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Everything posted by run1235

  1. Thanks, i saw your asthma thread and i was actually gonna ask if with your permition add it into this list as another dissability.
  2. Yes, i'm glad someone likes these ideas, would love to see them get implemented. (obiously) I'm big on character design such as "Why are they here, what do they know, what happened to get them here, yadayadayada and these would go al long way, not just for me but for everyone in creating characters that fit a paticular back story they had in mind.
  3. i've come up with these ideas through the course of playing as a crew member in a wheelchair. I'm hoping to get 10 or so thought of in the time i'm playing. 1. Bad lungs : it requires you to breath using a oxy tank and mask otherwise you have trouble breathing normally. distribution pressure of the tank must be at 30. downside is it's easier to get a collapsed lung. you spawn in with one extended capacity emergency oxy tank with a special name and a mask already on and full. special name would be something along the lines of "Lucy Lyn's oxygen tank" indication of someone with this dissability would be the oxy tank and mask, they are coughing and wheezing whenever they arent on and they cant breath periodically when the mask is off and or tank is empty. 2. Paralysis : i.e you have limbs but they dont work, would be the same as amputation except your icon shows the limbs and a self examination says your fine apart from the paralysis. same spawning dynamics as amputated limbs. 3. Alcoholic : must drink alcohol to stay sane and in a semi-functional manner. can be cured though the process is long and sometimes deadly depending on how the patient reacts. going long stints without alcohol causes hallucinations, rage, and various other symptoms. spawns with a personal flask full of whiskey. 4. Smoker : must smoke every so often otherwise various symptoms start appearing due to withdrawal. Symptoms include itching, shaking, nervousness. spawns with a pack of cigarettes and a crappy lighter. 5. Auto immune defficiency : You are more likely to get sick and contract the various diseases aboard the station. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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