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Posts posted by improvedname




    We're not adding anything to the loadout menu that could have an effect of gameplay in terms of balance, no matter how minor some people claim it to be


    Maybe just aesthetic glasses that dont change gameplay, they are just for looks but dont do anything


    It be cool if most of them fixes being nearsighted because its pretty rare to stumble upon thise



    Its still wip :^)



    Name:Ramish Masko




    Blood Type:O+


    General Occupational Role(s):

    Scientist, Shaft miner, Blueshield,








    Advanced Chemistry knowledge, basic Math knowledge, Advanced Biology knowledge, Moderate physics knowledge, Moderate Technology knowledge.



    CPR qaulification. Moderate medical knowledge.



    Advanced hand-to-hand combat, Moderate aiming training, space law knowledge.






    Moderate bureaucracy,






    Employment Records:


    Security Records:

    [spoiler2]OH DANDY ITS CLEAN[/spoiler2]


    Medical Records:


    Allergic to milk products, has prescription glasses for his bad eyesight, had recent bone fractures in the leg.



    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):




    1 medal of distinguished conduct

    [For reviving ian after the QM brutally murdered him]


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:




    Im seeing the "I ded plox nerf" complex here. One of the only weapon that tator has access that is on the par with tasers. But due to its high cost, its used very rarely. The age old combo of e-sword and crossbow is dying out.


    My opinion is to even lower the cost 10 TC since hour into the round, smart tator can obtain one for free basically, but just larger version of it.


    10 rad for 8 tc for a weapon that shows visible darts being fired at target? No... we have Rad-laser for that and does the job even better.


    Th Rd radbow+esword combo is dying out because you cant murderbone without the haijck objective




    We'll have to agree to disagree. Getting lit on fire as a nukie (and it is the most common thing) is an instant disarm, because you need to stop drop and roll.


    This isn't even to bring in the deathsprays you get lit on fire with, which can be impossible to extinguish.


    The key to ops is a backup plan


    If getting a fire extinguisher isnt one (thats on every wall) then welp



    Idk man the shielded hardsuit isnt useless without the fireproof we are talking about a shield here that gives you 3 blocks from projectiles and it even regernatew combine this with a eshield and your much harder to take down thus isnt useless


    If you made it fireproof it just be more op it would block All the fire used against you 3 projectiles/more with a eshield


    It's 30TC.


    Its strong enough



    The entire point of the e-bow isn't the toxin damage, it's the silent stun. The toxin damage is just icing on the cake. Removing the stun effect will ensure that e-bows never ever get used. To be fair they're already very rarely used at all.



    or just make the radbow 20 rad damage

    for 12 tc


    there is no really point for being stealthy if your gonna kill the target anyways



    The energy radiation bow is a stealth weapon

    When you get shot (hit doesnt show) you get 10 toxins and are stunned now see my suggestion here is


    To remove the stun and make the radbow only do 10 toxins stealthy


    There isnt really a need for a stun if its stealthy anyways


    And lower it to 8 tc



    Idk man the shielded hardsuit isnt useless without the fireproof we are talking about a shield here that gives you 3 blocks from projectiles and it even regernatew combine this with a eshield and your much harder to take down thus isnt useless


    If you made it fireproof it just be more op it would block All the fire used against you 3 projectiles/more with a eshield



    TG tried this for detective--it didn't work out too well for a lot of the reasons Soth and Neca brought up---not only that, but it also made everyone second guess the detective if he was really trying to solve a crime or just being an ass trying to frame people or cause trouble for security because he was an antag.


    It sounds nice, in theory, but in practice, it works out terribly.


    Even on no-RP servers (like Goon), sec is blacklisted from being antag.



    I also suspect you'll see a lot more people who go sec purely in the hopes of getting antag because it would be ultra easy mode.


    But tg is a murderbone rest


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