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Posts posted by jedr

  1. The way I see it you're complaining about 2 things: speed and transparancy.

    Currently there are 74 open PR's. Most of those require intensive effort to review and testing.

    You can't have both quality and speed in this matter. Frankly put, please just shut up for a second and remember the fact that the maintainers are only human AND volunteers who do this in their spare time.

    You complain about a lack of transparancy aswell. I understand that feeling. My tank PR was in limbo for about a month. Complying with sprite upgrade after sprite upgrade.
    It's not fun to have a PR be declined after all that because the theme didn't fit too begin with. However the points he made in the end were valid, and I saw that too.

    If you want more transparancy, that can probably be done, but in the end things will go even slower.

    And sorry, but if you produce 50 tons of shit, it's still shit. volume =/= quality.
     I again speak from experience.

    In the end, if you want more explenation, you should just ask, instead of throwing a tantrum for someone else on the forums.

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    It's pretty dull here now that the undead have stopped roaming. All I do is tell folks haul things around and figure out what the hell the previous overseers were trying to do.


    The most interesting that happened this entire month was that some child put a rock on his head and called it a crown.This got blown way out of proportion, and I've overheard some idiots praise it as being "inspiring" and "avant-garde." They even asked the kid what the name of this "artifact" is.




    So yeah. Now we have a rock that's apparently so amazing it's worthy of having a full name.


    The draltha's aren't breeding. I've don't have any clue why. Might get to butchering them if there's no change in that.




    I've decided to build a throne room. People around here do shit on a whim all the time, so I decided why the fuck not. I might even install a trapdoor to drop some of these idiots into the lava below if they REALLY annoy me. The architects were complaining about the aestethic holes in the floor that drop into the lava. "It's not safe! Someone could fall! There might even be flying monsters down there!" I gently reminded them that that trapdoor system might need some volunteers for live testing in the near future.





    As Autumn has reached us, the drawbridge and walls for the main entrance are finally done! I'm going to leave filling up the moat for more... engineering inclined leaders in the future. We also have received a caravan from the mountainhomes.




    What is it with these folks and giving stones names...




    Did you know that we didn't have a functional hospital, or any form of medical care? I noticed this morning, when I went to pick up some medicinal alcohol for my hangover migraine, which I undoubtedly got from being the leader of this fort. My predecessors had already designated an area for it, but apparently just forgot about it. So my first REAL achievement as a leader, was to get the hospital set up.




    I finally went up to the highest level we managed to block off from the horde, to inspect their numbers, carefully estimated by the amount of annoying moaning heard through the walls. It seems there's still about 20 or so of the buggers, so we still can't safely go outside . I also saw some captured Dralta's. Big grazers. The meat could probably feed us if we manage to breed them. I ordered the miners to excavate a huge pasture that's to be covered in cave-moss. We'll be eating meat again in no time!




    WE'RE SAVED! The humans kept throwing bodies at the undead horde, probably in order to reach our fabled tavern, and it's working! Their latest "champion" killed the last of them! At least the moaning is only half as loud anymore. After the swordsman came knocking on our walls and assured us it was just the caged ones, we finally tore down the walls.




    I've also just got a report that the beasts in the caverns are also tearing each other apart. Some giant toad decided to taken on that..thing made of ash. Apparently the giant amphibian just swallowed the ashen blob whole! If this wasn't an official report, i'd think the errand runner was drinking on the job again.




    This human has my thanks, and my everlasting respect. He killed over a dozen of these walking corpses on his own. Quite impressive, Especially with that shoddy human-forged bronze sword he's carrying. If I hadn't seen results of his work myself, i'd never believe the tall bastard.




    And so ends spring. The siege is over and the corpses are being piled up and looted. Things are looking up!



    Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck. The last guy in charge litterally tossed me his badge and fucked off. I don't know how to lead this fort! I just sit on my ass all day, eat food, get drunk, and haul a crate every now and then. I'm not a leader! That bubbling idiot doomed us all! I'm gonna need a drink or forty to get my bearings...


    *The scribling get's worse in legibility, and it seems the writer spilled a decent amount of wine on the document.*


    Hokay... good news is: We got enugph drinksh to lash us Millenai Millernia Millennials ... a long time. Bad Newc: I'm shtil in charge. And there'sh Zhombies outshide. And we're low on foodstuffsch.




