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About Docdemo

  • Birthday 08/08/1997

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Docdemo's Achievements

Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Name: Sean "Weave" Weaver Age: 85 Gender: N/A (Considered Male) Race: Slime Person Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Nanotrasen Representative, Maintenance Technician, Mechatronic Engineer Biography: Sean Weaver was created on Xarxis 5 eighty five years before the events that take place on board the NSS Cyberiad. He studied engineering at one of Nanotrasen's leading universities on Xarxis 5 which managed to get him the job of Maintenance Technician on the NDS Lothian, one of Nanotrasens first security stations. After twenty five years working there changed department to science where he became a Mechatronic Engineer. Not long after becoming a Mechatronic Enginner he went back to university and studied Standard Operating Procedure and Space Law, once he had his qualification he signed up as a Nanotrasen Representative and has been working as an NT Rep for the majority of his life. Qualifications: Master's Degree in Standard Operating Procedure for Nanotrasen Master's Degree in Space Law Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Employment Records: Maintenance Technician - NDS Lothian (25 years and 8 days) Mechatronic Engineer - NSS Exodus (7 years and 275 days) Nanotrasen Representative(52 years and 82 days - CURRENT JOB) Security Records: Drunk and Disorderly - Guilty - Served 3 days - RELEASED Investigated for leaking documents - Not guilty - RELEASED Medical Records: Times revived - 27
  2. Name: Kutski Telford Age: 70 Gender: N/A Race: Slime person Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Maintenance Technician HoP Blueshield Security Officer Brig physician Biography: It all started on the NDV Stheno in Xarxis 5 where several CC officers found Kutski lying in an maintenance shaft surrounded by bottles of Uncle Gits special reserve, he was eventually shipped of to one of Nanotrasens multiple training stations to receive discipline. He trained for 4 years before being deployed as the leader of SSS (Slime Squad Six) the most elite squad of slimes that belonged to Nanotrasen at the time. After several years of fighting the dirty Commies Kutski decided to apply for a job on-board one of Nanotrasens state of the art plasma research station orbiting Ligures, he was recently shipped off and will be arriving soon. Qualifications: Advanced HtH Basic laser weapons licence Basic Medical skills Basic Surgery Advanced Engineering skills Employment Records: Served as a plasma cannon operator on-board the NDV Stheno, served as the leader of SSS Security Records: Arrested on several drunk and disorderly charges, deadly assault with a dangerous weapon (Glassed a Tajaran) Medical Records: N/A Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 6'2 Light blue transparent Slime person Wears a bomber jacket with a ushanka http://gyazo.com/feebd3501abe21e12202224e44e7a82e Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
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