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Posts posted by Alex6511


    You go around acting like an admin with that mouth? Disgusting.


    I'm sorry if my words offended you, but I would honestly say that a few "bad" words are nothing compared to calling me a corrupt power-abusing bully. Would you not agree?


    Also, please, let us not spam this thread. Take it with me privately if you want to continue this.


    I'd much prefer to keep this public, otherwise you could say I said something and then ban me for it.



    So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.


    What the fuck? No. At no point did I even hint at that. Are you dumb? I said I've been voicing my opinion. Loudly. This thread. The admin skype chat. The coder skype chat. The github PR threads. And no where else.


    Fuck you for insinuating that I've been using my position to fudge the results though. Dick.


    You go around acting like an admin with that mouth? Disgusting.



    Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.


    Or, maybe, I caught whiff of this situation and started screaming at the top of my lungs about how insanely bullshit it would be to downgrade to 15x again, and then more people started to notice as I went ballistic.




    So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.



    but my monitor has 1080p resolution which is objectively better than 720p, which is objectively better than 480p and so on. I can't exactly say that 64x64 mode with 15x15 objectively looks better overall than stretch to fit with 17x17, since that is up to personal preference, but sprites definitely don't look how they're exactly supposed to in that mode, which I do notice and think it looks ugly compared to 64x64.


    I don't see why you would try and limit people with the better resolutions by giving them stretched and disfigured sprites to look at instead of what was intended.


    If you have a good monitor run 64x64 mode. I have 2560x1440 and I use stretch. Some things look weird, but SS13 is a horrendously ugly game to begin with so I don't care about the distortion personally. What I'm concerned about is the whole "stretched looks weird on my monitor on 17x, go to 15x so it looks less weird for me." completely ignoring those whose screen resolution looks less weird with stretch on 17x.


    But most importantly that 17x is far better for gameplay than 15x and if you care so much about these ugly as shit sprites you are free to hard-set to 32x or 64x. (Those who have helped sprite things for me I love you to death don't think I'm talking down to you I love you for helping me out I'm just saying this game isn't played for its looks)


    As someone who also has a 2560x1440 monitor, I say exactly the opposite. Playing 15x15 looks much better, so much better I couldn't believe why we still use 17x17.




    Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.



    I am getting this out of the way right now, it is server policy that vanilla jobs will never be Karma Locked.


    Currently its just an alternative title to Medical Doctor, not its own job. I think if it was a "normal" job that was entirely seperate, yeah I'd agree, but this takes an alternative title and fleshes it out into an entire custom job.



    Recently, away missions have become somewhat trivial. One of two things will usually happen for gateway explorers, they either rush through the loot fest that was once known as a challenge course and loot super gear, due to the trivial nature of cheesing the gauntlet, or they just ignore it / mess around with xenos / beach party. I really think this is a disservice to the away mission system, and we could do better.


    I've been brainstorming and I've come up with a concept to try to re-energize interest in away missions and make them more fun, keeping in mind feedback given on github to the proposed removal of away missions, as well as some ideas from Kei.


    1. Make gateway explorer a karma job (this, combined with corner, would mean there is now a karma job in every department)

    2. Make it so that any "lethal" or otherwise "high value" loot is removed from your inventory upon returning from an away mission.

    3. Change away mission fluff to be more about going to off-site locations and "securing" (stealing, in some cases) high value research data to further NT. This research data could be used in RnD to progress research much quicker.

    4. Add more away missions overall, some of which would be considerably more deadly, some of which would be more mundane.

    5. Missions would in theory, be designed to test different aspects of the players abilities. One might require knowledge of engineering to get power back online, while one might require you to be robust




    *Job would probably be around 30 karma mark, maybe more, as it is meant for experienced players.

    *Should make away missions useful, without them becoming a loot fest





  7. As the title says, currently coroner is played by very few people, and fulfils a unique role within medbay. In order to be good at the job, you have to have decent knowledge of in-game mechanics (I.E. know what a "Large organic needle" is) and have decent RP abilities in order to work with security with your autopsies. This, combined with the fact that there can really only be one coroner' at a time, otherwise you get the "too many cooks" situation, means that it would be pretty good for a karma job. Not saying you gotta put it up there for like 45 karma or whatever, would probably sit nice at 5-15. I'm willing to work on changing it over to the karma system myself if people are alright with it.


    And a MALF AIs actions partially hidden as it's going crazy to contain the Xeno threat while eradicating crew not-so-randomly.


    I would love to see Malf AI combined with other rounds, right now it's pretty obvious that there's a lot of people who go "Hey, we haven't caught any antags, better check cameras looking for blue APC's" (or the alternative, hey look a blue APC, but I just caught a traitor so its a good thing it's just emagged!)


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