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Posts posted by DGamerL

  1. I mean this'll just cause half the crew to suicide or cryo, so there's a lot less people in the round and a lot of salty people in dchat who got tricked into not playing the game

  2. 3 hours ago, BAGELMENSK said:

    If viruses could synthesize chemicals in the body I think that opens up a lot of interesting gameplay with mechanics that are already established in the game.

    They already can, they can add oculine and salbutamol, that is how the enhanced sense and breathless symptoms work


    3 hours ago, BAGELMENSK said:

    Transferring virus effects into reagents would also mean the adding of interesting negative chemicals that arent jsut sarin gas or some other neurotoxin. It would also allow, similar to botany, the ability to attach unique reagents/chemicals to a department/job. Using Monkeys with specific viruses to synthesize chemicals for extraction via dialysis would add, if nothing else, more things for the virologist to do.

    This would be kind of interesting as a secondary way to make death viruses, but it would have to be done delicately because 24/7 toxic chemical buildup in a body is just unfun to play against

  3. 4 hours ago, JoeBiggie said:

    Let's talk about the stats on the symptoms. In my opinion they're just way too low, especially the positive symptoms. There's almost no way to make a propely "designed" virus spread by anything other than blood. Resistance is possible to get somewhat better than orange juice being the cure but also extremely hard to design. This is because there is just so much minuses and the calculations wreck you if you make something with more than 3 symptoms (which you try to do in order to get higher stats!). I'd say buff pretty much all symptoms Resistance and Speed factors that are in the negative by +1 and buff all the Transmitting factors by +1. Maybe some key symptoms should have their Stealth buffed too. Alternatively there could be a game mechanic other than just pushing in symptoms that have positive stats. Maybe a certain solution that is very hard to make that can give +1 to all stats when used in your virus.

    Isn't this the intention? Good/Dangerous symptoms have lower stats so you can't just fill a virus with killing symptoms, but actually have to work for it?


    In any case, this post is a massive "WYCI" (Or pay someone else to do it)

    • clown 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Spacemanspark said:

    how difficult would it be to actually code that behavior?

    You could instead make it normal behaviour, and only have automenders mend the exposed bodyparts, by having it run a quick check before it starts mending

    Feel free to ask me if you want to code this in

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Baredolf1 said:

    they don't have to mean anything, or be involved in the end round readout, just little side quests that the crew have the option of pursuing but give another small level of detail and provide a little extra for the more roleplay focused individuals

    Not against the idea, but wouldn't people who enjoy RP already set out these goals for themselves/their character?

    2 hours ago, Baredolf1 said:

    I don't know what the code for such a thing would look like but if possible to make the objectives editable by admins similar to antag objectives

    Admins can already give people objectives without making them an antag luckily!

  6. A la Cunningham's Law, here ya go.

    There should be a variable on `/obj/machinery` that's called `requires_power`. You should set this to `FALSE` on the drying rack, and then remove any code on the drying rack that checks for it needing power, and after that, making sure it will always work!

  7. Heya Jedediah,

    Welcome to Paradise station! I hope you'll like it here! I can at least guarantee you that while the sad sleepy pen into death will sometimes exist, that there's a lot of people that will RP, or attempt to do so! Sadly Ebba doesn't usually mine or build mechs, but she is a very fanatic HOS, so I hope I'll see you around soon!

    Best regards, Ebba Anderson


    (Also, know that being good in RP isn't a requirement, and the effort to try is usually already enough to be engaging to other people)

  8. Heya! Just gotta say I love how this station looks! I love that atmos now gets some big, out of the way maints for some warcrime experimentation! I have a few small issues however:

    - Engineering gets a tesla roundstart, with which is nothing wrong as Kerberos (Or Cerebron? idk they are very similar) does it too, but instead of there, here you don't get a SM to experiment with, as it is one of the things to experiment the most with.

    - What's with the big empty space in the middle of the station? To me, it seems like you could put something else in there, maybe EVA as that seems to be missing too?

  9. Heya! In addition to what you've said, it's not the pinpointer that tracks the AI (it does while the AI is going malf and doomsday, but that's an edge case), it's the camera console being able to jump to the camera that is set to the AI, so sec can easily track you from there!

  10. Hey John! Glad to see you on our lovely station! If you ever have any questions about the game, medical or other, don't be afraid to either ask IC, the discord, on the forums or just DM me! I hope you'll have fun with this amazing game :)

    • Thanks 1
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