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Posts posted by jedr


    I agree with shadey that if the crew would think things through before mounting their assault on the nest, xeno's would have a much harder time.


    then again, it'll be cold day in hell before people work together consistently in this game...


    A nerf to vironests is in order though, I've advocated that before.



    Might I suggest adding a "rabid animal" clause. Because now dunking poly for stealing all your shit is vandalism, or am I reading this wrong?


    That way peaceful animals are protected by the law, but shitters who drag arrested people away/steal valuable shit/etc... can be dealt with swiftly and privately. Or some kind of responsibility thing? Where you're responsible for the actions of your pet? Just throwing around ideas here



    Ah yeah," i'm an antag and need to kill my IC SO". Always makes for great stories.


    Changeling Bryce going mad, fracturing his personality between Bryce and the other absorbed minds and finally arguing with himself in the bathrooms about killing Alissa or not is a round I'll never forget.



    I feel like Cure has a very very good point. Over time the game and code has been "baby-proofed" as it were to protect our very delicate balance of RP, because God forbid something would happen and shake up things. This leads to boring rounds where everyone just sits at their desks or in the bars, doing nothing but talking.


    Gone are the days of loose engines and plasma fires, of changelings eating half the crew and mad scientists giving security a run for their money. Not necessarily a bad thing, but those were the things that defined ss13 for me. The interactions and stories that followed because of those intense moments of danger and excitement. Not two engineers a doctor and an assistant chatting about in the bar. And before someone points out my nostalgia glasses, i'm very aware of them. But the game and our playerbase has changed. I'm still in love with this game, but I do miss the old days.


    The biggest gripe I personally have right now is the " It sucks, so let's scrap it or neuter it" attidude I have seen rising. The taser drama, xenomorphs are OP, and the lightbulb discussion are just one of the many times I feel we as the admins have dropped the ball by not taking a stand and telling the players that we stand by what is. Because honestly, the "Man up and deal with it" button is underused right now.


    Not to say that discussion is bad, but some people need to get over their personal feelings about certain aspects of the game. Because the amounts of shitstorms I've seen erupt of the most inane things is something that makes me want to kill a puppy. You play in an environment where it's just not your experience that counts. Some things are MEANT to fuck you over royally, some things are MEANT to be so silly it hurts. And that brings us back to what Regen also said earlier. Don't try to balance this game. Because you'll only end up doing more harm than good.


    So in short, I'd like to see more functions, items, jobs, dangers, jokes, animals, whatever added, instead of things being changed or scrapped. Because if we keep scrapping or baby-proofing things. We'll get a very bland game that turns into a talking sim. Embrace the chaos that birthed the game.





    It's been a full day now, and the truth is out. So I guess I owe you all something.


    Let's be clear first: I didn't have the intent to hurt anyone, just a playful prank on friends was my goal.

    Oh boy did I succeed, the first few reactions were amazing. And also very heartwarming to read.

    Very much so, that this little prank of mine only reinforced my belief that what we have here, is worth the effort.

    Everyone of you is worth the time I put into being a staff member, even those that (on occasion) act like a dick.


    Yesterday I went to sleep wondering how this would play out, and it exceeded my expectations.

    Over the night, I was messaged by concerned friends and was sent kind words. It was a treat for me, both as prankster and as person.

    Ultimately, I consider this a triumph for myself, and I won't deny I giggled multiple times about you all falling for my little sobstory.


    Although I had fun, I think that some of you might not be as amused as I am. To those who genuinely believed I resigned, I appologize.

    Leaving is something I won't be doing for a long time, this place and the people here are just to much fun.

    Let's be honest here, the only way I'll be stopped from annoying you all is if someone drags my corpse away from my desk.



    My resignation


    A lot can be said about this server, for better and for worse. I for one liked it here, the past tense being the imperative word there.

    Perhaps it's the changing times, perhaps it's the changing people, perhaps it's me changing. As the saying goes: nothing lasts forever.

