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Varaxi_Muramasa's Achievements

Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Hey guys! I'm not really one for introductions, but I thought I may as well since I enjoy your community and stuff! My username for most things is Varaxi, and if possible I'll add Muramasa at the end because it sounds fancy and unique. I used to play on Hippie Station a lot, but not to bash on them, but they weren't very friendly towards me when I tried getting more involved with them. Then I hopped onto your server and I really enjoyed how well the rounds would go progress wise. I didn't have to worry about suicide bomber clowns at 5 minutes in, or just randomly getting murdered by the greytide. I got to do my job, get work done, and help out the station while the chaos was left to the antags. Overall I really like the atmosphere the admins/regulars give off, so I decided to join you all! I will try to throw a donation to the server every now and then, when I can, and I will definitely help out in any way I can. I am a pretty good writer, and I plan to learn how to code and do sprite work and so on in the future.
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