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Everything posted by DIBDOG

  1. I think 60% is okay but setting it at 50% would definitely be right I think. I do agree you’d be running the risk of a miner-wipeout more frequently, but I agree that the timer on their spawn would definitely help. Not sure what the magic number would be, maybe 15 minutes would be better? If nothing else, yeah I’d love to not have to play round-start roulette when looking to play ashwalkers. It’s a really weird balance they have that if they spawn roundstart and get observer players then they stand a chance at wiping out the miners. At the same time, if they only start spawning about mid-round when there’s some perma-dead folks, usually the miners are so well equipped/fauna is depleted that they stand almost no chance against them. It’s rarely this tribal vs. invaders rivalry that I think the role strives for. edit: Wanting to clarify the miner wipe bit. I’m not insinuating that wiping the mining team is the goal. Just saying that it can happen which isn’t great. Just like the miners destroying the ashwalkers before/right as they spawn isn’t great.
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