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Posts posted by improvedname


    It's a nice idea, but I don't think many players would bother going through the process of withdrawing money to buy stuff like that. Security in general wouldn't really comply with the hostage taking, either.


    It'd end up with the Mafia having to steal ID's and withdraw money themselves from the accounts, which isn't as fun, in my opinion.



    Thats called poeple that are not roleplaying



    Would be cool if the susp toolbox included special items than just being a stronger toolbox


    What about a


    Powered screwdriver: which can unscrew things faster but it needs to be recharged after a few


    Minature welder:a tiny welder doesnt make sound but has worser fuel cap than a normal welder

    Also fits in a coats


    Powered Wrench:Can unwrench things faster but needs to be recharged after few uses


    Sharp Wirecutters:Just normal wirecutters but with greater damage


    Special crowbar:this crowbar can remove platings and expose it to space


    Advanced mulitool: The multitool is able to change to three funtcions 1.Screwdriver 2.Cutter 3.pulsing


    And than make it like the syndiecate kit that one of those can spawn in the susp box



    So my suggestion is getting a gamemode called mafia

    With only 1 objective get X money(atleast higher than 10000)


    So random players will be selected as mafia(heads/sec/captain cant be mafia)

    So they need to find ways to get the money

    Sell organs

    Take hostages

    etc be creative



    Theres also another team of mafia with the same objective

    If a mafia member dies of a team they will get a message trough your pda

    Godfather:Your partner has been assistnated by your enemy mafia

    So while they get their money etc


    Security's job is to find mafia (they will be a centcom report(silent one) if theres mafia)

    And when they find mafia they need to be thrown in perma brig for their dirty bussiness


    So how u win?

    If mafia collected the money they needed to collect then its major mafia victory(stating which team won)

    If security permabrigged all mafia its major crew victory

    If all mafias are killed its minor crew victory

    If the opponent mafia team us killed its minor mafia victory


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