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Posts posted by FarmWizard

  1. "I can open the core for you." Raishna says, as the colomn in the middle of the table lifts up and out of the way. You hear a distinct buzzing noise as the column opens up to reveal the Crystal core. A yellow shard with slight fragments all over its surface. It's held in place by an antigravity field with two tendrils attached to both ends.


    Raven, you affix two diodes to the crystal and immediately the multimeter jumps up insanely high. Apparently there's no activating involved with this thing. You could probably just plug it into the reavtor and get something good going.


    "My, that flight recording didn't sound good."


    Unfortunately as you attempt to activate the flight recorder a second time is ceases to function.



    The printout comes from the scanner quickly. Then it buzzes oddly and shuts off.

    Crystal matrix of unknown origin or make. Not reproducible with available technology. Crystal has latent power providing capabilities."


    Raven, you would also notice the crystal would make your vision lightly blurry and make your skin tingle when you hold it.



    The flight recorder begins blaring off the final moments of the ship.

    "Dear God, did you see what happened to Dave? He just exploded everywhere. Like fucking everywhere! *sobbing* W-wait, the flight recorder. If anyone ever hears this, I'm going to wreck the ship into that asteroid. There's something onboard that's killing everyone. Some kind of invisible beast. Don't clone anything.*Horrible fractal screeching noises, along with womanly screams for mercy. Then a disgusting sounding splat. Then the sound of s beast gnawing on flesh.*"



    The Container hisses as the atmosphere leaks out. The lip slowly opens, showing a fight recorder box. In the bottom of the casket sits an item.


    A crystalline cluster of needles, shining with a iridescent sheen. You feel yourself drawn into it as you look at it. As if the entire thing was composed of unlimited. fractals.



    Beer (6-pack)

    White board

    Weed whacker

    Radio cell phone

    Small hand mirror

    Physician's coat

    Fuel (5 gallons)

    Jumper cables

    Leather football

    Gasoline Generator


    Wow, great haul. The contents violently eject from the pressurized container and scatter slowly in a five meter radius. You probably won't find anything useful beside ancient petrols and generators.


    You spot a large metal casket in the distance, it appears to be designed to withstand quite a beating and is probably the black box.



    The ship lands on the surface on the southeastern portion of the crash zone. You spot a few glinting bits of metal and maybe a container or two. You should probably put on your suits and go out for some loot.


    "Scans complete. These are the remains of the Asral Sovereign. Pulling up specs now...


    Astral Sovereign: Passenger Spaceship. The Astral Sovereign has a hardened spherical primary hull connected to a cylindrical secondary hull. It has a customized FTL drive, with sophisticated automatic navigation systems. The ship is equipped with 200 passenger seats and a landing shuttle."



    "Away craft does not have enough fuel for both trips." Raidna says. The Away craft, which is yet to be christened with a name, is lowered to the floor. The docking port opens and allows you to crawl inside. The interior is just as small as the exterior, and you can practically hear the crystal vibrating away, fueling this hotbox.


    "I doubt that this away vehicle will suffice for long. We may wish to procure another ship." Raishna chimes, and she's certainly right. You could fit about eighty of these things in here. Hell you could probably even fit a few hover tanks or something in here.



    As everyone gathers their weapons they notice they're no long there! Instead you have a slip of paper stating "Due to current regulations, we could not allow you to bring handheld weaponry onboard."


    The display lights up with a crudely modified diagram of the asteroid.





    "I'm sorry, I wasn't programmed to be a great picture editing machine. However as you can see I have detected two areas of interest. One is a scattering of metal components which may be a scrapyard or a crashed ship, and the abandoned structure. It appears to be a mining base. However it is not functioning." Raishna states, you approach the away vehicle.





    This thing is tiny, it'd barely classify as a space dingy. Let alone an away craft. It lacks any weaponry at all, and barely has any cargo space.


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