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Posts posted by Imnotthesharpest

  1. Name: P.U.R.P.L.E-236

    Gender: Male

    Nicknames/Alias: P.U.R.P.L.E, PURPLE, purple, Purp, and pink.

    Picture(To be made)

    Age: 22 Years of Existance.

    Date of Manufacturing: December 13th 2544AD

    Place Of Birth: A Syndicate Robotics Manufacturing Facitity in the Gamma Geranite sector.

    Species: Machine

    Blood Type: Oil.

    Alignment: Neutral Evil

    Affiliation: Nanotrasen

    Religious Beliefs: NA


    Pre-Nanotrasen Employment


    Originally being made in a Syndicate Robotics Manufacturing Facility, he was given the designation D.E.U-236 and assigned to manufacture and later in his life use controlled explosives. Being promoted from the ranks of Bomb Manufacturer and Tester to A Nuclear Explosives Handler and Demolitions Experts for syndicate raids. One the 3684th bombing run of D.S.U-236's carrer the operation was a complete bust from a mole within the squad leaking the plans for him and the other operatives. This ended with the team being ambushed and captured.

    Nanotrasen Employment


    After being captured D.S.U-236 was tortured and had his old memories covered up, given a new Identity, laws, and a new purpose. now known as P.U.R.P.L.E, he was mass reproduced to be on every station in the Epsilon Eridani sector. It would take him a while to break free and find out his TRUE past along with some friends along the way.

    Detailed Information



    He's a standard Morpheus Brand IPC coated in a purple paint that wears a black suit jacket, a skull bandana, and a crayon in his right ear.

    Character Voice:

    He speaks with a robotic voice that has a faint echo behind it.


    P.U.R.P.L.E-236 is quite aggressive in nature. He often gets into situations way in over his head however there are cases where his dedication does pay off. It's not uncommon for him to fly himself off into space to find a close friend or loved one.


    Originally being made for explosive manufacturing, P.U.R.P.L.E-236 has seen a career change to manufacturing and maintaining machines. Though is commonly transfered to the Medical team due to over staffing of roboticists.


    Personal Relationships

    (Warning it is LONG)


    Romantically Involved | Respected | Close Friend | Friend/Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Despise | Death Wish | Fear


    S-HOUND-L762:"...[S-HOUND-L762] makes me feel like I am powered even when my cell is running low. She's like a second cell for my positronic brain..."


    ARMA-993"ARMA was a great person. Always up to fun shenanigans..."

    Peyton Berkhilmer: "Peyton [Berkhilmer] is probably the first machine I made friends with back when I was an oblivious machine in the world, The NSS Cyberiad."

    Schrodinger Schreiber: "I cannot put down how many times we have saved each others asses, even if he has lied to me I still stole from him."


    Nonie Hoover: "What a fucking goofball. [Nonie Hoover] always some how defies my expectations when he tries to kill me. Like that one time we had a tea party in my office and then he pulled out a pair of gloves and climbed onto my table, then proceeded to walk off and get shoved onto the table, that was such a funny attempt."

    PLATINUM: "I am unsure if his name is secretly an acronym or not or if his name refers to the metal Platinum or the color Platinum. What ever it is, we had our good times and our bad times and I hope there's plenty more to come."

    Ray Rider: "Robust Ray Rider, I still have fond memories of when we would go and raid the Gateway and break into Chemistry..."


    Areo: "I thought she was the FIRST IPC I made but alast this is Areo, not Aero. We are still friends though."

    B1G: "IPC from Terra,  have not seen them a lot recently."

    Capella: "had a tea party with them in the meeting room, it was fun watching the BS get absolutely livid."

    Carlos Cressman: "The greatest paramedic around. Carlos went 3 sectors over to find my body, and he did."

    Carlos Faraday: "Carlos MKII, I commonly see him donning the purple and mopping floors."

    Caroline Rodgers: "Caroling Rodgers is quite nice and accepting of ideas, like that one time I force fed them 3 moonflowers and they got wasted."

    Cassidy Berkhilmer: "I actually have not seen her in a while, must be on vacation. She's the calmer of the Berkhilmers and oddly reminds me of a loaf of bread?"

    C.R.Y.O: "The Third and last IPC I had made, we had good times. Even invented bluespace teleportation with cyborg rechargers!"

    Dan Walker: "Good Magistrate 10/10 would recommend to befriend again."

    D.R.O.S.S: "Dross, the man behind the plan."

    Edgar Miller: "This man would do anything for a bar of soap, seriously. I had one shift taped a bar of soap to the SM and he almost dusted himself."

    Erudita of Messier: "I hate you so much that it's funnily enough makes me like you, fuckin screwdriver stealer"

    Jacklyn Frost: "The maints bar queen. Commonly found when traders arrive on the NSS Cyberiad."

    Jamie Auchvulf: "Jamie and I are good friends one can say. Though I don't know them well, they are very fond of me."

    Jazzy: "Jazzy is a great chemist and I enjoy it when we both work together."

    Jessie Berkhilmer: "She seems oddly nihilistic on life, on about living forever is a curse. Hopefully she gets better soon."

    John Stewart: "We were close friends, but mroe recently he has been distancing himself from me..."

