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Posts posted by Dawgas


    Maybe the people want to escape because fighting a blob is pointless because everyone around you is terminally retarded and prone to losing emitters?


    also you are the reason AIs should always be bombed first in blob because you are the problem and not the solution to the blob menace


    (remove blob from rotation extended is better)



    And then to keep it short pretty much all servers and code descend from goonstation code (yes, Something Awful goons - yes they still exist)


    From there, the /tg/station code that forked from it is the base of pretty much every server there is, baystation code is based off of it and such


    (shit it'll be four years since /tg/station was hosted off of TLE's celeron packing server soon enough)



    Materials don't have a standard size - Metal and glass have 3750 a sheet (reinforced glass is a rod and a glass sheet and plasteel is 2 metal sheets) and mining materials (pretty much everything else) are 2k a sheet

    please have it so that either everything is 2k a sheet or 3750 a sheet plz I just remembered this inconsistency and its awful and shitty



    Removing objectives just effectively means that traitors can do whatever the hell they want, from blowing up the entire station, to slowly capturing the entire crew and mercilessly torturing them for no reason for the next hour (or more).


    I personally fail to see how this is actually a problem in any way?


    I'd be willing to bet that it'd be far more likely that the antags would just mill about and do nothing (or actually do something fun for once) so I really do honestly fail to see your reason to fear change


    I mean, there's all kinds of terrible boring gamemodes in the secret rotation already which basically are "murderboner the mode"????



    So when are we going to end up agreeing that areas that require special snowflake conditions to enter are a terrible idea?


    Oh no, sec with laser guns oh wait its not like anyone on this server knows how to be robust anyway?


    I damn well wouldn't be scared of an entire sec force with lmgs either.


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