    Really, I've seen this coming for a while now. Spending less time playing, and more time observing, just killing time in the end.

    It'll be a while before I find something that inspires and keeps me captivated the way this game, the way this server, did.

    Likewise, it'll be a while before I find another community like this. You have all taught me so much, and I hope I have taught you as wel.

    Sadly though, I feel like it's time for me to move on. The fun is gone, the adminning is done out of routine, not because I want to.


    Firstly, i'd like to thank the rest of the staff. You all turned out to be splendid people who I love interacting and talking with.

    Of course also our playerbase also deserves a thank you. Without them there would be no server to run, and we'd be lonely nerds.

    One special mention goes to Dumbdumn, he's the one that really set me on the path to become part of you all.

    Leaving wasn't an easy choice to make, but I feel that keeping myself to this place would only make it worse.

    So I say goodbye, not farewell. I have fond memories, and one day I'll return.



    So for all of you that I didn't already bug the ever-living hell out of for this: I'm trying to work on adding a new xenoarcheology system.

    For more about that, see this thread here: ( Or ask me in a PM, or over discord)



    A complete overhaul means new code, new mapping, aaaand new sprites.


    The mapping is not going to happen untill all the other stuff is complete so that's still a long way off, and the code is something I can do myself/learn as I do it.


    But spriting is a thing that takes alot of time, and I rather spend that time looking at the coding side, making sure that the concept and execution stay on track, and to discuss any changes that might be needed.


    So I now officially request help on the spriting part.


    Right now i'm working on the analysis part of the job, which involves books, datapads, decryption consoles, anything and everything that might hold some kind of data.


    I have a few specific requests:


    Fashion magazine's


    You read that right, I'd like a few fashion mag sprites. The pictures in those would make for some excellent data on how certain cultures act and dress, so for alien researchers, they'd be a pretty interesting source of info.




    Maps, charts, drawing on napkins where a dotted line line leads to an X. Anything that implies hidden locations.


    New books


    We already have a good set of book sprites, but more never hurts! I'd really like it if there was some more variety or different sizes/styles in our current book collection.


    The super special stuff


    There will be a few rather rare data-holding items I seek to implement, with more unique rewards for decrypting them. So the sprites should be very recognizable for any archaeologist looking to find new stuff.


    If you're interested in doing those, PM me , since I don't want to spoil them just yet.


    And if you feel a sudden burst where you just NEED to do some creative spriting rising up, keep this in mind.

    From a message in a bottle to a high-tech super encrypted bluespace drive, everything goes.



    As regen said, we don't need another insta-stun ranged weapon capable of dealing large amounts of stamina & brute damage per clip.


    However, if you remove the combat aspects: the large damage's and knockdown, and have it be like an airsoft gun/pistol in terms of IC function, I can see people having fun with it. Maybe scale the other numbers down from being a weapon to almost a toy. Just a quick idea though.

    The sprite is very nice and it'd be a shame to let it go to waste.


    Another option for the sprite would be just a reskin of one of the existing guns, like the stetchkin, altough I don't know how the coders/seniors think about going full "hats by valve" on existing items.



    It's going to take some hefty thinking and rethinking to get the race to a unique and not-another-human-reskin implementation. An implementation that's also playable, doesn't shit on other people's rounds because of racial features and is not horrible/lame.


    If you can pull it off and convince the high-ups to add it, it'd be a nice thing to have.


    Good luck with that, I hope you make it.



    I find my lack of lyrical creativity disturbing.


    We're gonna have a problem here...


    Y'all act like you never seen a rappin' person before

    Jaws all on the floor like Halogen just burst in the morgue.

    And started kicking ass worse than before.

    The wiki's thruth get's enforced, she's got to endure.


    It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,

    That page didn't just say what I think it did, did it?"

    And the admin team said... nothing, you idiots!

    Adminbus, right. We don't care for you plebs, aight!


