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Posts posted by Qinetix

  1. That's pretty much it. Pod Pilots tend to get lost when the lag strikes and they accelerate, not to mention how many times they might miss the station in their quest to get back. We could help them with atleast giving them a GPS on their pods/ lockers, besides Space Pods need more customization anyways.


    The sexy mime outfit isn't repulsive. It's actually pretty cute (the stockings might have to go, but I always saw those as pants).


    But I don't see why wouldn't we give the mime and clown a locker.


    Also as Dean said, a squeaking locker.. gee I wonder how that would go wrong considering how fast we can close and open them, not to mention it can double as an large storage unit and portable body carrier... dead or alive if you have a locker/ willing victim.


  3. It would be a nice feature to implement, seriously. Also ,regarding the blobs, they are already pretty damn hard to kill (no, the crew barely gets its ass together to beat up a blob, unless it's in front of them, they will just come in waves and perish), the fact that they start in a hard to acess area that can be easily depresurized just makes it even harder to kill, and as Kluys said, it would just eat the bolts , blobs rounds are a fucking metagaming and powergaming mess, filled only with misery and pain.


    I melee'd half a horde, and then set flames to the rest. Pics once im on my computer.

    I'll go clear a FEMA camp naked with a vibrator since adr thinks he's hot stuff. Will do that once i get on the computer though.




    +100 morale, that thing is OP as fuck, turns batteries into a fuckton of morale


    I have no idea how it works on male characthers tough



    "added in a hilarious way to suicide with a stamp"


    You made me curious.


    On another note, I like the changes, it might pose some trouble during blob rounds tough (unless it was changed and I didn't realize).



    How should I put it, but considering most of the time in xenoarch the large artifacts are hard to activate, or hard to even use. Most of the time you get tons over tons of useless or fluff crap. You can rarely get any good stuff, hell you would have bigger luck with the small artifacts.


    Why the hell would you want to make it harder if you are not going to suggest to make it more rewarding is beyond me.



    Erm Streaky, I'm pretty sure that a being that lacks blood flowing to their brain for some minutes is not only dead, but beyond repair due to the rapid degradation of brain cells in the absence of oxygen and other stuff.

    I'm fairly sure that's the reason behind the 5minute limit on the defibs.


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