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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Still not fixed, and I don't really know any way I can help troubleshoot like asked...
  2. Well the problem with them getting locked when someone goes in is, now people can go in there to hide from their attackers, as now they can't be ejected, and when the coast is clear, they can eject and go out their day. This is already a doable hiding method, but locking them makes it so you can't be found out. As for the possible suggestion that going into cryo would take you out right away, then I would be less likely to go into cryo unless I am positive I am not coming back, as I tend to change my mind, and I would guess others do as well. I am not sure of the mechanic, but what if you are cuffed, can you still eject yourself?
  3. Whatever is made, an advantage that it could be given over a roller bed is an inaprovaline drip to keep the person from dying, giving the paramedic more time to either A: Drag you to med bay while everyone is pushing you out or B: Trying to make sure others don't die while saving the person worse.
  4. I am unable to use forum PMs due to either account age or post number. You can add me on BYOND with IDTia, as I would rather not post my Skype name publicly.
  5. Seeing as this is a non-SS13 related issue, I can't really fit this in the bug report section that leads to the Git. I registered on the forums to help clean up the Wiki in my spare time, maybe improve the server specific-ness of the Wiki. I registered a while ago and when logged into the forum, I now get a fatal error as follows. Fatal error: Call to a member function toString() on a non-object in C:\website\wiki\includes\User.php on line 3493 Not really the most knowledgeable in this area so I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure when I made my account, it was not mirrored over to the Wiki's user system, and when it sees that I am logged in, it tries to load my user but it is an invalid entry or just missing entirely. I checked on it periodically and it has been the same exact line. Tried it on two computers, two browsers each, same thing, so it is not my end. Question is, can someone with the proper access look into this?
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