    The Para peeps loving the 'Kin.

    "Kin, Shady, I'm sick of 'em

    Look at 'em, walking around writing the you-know-what

    changing the you-know-that." "Yeah, but she's so smart though!"


    'Cause she's the Kin, Shady, yes, the real Shady.

    All you other Shady's are just imitating.

    So won't the real Shady please stand up,

    Please stand up, please stand up?


    • Thanks 1

    Due to the enormous scale of this, it probably never will get implemented like this, not in one go anyway.


    If I had to split it, I would leave all the "archeology" stuff out, maybe leave it for a second update that can interface with the data decryption job, and have the blueprint system I suggested be the reward for decrypting data-pads. But if we ever get to part two, i'll take the teleporter suggestion into account, thanks.


    Splitting the content would make the size a bit more workable, which would lead to faster release and more importantly, no one would have to touch old archeology code. While the archeological underground network is a dream I really hope to see completed, I feel like a data-decrytption job is a more achievable goal to aim for.


    Aim for the stars, land on the moon kinda stuff, you know?




    Oh boy, it's that time again.


    Xenoarcheology has been gone for quite a while now, and I feel it might be time for a comeback, given the right adjustments are made of course.


    Let's recap first some of the issues I had with the old system. These biased my opinions and choices:




      - It was just mining with a flavor, to be frank.

      You went to a somewhat self-sufficient outpost on the asteroid z-level, geared up and went out to find stuff. Sound familiar?


      - The effort/difficulty to reward ratio was very varied.

      Sometimes you dig for an hour and get some useless pots and statuettes, other shifts you'd end up with 2 corgi spawning monstrosities and a sword after fifteen minutes. Get lucky and unlucky is part of the game, but I feel there should be limits.


      - Bloated and unclear

      The science outpost that accompanied xenoarcheology had lot's of fancy machines, analyzers, spectrometers, etc.... Never used 95% of them.


      Keep in mind that, again, these are the thing's I disliked about old xenoarcheology. These are not the reason's it got scrapped. That would be because it's incompatibility with our current mining system.




    So what would I like to see in the new xenoarcheology system?


    When I think about the jobs I find fun, it's usually because there's a mix of thinking and acting. So I tried to keep that combination in mind as how I would like to see a xenoarcheologist spend his time.


    Then I looked at what archeology is. It's not digging holes in hope to uncover some strange bits and baubles embedded in solid rock. It's closer to finding and following (historic) evidence leading towards a site where the artifact you seek are buried.


    I find the evidence part to be of great importance here. Instead of following some obscure particle trail or looking for silver lined rocks. I want there to be a real feeling of puzzling things together and having that lead to a dig site.



    How would this work mechanic/content-wise?


    Well if we crudely summarize my vision:

    1) gather evidence

    2) process it

    3)Use the complete information


    5) Repeat



    Gathering evidence and processing it.


    In order to start your search for lost knowledge and fat loot, you'll need to figure out a way to know WHERE to start looking.


    I think there's several ways of implementing this as information can come from many sources. However all those sources need to be streamlined into one final "data resource" which in turn get's processed into a product that can point the archaeologist in the right direction.


    This final data resource could be something like a data-pad or some other kind of encrypted data container, while the processed product could be something of an instructional/directional guide.




      - Books: Good old paper and ink will never go out of style. There's already plenty of books in the game, so why not add some that can be used/analysed for usable data, giving the archaeologist a base set of starting data.

      • - Maybe add some stuff to the library, give the librarian some more distinction from a greyshirt with a camera?

    - "lost" data-pads: Like the strange object for the EXPERIMENTor, there might be some lost and forgotten data-pads in the tunnels. More tunnel loot diversifies station traffic and promotes interaction, if done right.

    • - Message in a bottle?

    - Cargo: Nanotrasen is a huge organisation with lots of resources and interests. It would be logical that they acquire massive amounts of (incomplete) data and need it processed.


