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Posts posted by Alex6511

  1. On 3/19/2017 at 11:15 AM, Spacemanspark said:

    This thread is a good reason of why it's all discussed behind closed doors and not more publicly.

    The hostility towards even a simple explanation, such as the one Lightfire just gave, is rather alarming.

    There's hostility because he introduced it. You are bias towards your friends Spark, but I came here because I was bored in class. I don't make PRs and I have no vested interest in the ongoing development past some old work. 


    The only people being hostile here are staff. It's disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

    • Like 2

    Shadey, managing an open source project without github or a comparable service is pretty much impossible.


    Here is a static link to all changes currently pending: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pulls

    All changes must be on there for 24 hours minimum with thge exception of fixes. Check it once a day and you will be fine.


    Changes and bug reports should be on there.


    Any form of discussion should not be, as the bulk of the server - and even the forum users don't use/look at the github unless linked to it directly.

    That would be a massive headache, a lot of the discussions use githubs numbers reference system to make things easier. Not to mention, the coders probably don't want to have to maintain all the discussions, and the odds of anyone else consistently handling it is unlikely. Even I don't check the github often enough to do something like that.



    SS13 isn't in any sense detracting from sales anywhere, generating any profit, or.. Yeah.


    We're pretty safe from copyright thanks to Fair Use and Parody laws.


    Not exactly. For one the server isn't hosted in the US which means fair use does not apply. Even if it did, we don't fall under fair use, while the law is broad, we are very far outside the range of a news or review service which is what fair use mostly protects. Yes it protects parodies, but not as much as most people think, and we probably would not fall under that. Also, we accept donations but we are not a registered non profit charity, so in many courts our donations would be treated the same as profits. If we publically disclosed information like monthly expense reports it might hold up better, but honestly in the eyes of the law right now we are for profit.


    Disclaimer, I'm not a lawyer but I wrote my high school thesis paper on advertising in the internet medium, and this stuff was covered in my tertiary research for one of my main topics.

    Yes I'm a massive fucking nerd.


  4. The problem is, quantifying whether it was actually a bug or if it was just a mistake. Proving that a bug killed someone (like the less form thing, you could tell it was bugged due to how a variable was set) can be hard at times, and in this cases there's not much that can be done. I think however if it's an extremely obvious bug then perhaps you should be given the chance to rejoin on a different character as a late crew member.

  5. I have to agree with having some type of notification on admin revives. Also, sometimes I see someone randomly attacking people and they suddenly to see. In these cases I never know if I should bring them to cryo, leave them there, or bring them to the brig. While u can ahelp and ask if they were banned it might be easier to have an ssd notice like "They have suddenly fallen asleep. They probably won't come back" if they are banned so we know to take them to cryo.


    The reason I don't though is because I'm still no one on this forum. Didn't intend to be at the start (but I think I'll be sticking around longer) so what place do I have for posting stuff to the community?


    I can't speak for everyone involved in the coding but I can tell you with reasonable confidence that almost every suggestion here gets at least looked at. As for posting stuff to the community as the whole, that is more difficult because a large portion of the community is "transient" meaning that paradise might not necessarily be their primary or only server they play on.



    Okay. To be clear github issues are named that for a reason. It is not and never has been intended to only be used for bug reports. You are supposed to post anything that is precieved as a problem there. A look at popular gamintg related githubs will confirm this. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3 This is the github for a popular arma mod. You will notice that there's more than bugs on there, in fact they even use it to track various tasks and other problems not directly related to bugs.


    If it's not clear by my post, I am extremely against referring to the github issues area as a bug report section, as its named issues for a reason.


  8. Something that always gets to me is, just because one person is guilty of a crime (like assault) doesn't mean the other person is innocent of the crime, or even a different crime. Like, someone steals your ID so you beat the shit out of them and get arrested for assault, they still stole your fucking ID, yet security tends to just ignore it because "you is b guilty." Bonus shit points if they don't even make sure you get your ID back.


    Theres currently a PR on the /tg/ github that does the following:

    health is now 3 times essence, from 2

    you can't punch them to death when revealed

    regenerates 2 essence every Life(), from 1

    destroyed revenants respawn in 1 minute, from 3, if the dust is untouched

    harvest only lists mobs within a tile, as it can only harvest in that range anyway

    harvest gives more essence; 10 for dead mobs, 20 for crit or with a ckey, and 30 for crit and ckey

    overload light and defile both cost 20 energy to activate

    overload light and defile no longer lock you in place for five years while the crew murders you

    overload light costs 30 to unlock

    defile costs 40 to unlock

    defile stuns robots, does more stamina damage to humans

    defile onehits normal windows, twohits reinforced windows


    I think these changes will be sufficient.



    Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.


    So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.


    What in Holy Terra made you think Mel is telling people to vote on the poll for him? And most importantly: on what evidence are you basing this accussation?


    And where did he threaten to ban you?


    Evidence? He admitted to it.


    and the "enjoy your weekend" certainly feels like a threat.


    EDIT: Doesn't matter, just delete this. He called me dumb, and a dick, thats what this complaint was about. I guess thats acceptable behavior for an admin though.



    Admin Key: Melandor0


    Complaint: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5582&start=10


    I'll keep this short and brief, because all the evidence is right there in the thread. Melandor makes a post saying hes been "screaming at the top of his lungs" to not let this happen, I then post saying that he, being in a position of authority, is likely to affect the outcome of the poll (obviously) by doing that, because he has a strong ability to sway people's opinions of negatively effect them to one that they might not otherwise choose. His response, is quite clear:


    What the fuck? No. At no point did I even hint at that. Are you dumb? I said I've been voicing my opinion. Loudly. This thread. The admin skype chat. The coder skype chat. The github PR threads. And no where else.


    Fuck you for insinuating that I've been using my position to fudge the results though. Dick.


    Arguing my point of view does NOT equate to telling people to vote no. I convince people with logic, I don't brute-arm them with authority. I'm sorry if I'm being hostile but holy fuck does the thought disgust me. I'm here to win through reason, not bullying.


    He calls me dumb and a dick. Later he threatens to ban me "have a good weekend, too"


    Is this how an admin is suppose to conduct himself?


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