    Kincaid Renault: "They are funny and goofy all the time, too bad they don't like my surgeries."

    Kslozsoh Szeki: "dadadada- Rat man!"

    Mia Jowers: "Mia always like to break into atmos or work in atmos, We've made some CRAZY TEG setups."

    MPRR: "MPRR is another purple colored IPC, although he smells of noodles. I'm pretty sure we met before but I am uncertain if that's my posibrain fabricating memories."

    M.O.L.L.Y: "It's a massive shame that she said no, may she be a martyr for Synthetica!"

    N.U.L.L: "A close friend lost to time, I remember 6 months ago we were chilling in the bar together but now, we only say hello."

    P.Y.R.O: "Met them once or twice in the medical bay, nice machine."

    RH1-N0: "Rhino cat, the Dino hat"

    Samuel Anderson: "I remember him, I, and Phi just laying in the medical lobby. It was great times. Too bad the world had made him sour."

    Stargazer In The Service of Messier 027: "They are very shy and enjoy stars more than lightbulbs, weird."

    TAO-3"They may hate me to my components but, worst I done to them was rip off TAO-5s arm a while back ago. Some grudges never die I guess."

    V.I.B.E: "She's nice to have around always being caring and such, I should get to know 'em more."

    V.I.V.I 7: "I generally dont know what V.I.V.I does other than resting infront of bridge."

    V.I.V.I 9: "A red V.I.V.I unit, I regularly see them hanging around the bridge they can be some fun with their tiding habits."

    W.I.N.T.E.R: "Oh boy WINTER, I have fond memories of us raiding the Evidence room, however we have not seen each other in months."


    B.L.U.E: "I have actually passed by this unit before infront of the bridge, it was a great talk about the meaning of life."

    Chikitita: " Such a coffee addict, one shift she drank all the power out of my soda fountain."

    Faron Solar: "This guy would be a great captain in that animated SS12 show, but like in a good way."

    Gloppie: "I heard Gloppie fired their whole department once, which I am unsure how to think about it."

    G.R.E.Y: "She oddly reminds me of Luna, but putting that to the side she seems like a rash and sane person walking down the halls."

    M.A.X.W.E.L.L.: "Why is it every shift we meet you first ask 'whats up nerd'? I am curious."

    R.E.D: "Dispite the obvious, I have never interacted with R.E.D other than them passing by and waving."

    Shawna Lupix: "I am unsure if they still hate me, I know in the past they were lividly pissed at me."

    U-HOUND-X702: "I really dont know what happened between you and Luna..."

    Y.E.L.L.O.W: "I find it cool one shift a cyborg named itself after my naming system calling itself a 'Y.E.L.L.O.W'."


    Joey Spuff: "This guy would be a great captain in that animated SS12 show, in the bad way..."

    NT-96195: "What the fuck is actually wrong with you. Why are you calling for help when I am trying to help you?"

    Skoll: "You fucking got slime on me you asshole!"

    SPUFF II: "Oh my god they made an IPC after his stupid ass..."

    TAO-5: "You're nice then you are cold, you apologize then wanna fight. You know, I wish TAO-3 didn't hate me for beating your ass into a fuckin bin."


    George Kavalenov: "You always have to come back into my life and fuck it up."

    Iota: "I only hate you because you are better than me and rub it in my monitor."

    Lola Plum: "You made me pink."

    Zeke Elliot: "You call me pink."


    Kiyakaya: "Are you going to kill [me] just to send a message? If so that's a horrible way to send a message."

    NanoMend Delux: "First off, your creators are horrible people. Second off, you need to be put out of your miserable state of a life. Third and lastly, Fuck you."


    Ion Rifle: "AhHhHhhhhHhhHHhhHH"

    I swear to god if i forgot someone that purple met

    Faction Relations


    Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate Enemy | Fear


    Synthetic Union: "What machine WOULDNT love the work the Synthetic Union is doing!"

    Nanotrasen: "Home sweet home I guess..."

    Fafnir Experimental Positronics: "I have no idea what you do other than make TAOs, so that's nice I guess."

    The Syndicate: "Despite being manufactured by their robotics division, It still shows they do not care for me with all these assassination plots."

    Valax Industries: "The only redeeming factor you have is being the creators of Luna."

    Mr. Chang's: "Authentic Chinese food."

    The United Conglomeration: "Did you REALLY have to send someone to kill me?"

    Donk Corporation: "Fuck your pockets."

    Union of Soviet Socialist Planets: "Fucking communists, I'm struggling enough as it is to maintain myself. All you'll do is drive up the price of purple paint!"

    Cybersun Industries: "Slave Implant maker. Practically WORSE than laws."

    Halcyon Dynamics: "Outside your veil you may look 'lovely' but I've seen inside."

    Shellguard Munitions: "The Inventers of the Ion Rifle."

    I know there's going to be this niche faction I missed


    Other Information

    10 hours in the making WOOOOOOOOO!

    I had fun with the highlighter at the end if you can tell.

    • Like 6
  2. So I have been playing maintenance crawling assistant and I've been noticing some coins have both sides as heads, is there anyway i could produce these coins myself? any time i atempt to weld a coin it turns into a ring, and duck tape doesn't work

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