    • - It may also be possible to implement a random event like the excess cargo points to provide science with some new leads, free of charge.


    - Others: This is of course not a definitive list.






    So you found yourself an encrypted data-pad, now how do you access the secret's within?


    I was thinking something in the line of a genetics-like mini-game. taking some (heavy) inspiration from mastermind.

    I came up with this prototype: http://codepen.io/Joris-K/pen/eJoJdG.


    Starting up this decryption sequence would require you to insert a data-pad into a console.

    After completing the mini-game, you get a decrypted data-packet, ready for use in the pursuit of science.


    Everything I described above was the easy part, since it's all either completely new, or in my eyes fairly easily adjusted/implemented.


    The final part of the archeology process is however intertwined with the original reason it got removed: mining and the asteroid rework.


    Getting the goods


    The hardest part to implement in my estimation. This would either require severe modification of the asteroid and mining, or a new Z-level in itself.




      - Modify the asteroid z-level: I dislike this option on a personal bias: It'd feel too much like the old xenoarcheology where you just dig tunnels to reach your goal. Digging tunnels is for miners, not men of science. It would however, require less work on all fronts, coding, mapping and spriting. If the coders feel like the idea i'll pitch below is grossly out of our league, I'll try and find a compromise here.


      - A new Z-level: A clean slate is every designer's best friend, total freedom to work out a vision.

      And the vision I have, is inspired on the underground tunnel network in pokémon pearl/diamond

      (Don't hate).



    The asteroid is supposedly a pretty big rock. Wouldn't it make sense that there's more to it then the surface area we mine? I know that depth is a dimension that's almost never used on this server. And in practice it would only be an illusion.


    If we equip the outpost with a teleporter akin to the bridge one,(although heavily modified, and incompatible with the normal teleporter beacon network, for balance reasons). Link that up to console where the decrypted data get's entered. That data will allow the teleporter to lock onto a dig-site. Now we have a way to access many, many medium to small room-sized mini-dungeons/dig-sites, each with their own unique identity. This would reduce the amount of mining to a bare minimum, maybe to access some small hidden compartments, or to clear out a structure.


    This vision is very ambitious, but I feel that the amount of new locations alone is worth it. It allows for much more content, instead of having to cram stuff into the existing asteroid, and allows for greater variety in the dig-sites, certain theme's or aesthetics that wouldn't fit in the asteroid now are open for discussion.


    Ooh, shiny!


    Of course, there's no archaeology without artifact. Old and forgotten items that tell of ancient stories and lives lived. There's already a lot of functional and fluff items from the old system, but some custom made items to fit with the theme of the site would be amazing.


    I am unsure if the big, structure-like artifacts you discovered with the particle finder should return. They were to most interactive part about the old system, bringing out random effects and overall being interesting rewards, if not totally unreliable and unstable if times. I don't know if the wacky randomness is in line with what i'm trying to sell here.


    An other thing i'd like to see added, is the existence of item schematics. Unique rewards that allow you to upload a new item blueprint to the r&d database, and allowing it to be produced by the protolathe. functionality, material costs and rarity should be taken into account.


    In conclusion

    I know that this is a very ambitious pitch, maybe the most ambitious paradise original project yet.

    I'm in no way able to do this by myself in any reasonable amount of time (yet). I made this to ask feedback and opinions, but also to gather up and see who from our content creators is interested in pitching in some spare time.


    I say content creators, because this needs coding, mapping, spriting, hell even some soundwork would be an amazing bonus.


    Yes, this probably will never come to fruition, yes this is something we don't have the rescources for, but a man can dream, can't he?


  13. I have been thinking back about xenoarch, and decided to work something out, I've made some progress, give me untill the weekend to pitch a (maybe) decent concept. I do feel like it should be a complete overhaul since old xenoarch was just mining with a twist, and lot's of fancy science stuff on that outpost barely got used.

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