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Posts posted by pazneria12


    I agree with everything stated 100%, imagine when being a sec officer with a pAI, you stick them in a sec bot to get a sidekick

    We had that before. Its ended up BADLY. And the pais are meant to be pocket helpers, who are always near their masters. So no more pai-piloted bots unless there could be the way to shackle them to their masters like hologuardians. Maybe make special remote-controled chassis robotics could produce. Something like these:


    It would be tied to owner of pai and its will shutdown when owner is killed or incapicated.

    Farya, we STILL have this, its just disabled for securitrons, during the round in which this post was created, we tried, failed, and then ended up putting me in a mulebot, where I was basically allowed to go anywhere, and even started a pet squad, albeit we stayed together. The onyl thing pai's CANT go in is security bots. and I get the ED since thats a little op, but the securitrons only have a stun baton, not a tazer from hell.



    This is just a few underdeveloped Ideas I thought of and decided to post after playing pai for a round.

    -Let pai's with host bioscan be used as health scanners that only the pai can see

    - when hacking a door let the pai play a game to hack the door faster, and make the ai have to play against it to lock the door, as any time you hack a door the ai can just shut you down instantly.

    - let you buy an ability that lets you interact with computers, if the one who last held you had access to them.

    - let you speak into the comms of your master.



    -By speak into comms I mean like security or engineering or something, depending on the id of the one who activated you.

    -the game would be to hard to code, therefor I propose we decrease hacking time and make it able to hack open a bolted door, which would double the time needed.

    -Another proposal is I propose hacking should take more time depending on the access requirments of the door, since its kinda overriding them it makes sense.

    -Let pai's connect to computers using the door jack, but none that need to be logged in unless it already is maybe?

    - Lastly, I just thought of this one, let a pai hack an ai camera and it will gain access to said camera, but it will take as long as it takes to hack a door and you can only use it on one camera, a useless feature, but one that could be a neat gimmick for medical or something.



    do you know how long it takes to regen limbs? and also it costs a lot of nutrients, which can be a pain if you regen to many.

    and also it would make them lose limbs easier, so you could lose your legs easier, which basically means you are done if you are in a fight, so I think that balances out.



    a. getting off track again because of a ps I added that wasnt the main idea, B. the problem was that they are basically tajaran but slightly better.

    getting back on topic, how would that make them weak like ipc's? if you lose a limb, you can litterally just regrow it to fix the damage, making cutting off an arm to heal yourself a valid tactic, which I think would be kinda funny.


  5. I feel like this is getting off topic, can someone tell me the problem with slime people not having bones, but having weak limbs as a counter? no one seems to have a problem with the head getting moved to the chest either, can someone explain the reasons?


    I'm at work so I'll keep this brief, I think slime people should have their cores moved to their chest, and have limbs come off as easily as ipc's. I also think they should have no bones because of this because honestly having bones in a slime is kind of dumb, even if it is "hardened slime". That's pretty much all.

    Ps. Vulpakin need a downside, from what I've learned they are Reskins of tajaran with no downsides of it.


    When the change came around slimes originally had no bones, but that was shot down. I don't see why that decision should be reversed now.


    I would totally be for moving the slime core and having slimes be able to regrow their head, seems very slime-ish and cool.

    I dont really understand why not tbh, I think it would make them more slimey aswell, and what exactly is the problem with them having no bones, but having limbs fall off easier?





    There's not enough of a mechanical advantage to that bleed effect (It might even be a disadvantage, considering the fact it leaves behind forensic evidence) to call for a commensurate downside.

    Thats not the main point of this post, its just something I added on on a whim since i heard that they are basically Tajaran but better.



    I'm at work so I'll keep this brief, I think slime people should have their cores moved to their chest, and have limbs come off as easily as ipc's. I also think they should have no bones because of this because honestly having bones in a slime is kind of dumb, even if it is "hardened slime". That's pretty much all.

    Ps. Vulpakin need a downside, from what I've learned they are Reskins of tajaran with no downsides of it.


  9. Mentors and admins, and I think thats all that really should be able to use this, if its implemented, because it just doesnt make sense that a person just hired would just need to stare at an object for a few minutes to figure out how to do anything with it.

  10. I come up with a lot of ideas right before I got to sleep, and I post one of them once in a while, this time what I've thought of is a form of so holopad in each department, and when used would summon a "tutorial ai" (ghost) and it would tell the ghost what department and such so the ghost would know if it knows what the summoner needs. I'll flesh this idea out in the morning or forget about it. Most likely forget about it.

  11. My idea is as stated above, you can color gloves, shoes, hats, but not jackets, and Im not sure why, it would let me complete my outfit I had planned for my newest Slime character in a much better looking way, and another minor idea, let us attach pants to jumpsuits, Id think it would be a simple thing to code, but I dont code so Im not sure, anyway, this would change the bottom of the jumpsuit only, opening up even more clothing options. Normally I dont care about this, but I wish to begin my newest character looking a certain way that has kind of grown on me.

  12. right, sorry, Ive been reading a lot, and when I do that I usually get the order of my thoughts scrambled, I mixed part of two ideas up when writing this. I take a bit of the personality of the character Im reading about for a few hours. Anyway... what exactly is the problem with it at the moment?



    I saw this on a server and I thought something like it could be fun, since how many people in this game have attempted to sell their soul to the admins? Im not saying exactly this, but something similiar where you give up your soul/something of import to gain a boon, and you MAY regret it later.


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