every day of their life, and do nothing but be a scourge of society. I also think the upbringing of someone has a factor in that, and in very rare cases it does effect someone very seriously and they are can not be held accountable, but people can not just blame it on that every time.


    Kids need structure, plain and simple. Rules and discipline. I am not saying run your home like a military base, but they need some form of structure.


    The homosexuality is something that i speak up about due to the fact in the US, ALOT of people just straight out will shun you, kick you out of church (if you are a christian), and some activist groups will even kill you. Personally, I have homosexual friends and pansexual friends, and looking over my last post i said this. Though i am going to use it for my point. One of them has been harassed so badly he wanted to kill himself. I has one hell of a time talking to him about it. Emotional abuse is sometimes alot more then physical. As i have stated, i do not have a problem with anyone, no matter their race, gender, sexuality, or religion. I am fully tolerant of anyone as long as they have not completely wronged me personally or my loved one.


    Ken, i am happy that where you live people are very understanding. Sadly in many states in the US, you will be shunned. Sorry to say it. anyway, i hope some others will bring up interesting topics for conversation in this lovely topic.


  7. Most people have wondered, so lets see what you all think. I will give my answer in one week, provided there are over 10 votes. I have allowed you to change your vote if you so desire. Feel free to ask any questions, i will answer them truthfully so long as they do not directly state my gender. Have fun all!

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