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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Also, the key thing: det revolver stuns for a short time and .357 doesn't then again you can 2shot decap so good enough tl;dr det revolver is better except when it isn't
  2. something like 1 in 7 chance of it exploding if you do this per shot iirc don't do it its a trap
  3. But... can the blueshield at least get a helmet? Just toss them a reskinned swat helmet or something and be done with it
  4. Materials don't have a standard size - Metal and glass have 3750 a sheet (reinforced glass is a rod and a glass sheet and plasteel is 2 metal sheets) and mining materials (pretty much everything else) are 2k a sheet please have it so that either everything is 2k a sheet or 3750 a sheet plz I just remembered this inconsistency and its awful and shitty
  5. I personally fail to see how this is actually a problem in any way? I'd be willing to bet that it'd be far more likely that the antags would just mill about and do nothing (or actually do something fun for once) so I really do honestly fail to see your reason to fear change I mean, there's all kinds of terrible boring gamemodes in the secret rotation already which basically are "murderboner the mode"????
  6. So when are we going to end up agreeing that areas that require special snowflake conditions to enter are a terrible idea? Oh no, sec with laser guns oh wait its not like anyone on this server knows how to be robust anyway? I damn well wouldn't be scared of an entire sec force with lmgs either.
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