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Posts posted by Fallinghero


    In general is it really that unknown? I see a lot of IPCs as doctors in medbay nowadays. Quite often I also see someone grabbing a welder or two and some cables to stick on a table in medbay purely so we can repair IPCs. However I rarely see any actually come in for said repairs.

    This is just my experience though.


    In regards to people knowing how the surgery works, BUP has already added a nice section on the Machine People wiki, but there is nothing mentioned in the actual surgery wiki.

    I was thinking of adding something there myself, since I know a lot of surgeons use the wiki, at least at first.



    I like this idea, and am quite excited about it and the possibility of the stamina damage system :)

    It makes more sense to me, limb damage should end up with paincrit or blood loss eventually, not just transferring damage.


    The tourniquet is a cool idea as well, paramedics and their triage will be awesome.



    Hi there,

    So I usually play Tate Power who is almost always a surgeon, and of course broken bones is the most common thing I have to fix (along with ruptured lungs). I can't say I would welcome the removal of this feature at all.


    That being said, I agree with the general statement that it IS too easy to break bones. As you said, currently you can aim for someones hands and thats that, but I don't think removing the "dropping tools" feature would be a good idea either. Broken bones fucking hurt.


    As it stands, I see people constantly being brought in with an array of broken bones that actually takes quite a while to fix. Not only does it take these people out of the round for extended periods (due to anesthetic) but you can end up with medbay flooded purely because someone decided to go HAM with a fire extinguisher. I would suggest raising the threshhold for bones breaking, a little bit of brute damage is much quicker to fix but you will still see people who have been attacked by a focused antag (instead of a griefer) coming in for surgery.


    Another thought; would it be possible (i'm assuming it wouldn't be easy) to add a chance to miss which increases with smaller targets (such as hands, eyes etc..)?


    I don't usually like to suggest things as I'm not very knowledgeable about many aspects of the game/code base we use, but this issue is particularly interesting to me.



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