    So. We need fod. And to shay alive. How hard can that be! We're DWARVES, Armok blessed us! I'll go outside and kick those zombies in the fase! But first some more drinks.



    If it can't be quickly fixed and curbed, i'd rather see this removed than stay.


    Some sillyness has it's place in the med rp enviroment we strive for, but the way growth serum is implemented right now, is just jarring.


    The upscaled sprites are fuzzy, clip through shit, and are just in general bad. This goes for both produce with growth serum and mobs who ingested it.


    Unless this can be fixed & curbed to decent levels of growing asap, i'd rather see this removed than kept.




    TL:DR; I don't want to see this shit, it's bad. Either get rid of it or fix it.



    "This section is rated H for HONK"


    We promote ourselves more serious than goon, sure. But we also still allow biblefarting and other random shenanigans. A bit of well timed good humor never killed anyone.


    Also what am I even doing here, I don't do wiki stuff...



    I'm not so sure about this.


    It'll help on high pop sure, but it'll also provide a fake sense of security, effectively lowering peoples expectations of how lethal this game is, yet again.

    Often we get complaints about hugboxxing the station, how the game has lost it's sense of lethality. This is 100% going to add to it.


    This second station might very well enable a split in the community, one half on the cyb where it's still pretty dangerous and shit can go wrong every second and one half on the klap, where people are nice and cooperate.


    We'd pull the game in two directions when we should be focusing on heading into one, clear direction.



    To make this short and simple: Xenoarch as I once envisioned is simple impossible to achieve by myself. Specifically: I’m not versed enough in DM to make the complex digsites happen, and I don’t have to time available to learn it.


    For months now, I’ve fretted and beaten myself up over this. I wanted to make this. But I didn’t know how, and that frustration clamped its teeth into my ambition and determination. So, i’ve taken to reflecting on the project. See what i’ve achieved so far and what’s left for me to create.


    And it does seem that those off-station digsites are the only real dealbreaker I’ve encountered. To get them to be generated procedurally, the way I wanted it, is b(e)yond my capabilities. I know Crazy said he’d work on it and help out, but given his recent promotion to maintainer, I myself would prefer it if he focussed on that, and ending the freeze as soon as possible.


    As an added factor, I was thinking: do we really need more off-station activities? Having people leave the main playing area seems like a bad idea with my personal opinion our growing complaints of the game growing stale. At this moment, I’d rather add something that diversifies the station, than give people more excuses to fuck off, there’s already enough of those I feel.


    So, I’ve decided to scrap the digsites, and everything related, out. Xenoarch as we know it is dead yet again. No more looking for artefacts off-station. I do intend to add the completed part of my original idea to the codebase. That way, my work won’t be be in vain, and future developments can hook into it if they want. I refuse to pull a nations and leave another half-completed feature floating in the aether.


    The part that’s already finished would be the book-decoding. It already was a fairly isolated block, so it should take little adjusting code-wise.


    After some thinking, i’d like to add this to the library. Have decipherable books be maint loot, and let the librarian be the “overseer” of the decoding/translation operations. Anyone can find books and use the terminal, receiving a receipt as proof of their effort. The reward would maybe come in the form of unique, unlockable crafting recipies. But i’ll expand on this idea in a later post, when I’ve had time to think things over. It’s very much a concept in infancy.


    For now Xenoarch is dead, long live xenoarch. I hope it one day returns, and I hope I can help when it does.



    I bring that up because it illustrates an important point. That, in the end, intentions are great, but perceptions are what often matter the most.



    Marry me?


    I think a big issue for our team is aptly summarized here. Sometimes, I feel we care a little bit too much about results, and not enough about how we achieve those and what the public perception of these results may be. The two biggest issues that span more than just a single IC event or round, are prime examples of this.


    Listing was rather unpopular, but it achieved results.


    The feature freeze was VERY unpopular, but necessary.


    I've also noticed a trend among the admins, one where I kinda participate in, to just drop the hammer faster. This is ofcourse a response to the tide being at an all time high. But this again is something where we should be careful to not achieve results, at the cost of perception.


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